Humans are the pinnacle of creation Flashcards
.Created Imago Dei by God
.Belief comes from the book of Genesis
.Created in his image so life is sacred and belongs to him (sanctity of life)
Catherine of Sienna
.Humans ‘reflect’ God and we are the pinnacle of creation
.’Man is placed above all creatures’
.In the same way that children come from their parents, humans come from God
Stewardship linking to the pinnacle of creation
.Genesis teaches ‘be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and rule it’
.We have been given the responsibility to rule the earth so we are the pinnacle of creation
Michelangelo’s painting and links to the pinnacle of creation
.’Creation of Adam’
.Shows that we are created Imago Dei and we reflect God, highlighting that we are the pinnacle of creation
.Peter Singer argues that both Humans and Animals have equal rights, he accuses Christians of being speciesist because they believe Human life is more important than Animal life
What is a human life?
Someone that can think, feel and make moral decisions - if you can not do this you are not the pinnacle of creation
QoL and SoL
.Peter argues that Quality of Life is more important that Sanctity of Life if a human is suffering it should be allowed to end it’s life.
Examples of biological life
.Embryos, newborn babies, those in a coma and elderly suffering from dementia are all biological life and so can not be the pinnacle of creation