The Atmosphere - Chapter 2: Formation of Precipitation Flashcards
A raindrop large enough to reach the ground without evaporating contains roughly _____ times more water than a cloud droplet
A million
How does a cloud droplet get big enough to become a raindrop large enough to hit the ground?
The cloud droplets coalesce into drops large enough to sustain
What are the processes thought to explain the joining of cloud droplets before precipitation?
Bergeron process
collision-coalescence process
Water in the liquid state below 0 is referred to as ______
What is the name for supercooled droplets that will freeze upon contact with solid particles that have a crystal form resembling that of ice?
Freezing nuclei
Briefly describe the collision-coalescence process
Because large cloud droplets fall more rapidly than smaller droplets, they are able to sweep up smaller ones in their path and grow.