the ankle and foot complex Flashcards
stability is require to allow for rigid foot during __ __
push off
___ is required for shock absorption and uneven terrain
what is considered the rearfoot (hind foot) , mid foot , and fore foot
rearfoot: talus and calcaneus
mid foot: navicular, cuboid and 3 cuneiform bones
forefoot: metatarsals and phalanges
what are the 3 motions of the foot and ankle complex
DF/PF (talocural)
INV/ EV ( subtalar)
ABD/ADD (subtalar, forefoot)
what movement of the food is pronation
what movement of the foot and ankle is supination
what is considered calcaneovalgus
pronation >180°
what is considered calcaneovarus
supination < 180°
what is considered the proximal tib-fib joint
head of fibula and posterolateral aspect of tibia
in the proximal proximal tib fib there is a ___ tibial facet and ___ fibular facet
convex and concave
the proximal tib-fib is anatomically belongs to the ___ but functionally to the ___
the distal tib-fib is a ___ union
syndesmosis (ligament in between 2 bones)
is there a join capsule in the distal tib fib
no just ligaments
what are the 2 ligaments of the distal tib fib
anterior and postioer tib fib lig
interosseous lig
the function of what joint is dependent on the stability of the tibiofibular joint
talocural joint
____ trauma could lock prox tibfib joint
hypermobility of proximal tibfib joint could leave to what nerve injury
common fibular
injury of the syndesmosis of the distal tibfib can lead to what
widening of the “mortise” which will lead to instability at talocrural joint
what type of joint is the talocrural joint
synovial hinge joint
what is the talocrural joint
distal tibtfib on body of talus
what makes up the mortise of the ankle
concave tibial plafond + malleoli
what is the distal articulating surface of the talocrural joint
body of talus with 3 facets and trochlear surface (convex)
is the capsule for the talocrural joint thin or thick and weak or strong
thin and weak
wh are the ligaments of the talocrural joint
medial collateral lig (deltoid)
lateral collateral lig
where does the medial collateral lig insert
navicular , talus and calcaneus
what is medial collateral lig or lateral collateral lig stronger
medial collateral lig
what are the 3 ligament names of the lateral collateral lig
anterior and posterior talofibualr lig
calcaneofibular lig
what was the lateral collateral lig of the talocrural joint help limit
inversion or supination
which axis of the talocrural allows the foot to move across 3 planes
how does the talocrural axis go thru the foot
goes thru fibular malleolus thru talus to tibial mall distally and posteriorly
how is the talocrural axis aligned
inclined down laterally 14° and posteriorly 23°
what is the typical amount of toe out ?
during dorsiflexion what is the motion of the talocrural motion
head of talus rolls dorsally while the body of the talus glides plantarly
normal ROM of DF
when is DF limited ? and why
in closed packed position by the acitive or passive tension in gastroc/soleus
during plantarflexion what is the motion of the talocrural joint
the head of the talus rolls plantarly and the body of the talus rolls dorsally
what is the normal ROM of PF
during PF small amount of what 2 motions may happen
talar rotation (abd/add) or talar tilt (inv/ev)
when is only the posterior body of the talus is in contact
loose pack PF
during loose pack PF there is a higher incidence of what
ankle sprains
loose pack PF is limited by tension in what 3 muscles
anterior tibialis , EHL and EDL
the medial ankle is protected by what 3 mm
posterior tib, FHL , FDL
what lateral ankle is protected by what 2 mm
fibular longus and brevis
where is the shape of the talus wider distally or proximally
in WB , as the mortise rotators over the __- the tib fib joint adjusts to widen around the ___ talus
DF causes what rotation of the tib fib
plantarflexion causes what rotation of the tib fib
is the lateral facet or medial facet larger on the talocrural joint
what is the subtalar joint made up of
talus and calcaneus
how many articulations does the subtalar joint have
3 seperate
what is the proximal articulation of the subtalar joint
concave talus on convex calcaneus (largest facet )
what is the distal and medial articulations of the subtalar joint
convex facet of inferior body and neck of talus on 2 concave facets on calcaneus
the tarsal canal is formed by ___ in both bones of the subtalar joint and runs from what to what
runs from sinus tarsi (lateral) to sustentaculum tail (medial)
what are the 5 ligaments of the subtalar ligaments
• Calcaneofibular ligament
• Anterior and posterior talofibular
• Lateral and interosseous talocalaneal ligament
• Cervical ligament (strongest component)
• Deltoid ligament
the alternating convex and concave facets of the subtalar joint limits what
the axis of the subtalar joint is inclined ___ dorsally and distally and ____ medially
42° dorsally and distally (superior and anteriorly) and medially 16°
NWB coupled motions for supination is what
calcaneal ADD, INV, and PF
NWB coupled motions for pronation is what
calcaneal ABD, EV, DF
EV is sometimes referred to as ___ and INV as ___
when the calcaneus is fixed on the ground the subtalar joint is only able to move in what plane
what is the subtalar motion of WB pronation
calcaneal EV , talar ADD and PF , the tib fib medial rotation
what is the subtalar motion during WB supination
calcaneal INV , talar ABD and DF
tib fib lateral rotation
what is normal INV ROM
what is normal ROM for EV
in bilateral stance there is a ___ degree of EV