The 1905 Revolution Flashcards
How many strikes in 1905?
Unrest in 1905 caused who to assert themselves?
Non-Russian minorities
What did Georgia do in 1905?
Declare itself independent
What did the poles do in 1905?
Demand autonomy
What happened in Finland in 1905?
Nationalist demonstrations
What did Jews do in 1905?
Press for equal rights
How did the government confront the 1905 revolution?
By giving ground the government hoped to divide the opposition forces (liberals, peasants, workers, ethnic minorities)
What did the liberals demand in 1905?
A constitutional monarchy, freedom of speech/assembly/citizenship/etc., Dumas
What did the government give the liberals in 1905?
October manifesto created a legislative Duma with a veto, promised a range of civil rights, legalised trade unions etc.
What did the peasants demand in 1905?
End to redemption payments, improvement of the peasant land bank
What did the government give the peasants in 1905?
Halved redemption payments in 1906 and abolished them in 1907, increased resources and offered better terms for loans at to peasant land bank
What did the workers demand in 1905?
General political strike, forming of a soviet, better conditions
What did the government give the workers in 1905?
Stormed the HQ of the st Petersburg soviet and arrested the ringleaders, destroyed the Moscow soviet, legalised trade unions
What did the ethnic minorities demand in 1905?
Freedom of citizenship
What did the government give to the ethnic minorities in 1905?
October manifesto granted freedom of citizenship, worship and conscience, 120 national minorities in the first Duma
How many peasant disturbances during 1905?