Thalamus Flashcards
Components of the diencephalon
Third ventricle, thalamus, sub thalamus, epithalamus, hypothalamus
Boundaries of diencephalon
posterior commissure dorsally to the interventricular foramina ventrally; dorsally bordered by roof of third ventricle, ventrally bordered by optic chasm, infundibulum, and mammillary bodies
What is the only sensory pathway that does not relay through the hypothalamus?
Reticular nucleus receives collaterals from…
both afferent and efferent thalamic axons and projects in turn to the other nuclei of the thalamus
What is the stratum zonale?
Rostral thin white matter layer covering the thalamus
Lateral white matter layer covering the thalamus
external medullary lamina
Y-shaped white matter that divides thalamus into 3 parts
internal medullary lamina
Components of the lateral part of the thalamus
- Dorsal tier
- lateral dorsal nucleus
- lateral posterior nucleus
- pulvinar - ventral tier
- ventral anterior nucleus
- ventral lateral nucleus
- ventral posterior nucleus
- medial and lateral geniculate bodies
reticular nucleus
located on the lateral surface of the thalamus between the external medullary lamina and the internal capsule
Input and output and function anterior nucleus of thalamus
input: hypothalamus (mammillary bodies and mammillothalamic tract)
output: to cingulate gyrus (anterior limb of IC)
function: emotional states and memory, alertness and attention
input, output and function of ventral anterior and lateral nuclei
input: basal ganglia and the cerebellum
output: motor and premotor cortices
function: provide the motor cortex with information received from the cerebellum and basal ganglia
subdivisions of ventral posterior nucleus
- ventroposterolateral nucleus -> somatosensory input related to body from medial leminscal and spinothalamic tract
- ventroposteromedial nucleus -> somatosensory input from the face from sensory nuclei of trigeminal nerve
-both project to primary somatosensory cortex
input, output centromedian nucleus
input: cerebral cortex, globus pallidus
output: projects to caudate and putamen
input, output and function of reticular nucleus
input: collateral branches of thalamocortical and corticothalamic fibers
output: thalamic nuclei
function: modulates influence that thalamus exerts on cortex
name the association thalamic nuclei
medial nucleus (dorsomedial nucleus), lateral dorsal nucleus, lateral posterior nucleus, pulvinar
what cortices do the association thalamic nuclei project to?
1 of 3: parietal-temporal-occipital association cortex, prefrontal association cortex, limbic association cortex