The brain and behaviour (chapter 4) Flashcards
What is the nervous system? What is it made up of?
The body’s control centre which is made up of two kinds of cell: neurones and glial cells
What are neurons?
The functional building blocks of the nervous system. Cells which transmit the electrical activity which underlies psychological processes
What do neurons send around the body?
A combination of electrical and chemical signals throughout the body. Some of these signals are simple and control automatic body functions like the heartbeat. Other signals are extremely complicated and involve a much larger network of neurons. It is the electrical and chemical signals of neurons which make up our mental activity.
What are glial cells? (support and supply cells)
From the Greek for ‘glue’. Cells surrounding the neurons holding them in place, providing nutrients neurons need and isolating toxins that would harm the neuron
What do neurones determine?
The ways in which we think and process information are determined by the ways in which neurons pass electricity through the nervous system. The power of our mental processes is determined to a great extent by the numbers of these neurons and the numbers of connections (synapses) which can be made between different neurons.
What does the average male brain contain (neurones)?
The average adult male brain contains 86 billion (86,000,000,000) neurones, which is something like the number of trees in the Amazonian rainforest. If we take it that each neuron possesses about 600 synapses with other neurons, then that gives us 51,600,000,000,000 neurons. The brain clearly has a lot of processing power
What are the 3 major types of neurons?
3 major types of neurons carry out the system’s input, output and integration functions.
1) sensory neurons
2) motor neurons
3) interneurons
What are sensory neurons?
They carry input messages from the sense organs to the spinal cord and brain
What are motor neurons?
They transmit output impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the body’s muscles and organs
What are interneurons?
They perform connective or associative functions within the nervous system. They far outnumber sensory and motor neurons and it is the activity of the interneurons that makes possible the complexity of our higher mental functions, emotions and behavioural capabilities
What are the 2 major divisions of the nervous system?
The peripheral and central nervous system
What is the peripheral nervous system?
It contains all the neural structures that lie outside the brain and spinal cord.
Its specialized neurones are mostly sensory and motor neurons, and help carry out: (1) the sensory input functions that enable us to sense what is going on inside and outside our bodies; and (2) the motor output functions that enable us to respond with our muscles and glands.
What are the 2 major divisions of the peripheral nervous system?
The somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system
What is the somatic nervous system?
It consists of sensory neurons that are specialized to transmit messages from the eyes, ears and other sensory receptors, and motor neurons that send messages from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles that control our voluntary movements. Sensory neurons group together like may strands of a rope to form sensory nerve, and motor nerves. As you read this, sensory neurons in your eyes are sending impulses into a complex network of specialized visual tracts that course through your brain. (Inside the brain and spinal cord, nerves are called tracts.) At the same time, motor neurons are stimulating the eye movements that allow you to scan the lines of type and turn the pages. The somatic system thus allow you to sense and respond to your environment
What is the autonomic nervous system?
The body’s internal environment is regulated largely through the activities of the autonomic nervous system, which senses the body’s internal functions and controls the glands and the smooth (involuntary) muscles that form the heart, the blood vessels, and the lining of the stomach and intestines.
What is the autonomic nervous system largely concerned with?
Involuntary functions, such as respiration, circulation and digestion; it is also involved in many aspects of motivation, emotional behaviour and stress responses. It consists of two subdivisions: the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. Typically, these two divisions affect the same organ or gland in opposing ways
What is the sympathetic nervous system? Example.
Has an activation or arousal function and it tends to act as a total unit. For example, when you encounter a stressful situation, your sympathetic nervous system helps you confront the stressor in several ways. It speeds up your heart rate so that it can pump more blood to your muscles, dilates your pupils so that more light can enter the eye and improve your vision, slows down your digestive system so that blood can be transferred to the muscles, increases your rate of respiration so that the body can get more oxygen and, in general, mobilizes your body. the sympathetic nervous system governs the so-called fight-or-flight response.
What is the parasympathetic nervous system?
It is far more specific in its opposing actions, affecting one or a few organs at a time. In general, it slows down body processes and is involved in maintaining a calm state. Thus your sympathetic system speeds up your heart rate; your parasympathetic system slows it down. By working together to maintain equilibrium in our internal organs, the two divisions can maintain homeostasis, a delicately balanced or constant internal state.
In addition, sympathetic and parasympathetic activities sometimes coordinate to enable us to perform certain behaviours. For example, sexual function in the male involves penile erection (through parasympathetic dilation of blood vessels) followed by ejaculation (a primarily sympathetic function)
Define homeostasis —
A delicately balanced or constant internal state
Define the central nervous system (CNS) —
Contains the brain and the spinal cord, which connects most parts of the peripheral nervous system with the brain.. Although some of the peripheral nervous system enters the brain directly, most of this happens through the spinal cord
What is the spinal cord?
Most nerves enter and leave the CNS by way of the spinal cord, a structure that in a human is 40.5 to 45.5 cm long and about 2.5cm in diameter. The vertebrae (bones of the spine) protect the spinal cord’s neurones. When the spinal cord is viewed in cross-section, its central portion resembles an H or a butterfly. The tissue in the centre of the spinal cord has a grey appearance, and is called the grey matter, The tissue on the outside of the spinal cord has a white appearance and is called white matter, We will discuss the significance of these different types of tissue in the next sections. Entering the back side of the spinal cord along its length are sensory nerves. Motor nerves exit the spinal cord’s front side
What are spinal reflexes and how do they work?
Some simple stimulus-response sequences, known as spinal reflexes, can be triggered at the level of the spinal cord without any involvement off the brain. For example, if you touch something hot, sensory receptors in your skin trigger nerve impulses in sensory nerves that flash into your spinal cord and synapse inside with interneurons. The interneurons then excite motor neurons that send impulses to your hand, so that it pulls away. Other interneurons simultaneously carry the ‘Hot!’ message up the spinal cord to your brain. But it is a good things that you do not have to wait for the brain to tell you what to do in such emergencies. Getting messaged to and from the brain takes slightly longer, so the spinal cord reflex system significantly reduces reaction time and, in this case, potential tissue damage
What is the brain and what does it do?
As befits this biological marvel, your brain is the most active energy consumer of all your body organs. It accounts for only about 2% of your total body weight, but it consumes about 25% of your body’s oxygen and 70% of its glucose, It never rests; its rate of energy metabolism is relatively constant day and night. In fact, when you dream, the brain’s metabolic rate actually increases. The brain, like the spinal cord, is composed of grey and white matter, but this time the grey matter is outside the brain, and the white matter is on the inside. The grey and white matter are composed of the different parts of the neurons which make u the brain and nervous system. The grey matter is made up of the cell bodies of neurons. The white matter is made up of the long connecting parts of neurons, the axons. The axons connect various levels of the brain and spinal cord with each other.
What are neurons?
Specialized cells called neurons are the basic building blocks of the nervous system. The estimated 85 billion nerve cells in your brain and spinal cord are linked together in circuits, not unlike the electrical circuits in a computer. Neurons can vary greatly in size and shape. For instance, neurons found in the brain may be extremely short and only millimetres in length, but neurons situated in your spinal cord may have an axon that is long enough to extend to the tip of your fingers.
What are the main parts of a neuron?
Each neuron has 3 main parts: a cell body, dendrites and an axon
What do each part of a neuron make up in the nervous system?
The cell bodies and dendrites make up the grey matter of the nervous system, and the axons make up the white matter.
What is the soma?
The cell body, or soma, contains the biochemical structures needed to keep the neuron alive, and its nucleus carries the genetic information that determines how the cell develops and functions
What are dendrites?
Emerging from the cell body are branch-like fibres called dendrites(from the Greek word meaning ‘tree’), specialized receiving units like antennae that collect messages from the neighbouring neurons and send them onto the cell body.
There, the incoming information from all neighbouring cells is combines. The many branches of the dendrites can receive input from 1000 or more neighbouring neurons. The surface of the cell body also has receptor areas that can be directly stimulated by other neurons. All parts of a neuron are covered by a cell membrane that controls the exchange of chemical substances between the inside and outside of the cell. These exchanges play a critical role in the electrical activities of nerve cells
What is an axon?
Extending from one side of the cell body is a single axon, which conducts electrical impulses away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles or glands. The axon branches out at its end to form a number of axon terminals - as many as several hundred in some cases. Each axon terminal may connect with dendrites from numerous neurons, making it possible for a single neuron to pass messages to many thousands of other neurons.
Given the structure of the dendrites and axons, it is easy to see how there can be trillions of interconnections in the brain, making it capable of performing the complex activities that are of interest to psychologists.
What 3 basic steps does nerve activation involve?
1) When not involved in creating impulses the neuron maintains an electrical resting potential through the distribution of positively and negatively charged chemical ions inside and outside the neuron
2) When stimulated by other neurons, a flow of ions in and out through the cell membrane depolarizes and reverses the electrical charge of the resting potential, producing an action potential, or neural impulse
3) The resting potential is again restored
What are neurons surrounded by? What does it do?
By body fluids and separated from this liquid environment by a cell membrane. This cell membrane is a bit like a selective sieve allowing certain substances in the body fluid to pass through ion channels into the cell, while refusing or limiting passage to other substances
How does the chemical environment inside the neuron differ from its external environment?
It differs in significant ways, and the process whereby a nerve impulse is created involves the exchange of electrically charged atoms called ions. In the salty fluid outside the neuron are positively charged sodium ions (Na+) and negatively charged chloride ions (Cl-). Inside the neurons are large negatively charged protein molecules (anions, or A-) and positively charged potassium ions (K+).
The cell membrane actively maintains a high concentration of Na+ ions in the fluid outside the cell via an ion pump, and this results in an uneven distribution of positive and negative ions that creates an electrical charge difference across the membrane with the interior of the cell negatively charged, and the exterior positively charged.
This difference of 70 millivolts (mV) is called the neuron’s resting potential. In a way, calling this a ‘resting’ potential contradicts the fact that the cell actively expends energy in maintaining this balance of charge (also known as a state of polarization). This resting potential sets the stage, allowing the neuron to fire off a communicative impulse - an action potential - when required
What is the resting potential?
Internal difference of around 70 millivolts (mV)
What is the action potential?
An electrical shift across the neural membrane, which lasts about a millisecond (1/1000 of a second) and propagates electrical signals down an axon
How is an action potential brought about?
Hodgkin and Huxley found that the key mechanism underlying an action potential was the work of sodium and potassium ion channels in the cell membrane. In a resting state, the neuron’s sodium and potassium channels are closed and the concentration of Na+ ions is 10x higher outside the neuron than inside it. But when a neuron is stimulates sufficiently, nearby sodium channels open. Attracted by the negative protein ions inside, positively charged sodium ions flood into the axon, creating a state of depolarisation. In an instant, the interior now becomes positive in relation to the outside, creating the action potential.
In a reflex action to restore the resting potential, the cell closes its sodium channels, and positively charged potassium ions flow out through their channels, restoring the negative resting potential. Eventually the excess sodium ions flow out of the neuron, and the escaped potassium ions are recovered. The resulting voltage can be traced in the resting potential graph.
What is the absolute refractory period and what does it do?
Once an action potential occurs at any point on the membrane, its effects spread to the adjacent sodium channels, and the action potential flows down the length of the axon to the axon terminals. Immediately after an impulse passes a point along the axon, however, there is a recovery period as the K+ ions flow out of the interior. During this absolute refractory period, the membrane is not excitable and cannot discharge another impulse. This places an upper limit on the rate at which nerve impulses can occur. In humans, the limit seems to be about 300 impulses per second. The absolute refractory period also prevents the action potential from travelling back down the axon the way it has come.
What is the ‘all-or-nothing’ law?
Action potentials occur at a uniform and maximum intensity, or they do not occur at all. Like firing a gun, which requires that a certain amount of pressure to be placed on the trigger the negative potential inside the axon has to be changed from -70 millivolts to about -50 millivolts (the action potential threshold) by the influx of sodium ions into the axon for the action potential to be triggered. Changes in the negative resting potential that do not reach the -50 millivolt action potential threshold are called graded potentials. Under certain circumstances, graded potentials caused by several neurons can add up to trigger an action potential in a post-synaptic neuron
What are graded potentials?
Changes in the negative resting potential that do not reach the -50 millivolt action potential threshold
How do drugs influence nerve impulses?
For a neuron to function properly, sodium and potassium ions must enter and leave the membrane at just the right rate. Drugs that alter this transit system can decrease or prevent neural functioning. For example, local anaesthetics such as Novocain and Xylocaine attach themselves to the sodium channels, stopping the flow of sodium ions into the neurons. This is how these anaesthetics stop pain impulses from being sent by neurons.
What is a myelin sheath?
A whitish, fatty insulation layer derived from glial cells during development which covers many (but not all)axons. Myelin is what makes the white matter white
What does the myelin sheath do?
Because the myelin sheath is interrupted at regular intervals by the nodes of Ranvier, where the myelin is either extremely thin or absent, myelinated axons look a bit like sausages placed end to end. In axons lacking the myelin sheath, the action potential travels down the axon length in a point-to-point fashion like a burning fuse. But in myelinated axons, the nodes of Ranvier are close enough to one another so that depolarization at one node can activate the next node, allowing electrical conduction to jump from node to node at higher speed
Where are myelin sheaths found?
The myelin sheath is most commonly found in the nervous systems of higher animals. In many neurons, the myelin sheath is not completely formed until sometime after birth, and in humans continues to develop even into late childhood and adolescence. The resulting efficiency of neural transmission is partly responsible for some of the gains that infants and children exhibit in muscular coordination and cognitive functioning as they grow older.
What does damage to myelin do?
It can have tragic effects. In people afflicted with multiple sclerosis, the person’s own immune system attacks the myelin sheath, disrupting the delicate timing of nerve impulses to the muscles. The result is increasingly jerky and uncoordinated movements and, in the final stages, paralysis
What is the synaptic cleft?
A tiny gap between the axon terminal and the next neuron
What do synapses do?
They are a crucial element in the function of the nervous system as they determine how information is passed through the nervous system. Changes in synaptic connectivity between neurones leads to learning and the formation of memories. Changes in synaptic connectivity in early life have important influences on psychological development. Increases in synapses between neurons, and concurrent pruning back of connections during infancy are thought to play important roles in the development of many of the psychological functions we possess as adults
What are neurotransmitters?
Chemical substances that carry messages across the synaptic cleft to other neurons, muscles or glands.
What are synaptic vesicles?
Chambers within the axon terminals
What are receptor sites?
Large protein molecules embedded in the receiving neuron’s cell membrane
What happens when action potentials arrive at the axon terminals?
Neurones produce neurotransmitters. This chemical communication involves 5 steps: synthesis, storage, release, binding and deactivation.
In the synthesis stage, the transmitter molecules are formed inside the neuron. The molecules are then stored in synaptic vesicles. When an action potential comes down the axon, these vesicles move to the surface of the axon terminal and the molecules are released into the fluid-filled space between the axon of the presynaptic (sending) neuron and the membrane of the postsynaptic (receiving) neuron. The molecules cross the synaptic cleft and bind themselves to receptor sites, large protein molecules embedded in the receiving neuron’s cell membrane. Each receptor site has a specially shaped surface that fits a specific transmitter molecule, just as a lock accommodates a single key
What happens when a transmitter molecule binds to a receptor site?
A chemical reaction occurs and has two possible effects on the receiving neuron. When an excitatory transmitter is at work, the chemical reaction causes the postsynaptic neuron’s sodium channels to open. As sodium ions flood into the cell and depolarize I, they create either a graded potential or an action potential. An inhibitory neurotransmitter will do the opposite. It may cause positive potassium ions to flow out of the neuron or negative chloride ions from the exterior to flow into it through chloride channels in the membrane, increasing the neuron’s negative potential and making it harder to fire the neuron. The action of an inhibitory neurotransmitter from one presynaptic neuron may prevent the postsynaptic neuron from firing an action potential even if it is receiving excitatory stimulation from other neurons at the same time
What happens after a neurotransmitter molecule binds to its receptor?
It continues to excite or inhibit the neuron until it is deactivated, or shut off. Some transmitter molecules are deactivated by other chemicals located in the synaptic cleft that breaks them down into their chemical components. In other instances, the deactivation mechanism is re-uptake, in which the transmitter molecules are taken back into the presynaptic axon terminals. Some antidepressant medications inhibit re-uptake of the excitatory transmitter serotonin, allowing serotonin to continue to excite neurons and thereby reduce depression
What is re-uptake?
The transmitter molecules are taken back into the presynaptic axon terminals
How are transmitter systems specialized?
There is only one kind of electricity, but there are many shapes that can be assumed by transmitter molecules. Because the various systems in the rain recognise only certain chemical messengers, they are immune to neurotransmitters produced by different systems.
There are many different neurotransmitter substances, some of which can coexist within the same neuron. A given neuron may use one transmitter at one synapse and a different transmitter at another synapse. Moreover, different transmitters can be found within the same axon terminal or in the same synapse, adding another layer of complexity. Each substance has specific excitatory or inhibitory effect on certain neurons. Some neurotransmitters (e.g. noradrenaline) can have either excitatory or inhibitory effects, depending on which receptor sites they bind to
What is acetylcholine (ACh)?
A neurotransmitter involved in muscle activity and memory
What happens if there is an underproduction of ACh?
Underproduction on ACh is an important factor in Alzheimer’s disease which is a neurodegenerative disorder which is the most common cause of dementia in adults over 65 years of age. The most well-known impairments in Alzheimer’s disease are associated with memory, but it also leads to difficulties in speech and movement. Reductions in ACh weaken or deactivate neural circuitry that stores memories, creating profound memory impairments. ACh is also an excitatory transmitter at the synapses where neurons activate muscle cells, helping to account for some of motor impairments found in Alzheimer’s disease
What can drugs that block the action of ACh do?
They can prevent muscle activation and cause paralysis. One example occurs in botulism, a serious type of food poisoning that can result from improperly canned food. the toxin formed by the botulinum bacteria blocks the release of ACh from the axon terminal, resulting in a potentially fatal paralysis of the muscles, including those of the respiratory system
What is the botulinum bacteria?
A toxin-forming bacteria, a mild form of which is known commonly as botox
What happens regarding ACh with a black widow spider bite?
The spiders venom triggers a torrent of ACh, resulting in violent muscle contractions, convulsions and possible death
What are neuromodulators?
They have a more widespread and generalized influence on synaptic transmission
What do neuromodulators do?
These substances circulate through the brain and either increase or decrease (i.e. modulate) the sensitivity of thousands, perhaps millions, of neurons to their specific transmitters. Endorphins are neuromodulators that travel through the brain’s circulatory system and inhibit pain transmission while enhancing neural activity that produces pleasurable feelings. Other neuromodulators play important roles in a range of functions including eating, sleeping and coping with stress
What are psychoactive drugs?
Chemicals that produce alterations in consciousness, emotion and behaviour
What is an agonist?
A drug that increases the activity of a neurotransmitter
What is an antagonist?
A drug that inhibits or decreases the action of a neurotransmitter
What is neuropsychology?
The study of the function of the brain by investigating the effects of brain damage on mental functions
The study of effects of brain damage on psychological functioning, often in the form of individual case studies, has been one of the most productive methods for understanding the brain basis of psychological processes
What are neuropsychological tests?
Neuropsychologists use a variety of neuropsychological tests to measure verbal and non-verbal behaviours of people who may have suffered brain damage through accident or disease. As well as providing diagnostic tools, these tests are also important research tools.
What can be found through studying patterns of impairment and sparing of function on neuropsychological tests?
Neuropsychologists can draw inferences about how brain functions are related to one another in the brain. An important concept here is that of dissociation of function
What is dissociation?
Put very simply, dissociation is a difference in performance between two tasks. For instance, if a patient or a group of patients with damage to a particular part of the brain performs poorly on a verbal dexterity but well on a comprehension then this provides some evidence that the damaged area of the brain is involved in verbal dexterity, but not comprehension. This kind of evidence is called a single dissociation
What is the issue with single dissociation?
Is that the pattern of findings could also be explained by appealing to differences in the difficulties of the two tasks. If the brain damage under investigation has more generally disrupted cognitive performance, giving the patient more general problems with attention or concentration, then they are more likely to show most impairment o the more difficult task. So, if impairment could explain the single dissociation without us needing to say that verbal dexterity and comprehension are separable functions sub-served by different parts of the brain
What is double dissociation?
Stronger evidence of separation of function comes from double dissociation. In a double dissociation, we see a pattern in which a patient is impaired on task A but spared on task B, whereas a second patient is impaired on task B but spared on task A. When we have a double dissociation like this, we can say much more confidently that the differences seen are due to the fact that these two tasks are sub-served by functionally separate systems in the brain.
What is, perhaps, the most famous example of double dissociation?
Is between Broca’s and Wernicke’s aphasias. they were two early neuropsychologists working at the end of the 19th century. On the basis of brain observations of brain damage, known respectively as Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area.
What happens when there is damage to the Wernicke’s area in the temporal lobe of the brain?
Typically leaves patients unable to understand written or spoken speech. Scott Moss, a psychologist, who suffered temporary aphasia from a left-hemisphere stroke described his experience: ‘I recollect trying to read the headlines of the Chicago Tribune but they didn’t make any sense to me at all. I didn’t have any difficulty focussing, it was simply that the words individually or in combination did not have meaning.’ However, patients with Wernicke’s aphasia can typically produce speech, but due to the deficit in comprehension that speech tends to be jumbled
What is Wernicke’s aphasia?
Results from damage in the temporal lobe, and is primarily manifested as difficulties with speech comprehension
What happens when there is damage to the Broca’s area in the frontal lobe of the brain?
Can lead to the opposite pattern of damage to the Wernicke’s area. Whereas patients with Broca’s aphasia are usually able to understand speech, their difficulties are in expressing speech with words and sentences.
What is Broca’s aphasia?
Results from damage in the frontal lobe and is primarily manifested as difficulties with the production of speech
What is important to note about Broca’s and Wernicke’s aphasias?
It is important to bear in mind that the individual patients with Broca’s and Wernicke’s aphasias can vary in the extent to which they show pure impairments of production or comprehension, but this is a useful example for illustrating how evidence from brain damaged patients can help us understand how the brain underlies our different mental functions. Neuropsychological research not only helps us understand the functional architecture of the brain. It can also help greatly in targeted treatment or therapy
What are lesion studies in animals?
Experimental lesion studies with animals are another useful method of learning about the brain. Researchers can produce brain damage (lesions) in which specific nervous tissue is destroyed with electricity, with cold or heat, or with chemicals. They can also surgically remove some portion of the brain and study the consequences