The Adrenal Gland- Functions and Diseases Flashcards
the adrenal medulla is of _____ origin
the adrenal cortex is of _____ origin
epidermal (mesoderm)
what does the adrenal cortex secrete
what does the adrenal medulla secrete
what is the main secretory product of the zona glomerulosa
mineralocorticoid (aldosterone)
what is the main secretory product of the zona fasciculata
glucocorticoids (cortisol)
what is the main secretory product of the zona reticularis
glucocorticoids (cortisol)
what is the main product of adrenal medulla
catechole. norep and epin
this protein is involved in the rate limiting step in production of steroid hormones by transporting cholesterol into the mitochondria
____ converts cholesterol into ___ (first enzyme)
desmolase, pregnenolone
what enzymes are in the aldosterone arm
21 B hydroxylase
11 B hydroxylase
what enzyme is in all 3 arms: aldosterone, cortisol, androgens
3B hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
what enzymes are in the cortisol arm
21 B hydroxylase
11B hydroxylase
17 a hydroxylase
what enzymes are in the androgen arm
17 a hydroxylase
17,20 lyase
a loss of the 21 B hydroxylase enzyme will lead to what?
pregnenolone sent to make androgens, no negative feedack for sex hormones
- virulization of fetus
- lose cortisol
- hyponatremia and hypovolemia (no aldost)
- congenital adrenal hyperplasia (95% of cases)
17a hydroxylase deficiency
- pregnenolone is directed towards mineralocorticoid synthesis
- lose secondary sex characteristics
ACTH is derived from post-translational processing of ____
POMC is broken down into ___ and ___ one of which increases __
ACTH and a-MSH
-a-MSH increases melanin synthesis
cortisol has a negative feedback on what
and what kind of feedback loop is this (long or short)
hypothalamus (-) CRH Anterior pituitary (-) ACTH
-long loop negative feedback
when is cortisol released the most?
in the morning and is around 20 mircrograms/dl
what can exogenous administration of cortisol due to certain cells
may shut down ACTH production and adrenal cells that produce cortisol atrophy
what does exogenous cortisol do to CRH,ACTH,Cortisol
decreases all of them
cushings syndrome is what and has what effects on CRH, ACTH, and cortisol
SYNDROME: tumor of the adrenal gland, unregulated secretion of cortisol
-decreases CRH and ACTH