The Back (Intrinsic muscle orgin and Insertion) Flashcards
Splenius Capitis (O & I)
O: arises from nuchal ligament and spinous processes of T1-T6 vertebrae
I: lateral parts of mastoid processes and superior nuchal line
Iliocostalis (O & I)
O: broad common tendon attaches to iliac crest, posterior part of sacrum, sacroiliac ligaments, sacral & inferior lumbar spinous processes, and supraspinous ligament
I (3 insertions):
- Lumborum: ribs 6-12
- Thoracis: ribs 1-6
- cervicis: ribs 1-6 and posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of cervical vertebrae 4-6
Longissimus (O & I)
O: broad common tendon attaches to iliac crest, posterior part of sacrum, sacroiliac ligaments, sacral & inferior lumbar spinous processes, and supraspinous ligament
I: ribs and adjacent transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae
Longissimus (O & I)
O: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
I: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
Longissimus (O & I)
- Capitis
O: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
I: mastoid processes
Spinalis (O & I)
O (thoracis): spinous processes
I: spinous processes superior to them
- cervical transverse processes to spinous processes of 2nd cervical vertebra
- Capitis
- superficial to cervicis
- transverse processes of 1st - 6th thoracic vertebrae to nuchal line
- Thoracis
- transverse to spinous processes in thoracic region
Multifidus (O & I)
O: transverse processes
I: spinous processes
-brevis (O & I)
O: transverse process of one vertebra
I: base of spinous process of next vertebra above (spans one intervertebral joint)
-Longus (O & I)
O: transverse process of one vertebra
I: spinous process of 2nd vertebra above (spans 2 intervertebral joints)
Splenius cervicis (O & I)
O: arise from nuchal ligament (ligamentum nuchae) and spinous processes of T-T6 vertebrae
I: tubercles of transverse processes of C1-C4 vertebra