The Axilla & Pectoral Region Random Flashcards
What two bones make up the pectoral girdle?
- Clavicle
2. Scapula
Which ribs are know as:
- True ribs
- False ribs
- atypical
- floating
- Ribs 1-7
- Ribs 8-10
- Ribs 1, 2, 11, & 12
- Ribs 11 & 12
What are the ligaments between the ribs and sternum attaching to the costal cartilage that all radiate movements?
Radiate sternocostal ligaments
What type of glands are mammary glands modified from?
sweat glands
Which nerves innervate the breast?
Intercostal nerves (4th-6th)
What attaches the breast mammary glands to the overlying skin?
Suspensory ligaments aka cooper’s ligaments
What are the two main branches that provide arterial supply to the breast?
axillary artery & subclavian artery
What is the breast supplying artery that branches from the subclavian artery?
internal thoracic artery
What is the arterial supply to the breast branching from the axillary artery?
lateral thoracic
What are the three blood supplying branches that branch off the axillary & subclavian?
anterior intercostal, lateral thoracic, and internal thoracic arteries
What is the main pathway of venous drainage from the breast?
- mainly to axillary vein via lateral thoracic veins and medial mammary veins
- some drainage to internal thoracic vein via anterior intercostal veins
Why is the lymphatic drainage of breast cancer really important?
because of its role in metastasis of cancer cells
Where does more than 75% of lymph drain into?
axillary lymph nodes (pectoral, central, apical)
What are the three borders of the deltopectoral (clavipectoral) triangle?
deltoid, pectoralis major, and middle 1/3 of clavicle
What are the three parts that make up the sternum?
- Manubrium
- Body
- Xiphoid