May Exam Flashcards
Name the five pillars of Islam
Shahada Salat Zakah Sawm Hajj
What are the four noble truths?
Dukkha happens happens everywhere all the time
Dukkha is caused by greed and selfishness
Greed and selfishness can be stopped
The way to stop selfishness is to follow the eightfold path.
What is a hajab?
A veil or scarf worn over a muslims head.
What is the eightfold path?
Right viewpoint Right thought Right speech Right action Right living Right effort Right awareness Right concentration
The word Islam means….
Submission to god
Followers of Islam are called…
The god muslims believe in is called…
The prophet Muhammad was born in…
What is nirvana?
The end of imperfection
You reach nirvana by breaking samsara
Muslims pray facing…
Muslims pray how many time a day?
The …………….. calls people to prayer from the mosque, who recites. .
Prayer is better that sleep
What is Buddha’s name?
Siddhartha Gotama
When gotama was … years old he sneaked out of the palace and saw…
A sick man
A dead man
An old man
A holy man
When gotama was …. he married a princess
Gotama was never allowed to leave the palace or …
See suffering
What is samsara?
The cycle of death and rebirth
What was hijrah?
Muhammad’s departure to mudinha
What is a Muslim?
A follower of islam
What is enlightenment?
The journey of seeking truth
What is hajj?
The pilgrimage to Makkah
What does monotheistic mean?
A belief in only one god
Are there any exceptions where Muslim people do not have to fast?
If they are sick, pregnant or elderly you do not have to, only fast if you are able.
Give two facts about giving to charity.
Giving to charity (zakah) is the third pillar, which Muslims are encouraged to follow
Muslims are expected to give 2.5% of there wages to charity.