The Bible Is The Word Of God Flashcards
.Bible is the word of God
.’all scripture is inspired by god’
.main source of inspiration and revelation for Christians about God and Jesus
.God spoke to people through the holy spirit
The Bible and literary forms - catholics
.Bible contains old and new testament
.reveal different covenants God made with the world
.Bible contains a range of different literary forms
.poetry, songs, prayer, history, prophecy, letters and biography’s
What is the Bible to Catholics mainly?
.parts of the Bible are a myth
.should be read in the context of the time
.reveal certain beliefs about God and Jesus
.it’s mainly a guide to Catholics
.provides laws and teachings to help lead a moral life
.ten commandments, the parables of Jesus and the letters of St Paul
.Bible is the word of God
.all parts are pure truth - no myth
. Genesis is the literal account of creation
.god created the world in 6x24 hour days
.the Bible is the word of God and God wouldn’t lie
Stephen hawkings
.Big bang theory
.genesis is incorrect and the universe is in fact a unique, spontaneous and chance event that does not need God
.the Bible can’t be the word of God since there is no god
.the bible was written by human beings about their own beliefs
Out of date what?
The Bible contains many out of date teachings such as homosexuality and teaching on women
This makes people question whether the Bible is the word of God