The 4 Stages Of Sleep Flashcards
The 4 Stages of Sleep
Start with wakefulness move into alpha waves (8-12 cps) are relatively large, slow brain waves characteristic of relaxed wakefulness. (eyes closed) . RAS is involved in sleep regulation
(Stage 1) Brainwaves become small & irregular, breathing slows - drifting off into light sleep - may have a few visual images, or myoclonic jerks - (eg. when leg jolts your body)
Occasional bursts or “sleep spindles” are emitted and are not stirred by minor noises. This is the stage for half of all sleep.
Mix of stage 2 sleep waves and the slow delta waves of deeper sleep emerge. Hard to arouse, breathing and pulse are slowed muscles are relaxed. Body releases growth hormones and builds body.
(Stage 4) Delta wave have taken over now in “Deep Sleep” need vigorous shaking, loud noise to be awakened. Sleep walking and sleep talking usually occur here - quite common, especially among children. Some dreams, but not vivid.
It usually takes about 30 - 45 minutes to go down through these stages and another 45 to come back up (90 minute cycles). S1 S3
Changes in sleeps patterns across human development
Go back through entire sleep cycle several times throughout a regular night, where stages 3 & 4 diminish or disappear and REM increases in time to 30-60 minutes.
REM sleep
involves rapid bursts of brain waves, Heart Rate increases with blood pressure, breathing becomes faster and more irregular, may have twitches in face and hands, genitals engorged.
Paradoxical sleep
because brain is very active and most of body is paralyzed
Dreaming is most common here
Dreams are carried out over a period of time roughly equivalent to real time, if awaken during REM early in night get short reports, late get long reports
Purpose of REM sleep? unknown, but get a rebound if REM is deprived and is common among mammals in cats, dogs, dolphins, porpoises, anteaters. Learning and memory Consolidation
Lucid Dreams -
dreams in which one is aware of dreaming.
-Consciousness of the dream and often able to control or change the nature or the dream or what happens next.
-Skilled lucid dreamers can move eyes with actions.
(suggests that eyes follow actions for other dreamers)
psychosexual energy is expressed in dreams creating events that are unacceptable to the normal conscious mind.
Classically the oedipus complex is at the root of libido repression and dream transformation (ie., penis is symbolised as umbrella, snake, cigar and vagina as a tunnel, cave, door) .
The emergence of the super-ego occurs as result of the resolution of the oedipus complex.
Latent Content
the deep unconscious wishes that are the sources of dreams, such as the oedipus(or electra) complex.
The interactions of the id, ego and super-ego lead to the dynamics of the latent content which is then filtered into the manifest content.
Manifest content-
expressed dreams as we experience them consciously or semi-consciously.
Scientifically minded “Causal Theory” - suggesting universal, biologically based dream symbols.
Final Theory
working out problems of everyday life - emotional etc.
During crisis or stress may have more vivid / ‘wild’ dreams
Dream Symbolism is also due to the constellationing of the unconscious mind by conscious situation.
Dreams may involve: 1) Compensatory 2) Prospective 3) Reductive 4) Reactive types.
Dreams are expressions of our personal complexes of thought and emotion in the psyche as well as the archetypes of the collective unconscious which are present in myths
Sleep disorders
Sleep disorders
Insomnia - A condition where people have recurring problems falling or staying asleep. Insomniacs tend to underestimate the amount of sleep they actually get. Development might precede mood disorder.
Narcolepsy - is a condition where people uncontrollably fall asleep, tend to fall directly into REM sleep (involving sleep paralysis). A neurotransmitter orexin appears to be involved, as also in alertness.
Sleep Apnea - is a condition where the sleeper stops breathing, usually waking up abruptly with a feeling of choking. Usually associate with loud snoring, and often have troubles keeping alert in the day time.
Night Terrors - a stage four sleep event that involves higher arousal and feelings of terror, sometimes involving sensation of the incubus (cat) on their chest. Sleep waling and sleep talking also tend to appear during the “deeper” stage of sleep.
Awareness of the environment and one’s own existence, sensations, and thoughts. Seen as the source intelligence, a form of soul or simply a property of organized matter.
Artificial Intelligence -
Cognitive scientists and philosophers of Mind ponder the possibility of creating consciousness in robots or machines
The Turing test
is one orientation for considering the test of consciousness . If a human cannot determine whether a robot is a machine or human being then it has pass the test. See Daniel Dennett (video)
States of Consciousness
- Distinctive and discrete patterns in the functioning of consciousness, characterized by particular modes of perception, thought, memory, or feeling
Altered States of Consciousness
- A state of consciousness that differs from ordinary wakefulness or sleep. Changes in consciousness can occur through dancing, sweat lodges, starvation, drugs, …
[see Fischer, 1967 for diagrams of self ] Jill Bolte Taylor
Siegel (1989) the motive to alter consciousness is the 4th drive next to thirst, hunger and sex.
Classifying Drugs
Psychoactive Drugs - are chemicals that are capable of influencing perception, mood, cognition & behaviour
-Often difficult to classify them as many (most) drugs have different effects which overlap the boundaries that we use to describe them. E.g., Alcohol in small doses appears like a stimulant, but in larger doses is clearly a depressant (is a disinhibitor). “Main” and “side effects” are not always easy to differentiate.
Stimulants- uppers - cocaine, (met) amphetamine, nicotine, caffeine. Speed up the CNS. Small doses - feelings of excitement, confidence, well-being, euphoria; LARGER doses - anxious, jittery, hyper-alert, VERY LARGE DOSES - convulsions, heart failure, death
Sedative Hypnotics -downers or depressives - alcohol, tranquillizers, barbiturates. Slow down the CNS activity feel calm, drowsy, may reduce anxiety & guilt.
Barbituates & alcohol share a site, along with a benzodiazepam (anti-anxiety) site on a GABA activated chloride channels (inhibition) of nerve cells. All fit different receptors on the same neurons. The combined use of these drugs can be fatal.
Opiates - Drugs derived from Opium Poppy that relive pain and produce euphoria, eg., Morphine, Heroin, and synthetic forms like Methadone. Mimic endorphins nature pain relieving chemicals of the brain. Anandamine.
Some bad synthetic heroin has produced total paralysis something like serve Parkinson’s disease. Depletion of dopamine.
Psychedelic Drugs - Consciousness altering (expanding) drugs that produce hallucinations, change thought processes or disrupt the normal perception of time and space. E.g., LSD, Mescaline, Psilocybin.
Marijuana - Cannabis Sativa a mild psychedelic ?- mild stimulant, increasing heart rate, tastes, sounds, colours, more intense. Affects serotonin systems in perception and limbic acting as a neuro-modulator regulating other neuro-transmitter and a mood enhancer. CPA Psynopsis special issue Summary
Moderate doses - relaxation or sleepiness -may impair co-ordination, concentration, reaction times. LARGE doses hallucinations, sense of unreality & dissociation
The physiology of Drug Effects
A variety of actions: block re-absorption, increase release, bind (replace) receptor sites. E.g., Ecstacy - (MDMA) has been suggested that it causes permanent damage to serotonin producers (although not certain). Analogous to synthetic heroin - “coma.”
See for what happens to your brain on ecstacy. SS
Tolerance- increased resistance to drugs effects accompanying continued use; as tolerance develops, larger doses are required to produce the same effects that were previously brought about by a lesser amount.
Addiction is usually associated with tolerance, however the Rat Park Studies at SFU by Bruce K. Alexander have shown that addiction is not an automatic consequence of expossure to drugs, even morphine.
Withdrawal Symptoms -Physical and psychological symptoms that occur when some one addicted to a drug stops taking it.
The Psychology of Drug Effects
Drug responses depend on a person’s physical condition, mental set, environmental setting, experience with the drug.
1) Physical condition - body weight, metabolism, initial state of emotional arousal & individual tolerance.
2) Experience with the Drug - Number of times used and levels of past usage
3) Environmental Setting - Party or Home, friendly or scary place, with friends or alone
4) Mental Set - expectations about the drug’s affect. Reasons for taking the drug. (placebo studies)
Hypnosis: What it is and what it’s not…
Using a monotonous or relaxed voice, a person is lead to relaxation, a feeling of sleepiness. . . . sinking deeper . . . focusing of attention is central to any form of hypnosis (self or other induced).
1) Hypnosis is not sleep
2) Hypnotic responsiveness depends more on the effects and qualities of person being hypnotized rather than the hypnotist. hst CISDissociative Experiences Scale (and others)
3) Hypnotized people cannot be forced to do things against their will, they choose to ‘under control’ of suggestions
4) Hypnotic induction increases a person’s suggestibility but only a modest degree; people will accept suggestions with and without hypnosis.
5) Hypnosis does not increase the accuracy of memory
often boosts errors - confabulation and reconstruction
6) Hypnosis does not produce a literal re-experiencing of long ago events e.g., hypnotic age or life regression act like adult trying to be a child or someone else without accurate perceptions or judgments of the events.
7) Hypnotic suggestions are not just placebos; they have been used effectively for many medical and psychological purposes - Relax and be more healthy (meditation) get rid of headaches, anaesthetize, change habits (behaviours)
Theories of Hypnosis
Hilgard (1962, 1977, 1988) involves dissociation - a split in consciousness in which one part of the mind operates independently of another (like lucid dreams & simple distraction).
Cold Presser Test
Report feeling no pain - but free hand pressed keys to signal pain!
Socio-cultural explanations
-behaviour as part of continuum of normal social & cognitive processes
- playing a role - submitting self to suggestions.