The Big Bang Flashcards
Big Bang
Leading theory/explanation for how the universe began; the universe began as a single tiny, unimaginably high temperature and dense singularity that began expanding.
(Initiated the expansion and cooling of space)
What does the Big Bang predict?
- If there was a beginning, we should be able to see galaxies form and evolve.
- Explain why hydrogen comprises most of the Universe.
- Evidence of an initial hot state.
How can we observe the early universe?
By looking at celestial objects that are far away; redshift indicates how far we’re looking in the past ! (Hubble’s Law)
Greater Distance in Light Years = Greater Redshift = Greater Lookback Time
Evolution of Galaxies
The first galaxy was formed 400 million years ago.
Galaxies from the early universe were clumpy as opposed to disk shaped or elliptical.
How were the early universe galaxies observed?
Cosmological Redshift (wavelengths of early universe light traveled through space and was stretched by expansion of universe)
Occurred within the first few minutes of the Big Bang; As Universe expanded (and cooled), particles fused to form the first atomic nuclei.
Protons and neutrons fuse —> atomic nuclei of deuterium (hydrogen isotope) —> detrium nuclei fuse —> helium —> lithium —> beryllium
Formed LIGHT ELEMENTS: Hydrogen (73% mass), Helium (25% mass), Deutrium (0.01%) Lithium (<0.01%), Berylium nuclei
The first time Universe was cool enough for electrons to bind to the nuclei to make atoms.
When did Recombination happen?
380,000 years after the Big Bang
What was the Universe like before Recombination?
Very hot and opaque
Why was Recombination important?
Created the Cosmic Microwave Background !
Recombination occurred —> Thermal radiation from matter —> light travels after Recombination —> Photons remain (very redshifted)
Cosmic Microwave Background
Thermal radiation from all over sky and redshifted to the microwave.
Who discovered the Cosmic Microwave Background and why is it so important?
In 1964, Penzias and Wilson discovered it !
The Cosmic Microwave Background is like the afterglow of the Big Bang. It proved that the Universe started out very hot.
The ratio of the density of the Universe to the critical density.
Critical Density - the average density of matter required for the Universe to halt its expansion after an infinite time.
What does future of Universe depend on?
Mass ! (& Ω)
How does Ω relate to geometry of Universe?
- If Universe has too much mass (Ω > 1) Expansion stops and reverses, curving back on itself and creating a sphere shape.
- If Universe has too little mass, (Ω < 1), Expansion quickly makes cold, desolate universe, warps (hyperbolic curvature)
- If the mass is “just right” (Ω = 1), expansion asymptotically slows to zero, flat geometry.
What geometry is the Universe currently?
Leading towards flat; however, the current Ω matter of universe is less than one.
Luminous matter: Ω = 0.02
Dark Matter: Ω = 0.5
How does Hubble relate to “flat” geometry of present Universe?
Expansion rate should change due to gravity. Comparing past and present Hubble Constant.
Importance of White Dwarf Supernovae
Adds more distance to Hubble Plot as a Standard Candle; Brightest explosion in the Universe.
What is happening to the Hubble Constant overtime? What does this mean?
It is increasing . . . Universe is expanding faster. This means that Dark Energy exists.
On the Hubble Plot, the graph should bend down since a larger distance means being more in the past.