The 6 Perspectives Flashcards
- Abraham Maslow , Carl Rogers
All people born innately good with self actualizing abilities that will bloom as long as the people in their environment are :
- Accepting
- Show unconditional love and support
- Values us even if we have faults
- Genuine
- Open with feelings / identity
- Empathetic
- Share / mirror our feelings
- Charles Darwin
Behaviour is strongly influenced not only by our biology, but also **our ancestor’s biology. **
- “Survival of the fittest” = Behaviours that don’t serve us don’t get passed down.
Studies show natural selection favoured behaviours and traits that helped the survival of our ancestors and the spread of our genes ( for future generations to survive).
- Sigmund Freud.. 🤕
Suggests that human behaviour is influenced by unconscious memories, thoughts, and urges.
Levels of conscious :
- ID
- Unconscious
- Base drive to survive, reproduce, aggress
- Pleasure principle
- Ego
- Partly conscious
- Seeks to satisfy ID + Superego in a realistic, long-term way.
- Executive function / Reality principle
- Superego
- Our conscience
- Emerges at 4-5 y/o
- Perfection / Ideals / Morals
- Albert Bandura , Martin Seligman
Behaviour is a consequence of internal thoughts
- Humans use mental processes to solve problems / develop personality traits.
Cycle :
↔️ Behaviour ↔️ Environment ↔️ Person ↔️
- B.F Skinner , Edward Thorndike
Behaviour is controlled by whether we are awarded or punished for the behaviour.
- “Law of Effect” : Rewarded behaviour is likely to reoccur.
- Successive approximation : Rewarding responses that get closer to the desired behaviour.
- Reinforcer : Anything that causes the behaviour to continue.
- Urie Bronfenbenner
Uses an ecological model that displays different levels of social influence that affects how an individual thinks + behaves.
- Microsystem - Individual
- Mesosystem - Interactions amongst Microsystems (people)
- Exosystem - External networks surrounding Microsystems (society)
- Macrosystem - Beliefs + Values