The Boys Of Belfast/the Girl I Left Behind Flashcards
General information about the band
County Armagh.
2010 album- built in Belfast.
Colin Slaine- lead vocals,keyboards,flute,accordion.
Kenny Qua- flute,fife,whistles,guitar.
Andrew Cornett- drums,percussion,vocals.
Melody and tonality
Two melodies constructed around a limited number of central pitches.
Boys of Belfast- myxolydian mode on A (A major scale with a G natural instead of a G#.
Group of 4 quavers is sometimes inverted.
Second half of the melody contains a hint of descending sequences.
The girl I left behind- G major.
Descending figure of the opening is inverted in the second section.
Tendency to lengthen or even dot the first note of the groups of 4 quavers.
Basic melodies are ornamented by the addition of runs,mordents and other spontaneous decorations.
Lambeth drum.
Drum kit-snare, hi-hat,toms.
Snare drum,hi-hat,cymbal.
Structure and time signature
Notated in 4/4 but feels more like 2/2.