A Simple Plan Flashcards
I’m gonna buy it back. I’m gonna rebuild everything– just like it was before mom and dad died.
You know you can’t do that. As soon as we split up the money, we have to leave.
You want me to just drive off all alone?
Where would you say you got your money?
We could tell people Sarah inherited some. Nobody around here knows anything about her family. We’ll say you guys bought the farm before you left, and set me up to run it.
(cutting off Hank’s protest)
I thought you would be happy. It’s our farm. I’m gonna buy it back.
It’s so hard, Jacob. You don’t just buy a farm, you have to know about machines and seeds and fertilizers and pesticides and herbicides and irrigation and the weather and the government. You don’t know any of that. You’d end up just like dad.
(Sharp, stepping back)
How do you think he ended up like that?
He had two mortgages riding on the place. There was no way he could keep up–
(His voice rising) Where’d the money go? You think he just spent it on the farm?
What else would–
(cutting him off) Why do you think he took the second mortgage? Four years of college. Didn’t you ever wonder how he paid for that?
Jacob, you’ve got the whole world. You can go anywhere you want.
This is where I want. Right here (STOMPS his foot) Home.
(Hank stares off at the empty fields, his shoulders hunched. Then, without looking, he reaches out, touches Jacob’s arm, the first sympathetic gesture we’ve seen him make toward Jacob.)
I told Lou… about the accident.
(Stunned) How could you’ve told him, Jacob? I put myself at risk for you, and what do you do? You turn around and betray me?
What’re you talk–?
It’s like there are two sides now! Like–
Why do you keep talking about sides? That’s not–
(with sudden intensity) Lou talk about sides?
I’m on both your sides. We’re all in this together.
(stepping close) If you had to pick a side–
(retreating) I’m not going–
No, I want to know: Lou, or me?
I’d pick you. You’re my brother.