Thank You For Smoking Flashcards
Heather Holloway, Washington Post.
Nick Naylor, Big Tabacco.
Is this kosher?
Only if I can call you Heather.
By all means. So, Mr. Naylor–
Nick, let’s start with–
An ‘82 Margaux?
Okay… is it good?
Good? (Pause for effect) It will make you believe in God.
(He signals the waiter. Heather smiles. It’s going to be that type of interview. Waiter arrives - pours the wine. Heather drinks.)
So what is the focus of your piece?
You want to know how I live with myself?
No. I don’t imagine that’s a problem. I want to know how you see yourself.
I’m a mediator between two sects of society that are trying to reach an accommodation.
Interesting. My other interviews have pinned you as a mass murderer, profiteer, pimp, bloodsucker, child killer, and my personal favorite, yuppie Mephistopheles.
Sounds like a balanced article.
Who else should I talk to?
Fifty-five million American smokers, for starters or perhaps the American tobacco farmer who is constantly being treated like a drug smuggler.
I actually do plan on speaking to a tobacco farmer.
Fine people. Salt of the earth.
Nick. Why do you do this? What motivates?
You really want to know?
(Heather nods)
(Heather leans in with intrigue. Nick turns off her recorder)
Population control.
Really? You’re bad.
Hey, everyone’s got a mortgage to pay.
Is a mortgage really much of a life goal?
Ninety-nine percent of everything that is done in the world, good or bad is done to pay a mortgage. Perhaps the world would be a better place if everyone rented.
And why don’t you rent?
Oh, I rent as well.
My son, his mother and her boyfriend live in my house. I live in my apartment.
And what does Nick Naylor’s apartment look like?
Nothing impressive. it wouldn’t make the real estate section.
Can I see it?
You want to see my apartment?