God created humans to look after the earth Flashcards
.genesis is a literal account of creation
.6x24 hour days
.Adam and Eve first humans who were created as stewards to rule the earth
.belief in stewardship
.made a covenant with God to look after the earth
Genesis teaching on stewardship - catholics
.’be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and rule it’
.Catholics have a responsibility to look after the world that God gave to them
Pope encyclical
.laudato si from Pope Francis
.all people have a responsibility for the planet and future generations as the world was a gift from God
Useful biblical quotes for catholics
.’do not steal’ linked to sharing resources
.’love your neighbor’ shows we should care for those who are poor
.we only have one life
.responsibility to protect all life on planet
.but do not believe God created planet so they do not believe we got this responsibility from him
Link between Catholics and humanists
.They should both care for the planet because they have a responsibility for future generations (stewardship)
.the world is beautiful and valuable, but this has nothing to do with God
Contraception - humanist
.we need to introduce birth control programmes (contraception) to limit population growth
.this is the best way to limit population and protect the future growth of the planet
Contraception - Catholics
.against they’re beliefs
.’be fruitful and increase in number’