The Behavioral/Social Learning Approach Flashcards
Do behaviorists deny the influence of genetics?
No. Simply downplay its importance relative to the power of conditioning.
According to John B. Watson, what was the appropriate subject matter for psychology?
Overt behavior: which can be observed, predicted, and eventually controlled by scientists.
-> If psychology is to be a science, psychologists must stop examining mental states.
Work on conditioning convinced Watson that a few key conditioning principles would suffice to explain _________________.
almost any human behavior
-> Personality was “the end product of our habit systems.”
What type of conditioning did Pavlov work on?
Classical conditioning
By demonstrating what?
That animals could be made to respond to stimuli in their environment by pairing these stimuli with events that already elicited a response
What type of conditioning did Thorndike work on?
Operant conditioning
By demonstrating what?
That animals were less likely to repeat behaviors that met with negative consequences than were animals given no punishment.
E.g. You’re uncomfortable at social events and there’s this big party where you don’t know anyone. You’re very anxious and decide to stay home.
Most pple would say that you skipped the party because you felt anxious.
But what would a Radical behaviourist say?
Behavior does not change because you feel anxious. The decision to skip the party and the anxiety are both conditioned reactions to the situation.
Radical behaviorism def
What people think or feel, or how they act is the result of their experiences and environments.
Challenged the extent to which we can observe the inner causes of our behavior.
By who was the notion of Radical behaviorism developed?
B.F. Skinner
How do Skinner explain happiness?
Happiness is a by-product of operant reinforcement.
What are the common points between Freud & Skinner’s view?
Both maintained that people simply do not know the reason for many of their behaviors, although we often think we do.
Explain Classical conditioning
What’s a limitation of classical conditioning?
Extinction def
Gradual disappearance of the conditioned S-R association.
-> For a new S-R association to persist, the unconditioned and conditioned stimuli must be paired occasionally or otherwise reinforced.
Law of effect def
Behaviors are more likely to be repeated if they lead to satisfying consequences and less likely to be repeated if they lead to unsatisfying consequences.
Who developed this law of effect?
Edward Thorndike
What was Thorndike’s experiment to develop the law of effect?
Put stray cats into “puzzle boxes.”
To escape from the box and obtain a piece of fish, the hungry cats had to engage in a particular combination of actions.
Before long, the cats learned what they had to do to receive their reward.
Operant conditioning begins with behaviors the organism (human or lower animal) emits _______.
Reinforcement def
Consequence that increases the frequency of a behavior that precedes it.
Punishment def
Consequence that decreases the frequency of a behavior that precedes it.
2 basic reinforcement strategies for increasing the frequency of a behavior:
Positive & Negative reinforcement
Positive reinforcement def
Adding something good
Negative reinforcement
Removing something bad
2 methods for decreasing undesired behaviors:
Extinction & Punishment
Do not reward behavior
Punishment decreases the frequency of undesired behavior BUT it does not ________________
Teach appropriate behaviors
Give something bad
To be effective, punishment must be delivered _________ and ___________.
immediately, consistently
Punishment can have negative side effects (4)
(1) The person might associate other behaviors with the punishment.
(2) Undesirable behaviors may be learned through modeling (e.g. if children is spanked - spanked is okay)
(3) Create negative emotions strong enough to interfere with learning appropriate responses
(4) Aversive feelings accompanying the punishment may be associated with the person doing the punishing
Taken together, these factors make punishment one of the ____________ for changing problem behaviors.
least desirable choices
What’s a problem with operant conditioning?
A behavior can be reinforced only after it is emitted.
When we can’t use operant conditioning (bc pple didn’t engage in the behavior) what technique can we use?
Shaping def
Successive approximations of the desired behavior are reinforced.
Shaping is particularly useful when teaching ____________________________
complex behaviors,
E.g. Reading
If learning the alphabet, letter sounds, and short words is unpleasant, it will be difficult to get the child to move on to reading sentences and stories.
Operant conditioning would be rather ______ if every situation required that we learn a new response. Fortunately, because of ___________, this is not the case.
limited, generalization
Stimulus generalization helps explain ___________________________________________________.
why personality characteristics generalize across situations
E.g. A child rewarded for acting politely around relatives will probably act politely around new acquaintances.
As long as the generalized response is met with _________, the behavior is likely to continue.
E.g. The polite child may come into contact with adults who respond to friendly behaviour with harshness. Soon the child will learn to discriminate between people who are friendly and people who aren’t.
Conclusion - Operant conditioning allows for _______ and _______
Generalization, Discrimination
Among the concepts introduced by social learning theorists is ______________________________ interactions.
behavior-environment- behavior
Behavior-environment- behavior interaction def
The way people treat you (environment) is partly the result of how you act (behavior). And how you act is partly a result of how people treat you.
Rotter argued that the causes of human behaviors are far more ______ than those of lower animals, and he introduced several ____________ to account for human behavior and personality.
complex, “unobservable” concepts
Other social learning theorists point out that people often provide their own _______.
i.e. It is rewarding to live up to your internal standards or to reach a personal goal even if no one else knows about it.
Behavior potential def
Responses that have a likelihood of occurring.