The 1850s Flashcards
Trouble in the West
Free soil party
Unhappy with both the national parties stance on slavery. They nominate Marten van Buren. Argue for free soil, dree speech, free labor, and free men. Supported the Wilmot Proviso, stating that no more new states can have slavery.
Trouble in the west
Wilmot Proviso
Trouble in the West
Trans-continental railroad debate
Trouble in the West
Kansas-Nebraska act 1854
Impact of kansas nebraska act
Whig party
Impact of kansas nebraska act
republican party
Impact of kansas nebraska act
Pottawatomie creek
After the burning of Lawrence Kansas, he leads a band of men to avenge the burning of Kansas. They chop up 5 pro-slavery men. Accellerates the violence in Kansas
Impact of kansas nebraska act
Bleeding kansas
Kansas Territory above the Missouri compromise taken out by the compromise of 1850. Popular soverighnty leads more people to go to Kansas to vote. Pro-slavery people win the vote. Free-soilers said that it was rigged. Set up a government in Topica. Lawrence Kansas= fighting about the decision.
Growth of Abolition
Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1857
Harriet Beacher Stow. Religiously and abolitionist motivated family. Exposed to slavery in Kentucky. portrays slaves as people and how they’re breaking up family. Built on the second great awakening.
Growth of Abolition
Compromise of 1850
Growth of Abolition
Dred Scott case 1857
Abraham Lincoln
Views on Slavery and the territories
Abraham Lincoln
Lincon-Doughlass Debates 1858
Abraham Lincoln
Impact on north and south
Election of 1860
Democratic party split
Election of 1860
Constitution union party
Election of 1860
Republican party platform
Cecession crisis 1860
Reasons for secession
Cecession crisis 1860
Crittenden compromise
Cecession crisis 1860
Lincoln’s 1st inaugural address
Secession crisis 1860
Fort Sumter 1861
Advantages and disadvantages in war
Governemnt power
Advantages and disadvantages in war
Advantages and disadvantages in war
Advantages and disadvantages in war