The Bible Flashcards
God made a covenant with Abraham, telling him to leave his own county and promising to give his family (the Hebrews) this land
Canaan (the promised land)
which today encompasses Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, Jordan, and the southern portions of Syria and Lebanon.
Christians celebrate on March 25th this announcement, when the angel Gabriel told Mary she was going to be the mother of Jesus, even though she was a virgin.
The annunciation
The mountain upon which Noah’s Ark came to rest as the waters of the great flood receeded
Ararat (AR-uh-rat)
In the book of Revelation, the site of the final and conclusive battle between good and evil
Figuratively Armageddon is any great battle or destructive confrontation 
The name of the beautiful woman who attracted King David. To marry her, he sent her husband Uriah to his death in battle. Solomon was her second son by David.
Name of the hill near Jerusalem on which Jesus was crucified.
The name is Latin for “Place of the Skull”; it is also called Golgatha
A book in the Old Testament containing the reflections of a philosopher, known as “the preacher“. It includes the lines “ vanity of vanities… all is vanity”, “there is no new thing under the sun“ and “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity… a time to be born and a time to die”
Prophet of the Old Testament, who opposed the worship of idols, and incurred the wrath of Jezebel, the queen of Israel, who tried to kill him. he was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire
Esther, who was chosen by the king of Persia to be his queen stops a plot to massacre the Jews with her cousin Mordecai. Mordecai becomes the king’s chief minister. This event is celebrated with this Jewish feast.
God gave the Israelites the 10 Commandments and the rest of the Mosaic Law on Mount Sinai in this second book of the Old Testament
It tells of the departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, made possible by the 10 plagues, and the parting of the Red Sea. Moses led them, and their destination was the promised land. God guided them by sending a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night. God also fed them with manna, and gave them water out of a solid rock. because of their frequent complaining and failure to trust him, however, God made them stay in the desert for 40 years before entering the promised land
Exodus is a Greek word meaning “departure“
Referring to some misfortune impending, where does phrase “the handwriting on the wall“ come from? 
It comes from an old testament story about Daniel. While a king was holding the Jews captive in the foreign land of Babylon, in the sixth century BC, a mysterious hand appeared writing on the wall of the king’s palace. The king called upon Daniel, who interpreted it to mean that God intended the king and his kingdom to fall. the king was slain that night.
Who was responsible for the beheading of John the Baptist at the behest of Salome?
Herod Antipas.
Son of Herod the Great. Salome was Herod’s stepdaughter. 
The the son of Abraham, who tricked his older brother Esau out of his birthright for a meal of stew, when Esau was too hungry to consider what he was throwing away. He also cheated Esau out of their blind father’s death bed Blessing by impersonating him.
The feud between the Brothers ended many years later in a joyful reconciliation. the night before his reunion with Esau, Jacob wrestled with God and forced God to bless him. God gave Jacob the new name, Israel meaning “one who has been strong against God“
The leader who brought the Israelites into the promised land after the death of Moses
Joshua is best known for his destruction of the city of Jericho. When Joshua, was besieging the city, God instructed him to have his priests blow their trumpets and all his troops give a great shout. at the sound of the shout the walls, the city collapsed, and Joshua‘s troops rushed in  .
Joshua was identified as one of the twelve spies sent by Moses to explore and report on the land of Canaan,and only he and Caleb gave an encouraging report, a reward for which would be that only these two of their entire generation would enter the promised land.
The oldest man mentioned in the Bible; according to the book of Genesis he was the grandfather of Noah, and lived to be 969 years old.
What’s the third commandment of the 10 commandments?
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy
The holy day of rest and reflection is observed each Saturday among the Jews. The Sabbath commemorates the last of the seven days of creation as it is described in the book of Genesis. Christians have traditionally kept Sunday as a weekly day of rest as an adaptation of the Jewish observance, and in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus. Some denominations, such as Seventh Day Adventists observe Saturday as the sabbath.
The first king of Israel battled repeatedly with the philistines. He often felt great despair, which was soothed by David playing his harp.
Saul later became jealous of David and tried to have him killed in battle after a prophesied defeat by the philistines. Saul killed himself 
In the Old Testament, this word was a password used by the Israelites. It was chosen because their enemies could not pronounce it.
By extension, a shibboleth is an often repeated slogan. It also means an arbitrary test to prove membership in a group.

In the book of Genesis, God destroyed two evil cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, with a rain of fire and brimstone. Before the destruction, God sent two angels in the form of men to advise all good men to leave the evil towns. God’s messengers only found this one good man.
The angels transported Lot from Sodom to the countryside with his wife and daughters, warning them not to look back. When Lot’s wife, not heeding the warning, looked back, she became a pillar of salt. 
A Latin translation of the Bible made by Saint Jerome in the fourth century. This translation was the standard Bible of the western world until the reformation.
Vulgate Bible
Vulgate comes from the Latin word meaning “common,” because Jerome’s translation used the Latin of everyday speech
“Man does not live by bread alone” is found in these parts of the Bible
These words spoken by Moses to the Israelites in exodus
They are also used by Jesus in disputing with Satan
It means people have spiritual as well as physical needs 
This alphabetically first book of the Old Testament is named for a Hebrew prophet
On a visit,the queen of this place blessed Solomon & the God of Israel
Category: biblical archaeology
A site excavated since 1899, Tell es-Safi has been identified as this Philistine city, home to a giant warrior
The 14th chapter of Judges reports that he killed a lion with his bare hands
In the book of Matthew, after finding the disciples asleep in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus said this “is willing, but the flesh is weak”
The spirit
This fifth book of the Bible ends with the death of Moses
In Exodus his wife is identified as Zipporah
After Cain slew Abel, “Adam knew his wife again, and she bare a son, and called his name” this
For rebelling against Moses and Aaron, Dathan and Abiram were swallowed up by this
The Earth 
Isaiah 1.18: “Though your sins be as” this shade of red, “they shall be white as snow”
13 books of the Bible are attributed to this apostle
How many books are in the New Testament?
Here is the list of the 27 books of the New Testament in order:
- Matthew
- Mark
- Luke
- John
- Acts
- Romans
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
- Galatians
- Ephesians
- Philippians
- Colossians
- 1 Thessalonians
- 2 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Timothy
- Titus
- Philemon
- Hebrews
- James
- 1 Peter
- 2 Peter
- 1 John
- 2 John
- 3 John
- Jude
- Revelation
In which book would you find the Ten Commandments?
Methuselah’s relation to Noah
(Lamech is Noah’s dad)
“The Lord is My Shepherd” comes from Psalm number what?
The King James Bible was first published in what century?
17th century