The Big Issue Flashcards
Barthes- Semiotics
Low angle shot of Marvina Newton, high key lighting, bright clothes and jewellery, smiling, connoting success and happiness
Joel Hodgson dressed in smart suit connoting success, in running position which is action code for positive start
Front cover is cultural code alluding to movie poster with what looks like a billing block at the bottom
Strauss- Structuralism
The tagline ‘A hand up not a handout’ sets up binary opposition between charity and social enterprise
Fundamental to magazine’s ideology and the work it does in changing the lives of vendors and public perception of homelessness
David Gauntlett- Identity theory
Moving On article represents a diverse range of people of all gender, race, age etc, showing that anyone can experience homelessness and get out of it
Audience can pick and mix identities
Grayson Perry article presents unusual and complex representation of masculinity
Van Zoonen- Feminist theory
Grayson Perry article indicates that his mother was financially dependent on her father and so couldn’t leave him, suggesting the negative effect of patriarchal dominance
George Gerbner- Cultivation theory
By creating positive representation of its vendors the idea is cultivated that homeless people are not lazy or stupid but in fact they are willing to make a better life for themselves
Presented via Moving On article over and over in order to cuultivate it to reader
Stuart Hall- Reception theory
Preferred reading- Would align with The Big Issue’s position of being a source of social help and discussion, likely a left wing political ideology
Negotiated reading- May fine philanthropic perspective admirable but may not be a fan of the magazine itself, seeing it as trying to create false empathy
Oppositional reading- Could be oppressed by right-wing audiences who still agree with stereotypes concerning the homeless
Curran and Seaton- Power and media
Published weekly by Dennis Publishing and The Big Issue Ltd
Not part of a conglomerate so less driven by power
Profits go to vendor, not driven by logic of profit
Independent pattern of ownership leads to a more creative and varied product
Target audience
18-35 year olds
Working or middle class
ABC1 demographic
Both men and women
Editor’s note
Intertextual reference to Bob Dylan creates nostalgia appealing to older audience
Encourages positive relationship with audience by thanking them for support, encouraging them to carry on purchasing
Colloquial language such as ‘kids’ encourages a personal relationship between editor and audience
References in looking forward to the future are hopeful and encourages audiences to keep supporting (typical left wing ideology)
Grayson Perry article
Very left wing themes concerning Perry being a transvestite
Confessional narrative opens up realtionship between Perry and reader
Expletive language suggests more niche genre where strict guidelines do not have to be adhered to, also suggests more mature audience
Moving On article
Diverse range of people shown which may act as an inspiration to audiences
Encourages audiences to continue purchasing because it shows the positive effects of doing so
Emotive stories gives audience personal connection to those that they have helped
No More Soggy Bottoms Here article
May make audiences happy by showing them what homeless people have achieved due to their purchasing of the magazine
Photo of men is not staged, more authentic and so builds personal connection with reader
Personal connection further established by showing men’s names and ages
Twitter handle of journalist is given encouraging ‘prosumer’ stance to discuss article
Iconography of red Big Issue bibs adds to house style
Theme of article ties in with mantra because those in need have been given skills to get into employment
Chain of Hope advert
Emotive language
Direct address
Font resembling child’s handwriting
Emotive statistics
Clear colour theme
Southdown Duvets advert
Appeals to ethical audiences by being advertised as ‘cruelty free’
Pictures of animals
Offers give incentive to audiences to buy product
Contact details along with ‘Call Jessica’ to give personal connection
Pun of ‘Big treat to bleat about’ advert
Nostalgic t-shirt designs appeal to older audience
Science jokes appeal to intellectual audience
Silly/ironic jokes
Ethically sourced t-shirts appeal to target audience
Name of company in reference to socialism, appealing to left wing audience
My Pitch from Donato Barbieri, 70
Audience gain personal connection to Donato
Repetition of ‘I’m still alive’ gives positive tone and insight into personality
Emotive language when explaining his life story
Colour red repeated reinforcing house style but also Labour/left wing
Audiences may sympathise due to his age, hence encouraging purchase of future issues
Pull quote entices audiences
When was this edition published
October 2016
Who publishes The Big Issue
Dennis & The Big Issue Ltd, 1991
What is the genre
Street magazine covering topics such as current affairs and entertainment
Why is it niche
Differs from mainstream and showcases underrepresented ideologies and viewpoints
Editorial philosophy
To give a voice to underrepresented groups by promoting a left wing, liberal ideology
Promoting ‘self help’
How does the cover’s title communicate meaning
The use of round lights typography in the lettering connotes a sense of Hollywood glamour, iconography of fame and success
Signifying success of magazine’s 25 years
How does the masthead communicate meaning
Shows typical conventions such as date, price, barcode
‘Issue’ is polysemic, denoting standard magazine connotation but also indicates social issues discussed within the magazine
How does the strapline communicate meaning
Establishes brand identity and ethos as well as the magazine’s ideologies
Alludes to unique selling model
Binary opposition via parallelism, reinforces editorial philosophy of ‘self help’
Subverts audience’s expectations of chartitable pleas which audiences have become desensitised to
How do the cover lines communicate meaning?
The use of proper nouns give the impression of sell lines through the use of well known, iconographic names such as Theresa May, Daniel Radcliffe
What does the term ‘revolution’ connote on the cover?
Connotations of social change, challenging authority
Links to purpose of giving a voice to the underrepresented
Use of colour and typography on the front cover
Use of gold, shining capitals connote wealth and fame
Sans serif font connotes luxury and seriousness, attracting an educated audience
What is significant about the text THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF VENDORS
Gold capitals stick out from names of celebrities connoting a status above those who are famous
Vendors are foregrounded and choice of gold creates contrasting representation of celebrities written in loopy ‘handwritten’ font
How does Grayson Perry break down gender expectations through the main image in his article?
Wears a tie, typically masculine item of clothing, juxtaposed with a typically feminine dress
Dresses and ties have become naturalised myths associated with femininity and masculinity respectively
Breaks down symbolism by combining the two
‘Blurring’ of gender stereotypes
Wearing the colours of pride, signifying breaking down of gender binaries, encouraging acceptance of varied identities
Yellow background in Grayson Perry article
Connotations of sunrise and new beginnings
Symbolises rejection of gender conformity, liberal attitudes
In Moving On article how is race represented?
Joel Hodgson wears a suit, connotations of status, power and wealth, achieved myth-like status through naturalisation
Starting position is action code for journey or new beginnings
Paul Gilroy- Postcolonialism
Some might argue the representation in the Moving On article is regressive because it is centred in colonial ideas because the suit is representative of wealth and status in the Western world
Therefore he is being used to fit a Western vision
What media langauge is used in Marvina Newton’s image?
High key lighting, low angle shot places her in a position of power and respect, progressive representation of a black homeless women
Graffiti style background connotes rebellion
Tribal colour jewellery signifies acknowledgement of heritage, however Gilroy could argue this conforms to eurocentric visions
What does the article My Pitch connote?
Promotes identities and personalities of its vendors via personalisation of Donato
Insight into challenging life of migrants that appeal to liberal audience
Audience feels sympathy
Possessive pronoun ‘my’ shows he is able to take ownership of representation