The Behaviourist Approach Flashcards
What is the fundamental belief?
All behaviour is learned through conditioning.
What is classical conditioning?
Based on reflex responses that occur involuntary when certain stimuli are present.
The NS and the UCS must be presented together for association to be made.
If the CR is not permanently established it will dosappear over time if not paired with the UCS.
What are the key aspects of this approach?
Rejects introspection as vague.
Focused on observable behaviour.
Assumes that learning follows the same principles in all species.
What is operant conditioning?
Learned through shaping behaviour.
Rewarding a behaviour increases the likelihood of that behaviour reoccurring - reinforcement
Punishing a behaviour decreases the likelihood of the behaviour reoccurring.
What is positive reinforcement?
Occurs when behaviour produces a consequence that is pleasant e.g verbal priase
What is negative reinforcement?
Removing an unpleasant stimulus.
What is the Key study for classical conditioning?
Pavolv’s dogs
What was the aim of Pavlov’s study?
To classically condition dogs.
What was Pavlov able to get the dogs to do?
Salivate in response to a bell - get them to associate the sound of the bell with food
What was the UCS, the NS and the UCR?
The UCS- food
The NS- the bell
The UCR- Salivation reflex
What happens during the acquisition phase?
A neutral stimulus is presented shortly before the unconditioned stimulus
When they are constantly presented together, they become associated
Why is “timing” important?
If the practice of association is left too long the NS and the UCS won’t become associated because if the NS cant be used to predict the unconditioned stimulus/ if time interval between the two being presented is too great then conditioning doesn’t take place.
What is extinction?
The CR doesnt become permanently established as a response.
After a few a few presentations of the CS in the absence of the UCS it looses its ability to produce the CR.
What is spontaneous recovery?
If the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus are paired together, the link between them is made much more quickly
What is stimulus generalisation?
Once an animal has been conditioned they will also respond to other stimuli that are similar to the CS.
What is the key study for operant conditioning?
Skinner’s box study
What did Skinner’s theory show?
Showed how the repeating of behaviours could be shaped by either rewarding or punishing behaviour.
Wet is a continuous schedule?
Most effective in establishing a particular response.
What is a partial schedule?
Most effective in maintaining that response and avoiding extinction.
Reinforcing every third lever pressed every 10 mins
Explain how systematic desensitisation is a strength of classical conditioning theory.
A therapy based on classical conditioning and involves the removal of a learned response (e.g anxiety) that is associated with a feared object or situation. Therapist will try to remove the learned response by replacing it with another type of response (relaxation). Supports classical conditioning as SD has been effective for a range of fears and phobias (real world application).
How is Seligman’s preparedness hypothesis a limitation of classical conditioning?
Different species have different capabilities to learn through classical conditioning.
Suggests that animals are prepared to learn associations through classical conditioning that are significant to their survival however are not prepared to learn associations that are not significant to their survival.
CC can explain some responses better than others and not all response can be explained through classical conditioning.
Explain how Skinner’s experimental method is a strength of his research.
The Skinner’s box is a good example of this as manipulating the independent variable - the consequence of a behaviour - he was able to accurately measure the affects of the dependent variable.
Allowed him to establish cause and effect between the consequences of a behaviour and how frequently it occurs in the future.
Explain the criticism that Skinner’s research is based on non- human animals.
Over simplifies human behaviour
Most human behaviours are conscious decision making based therefore differ to non- human animals as their behaviour is unconscious - cognitive differences.
Suggests that humans have free will and non- human animals don’t.