Cerebellum Flashcards
vestibular pathway to cerebellum
vestibular nerve gives rise to afferent fibers that terminate in the vestibular nuclei in brainstem -> give rise to mossy fibers that pass through the inferior cerebellar peduncle to enter the ipsilateral flocculonodular lobe on same side
Cortical projections destined for the cerebellum first project to what three brainstem structures
pontine nuclei, inferior olivary nuclei and reticular formation
input and output for pontocerebellum
input: contralateral cerebral cortex to pontine nuclei (corticopontine fibers) -> cross midline and enter cerebellum via MCP
output: Purkinje cells to dentate nucleus -> cross in superior cerebellar peduncle-> thalamus (VL, VPL, centrolateral) -> primary motor cortex -> lateral corticospinal tract -> decussation -> ipsilateral coordination
efferent cerebellar fiber pathway to the thalamus involves what deep cerebellar nuclei
Functional organization of the cerebellum
1) vestibulocerebellum
2) spinocerebellum
3) pontocerebellum
- composed primarily of the flocculonodular lobe
- afferent fibers = mossy fibers from ipsilateral vestibular nuclei and vestibular ganglion via inferior cerebellar peduncle
- also receives visual information from LGB, superior colliculus and striate cortex
- efferent -> purkinje cells project to fastigial nucleus -> inferior cerebellar peduncle to vestibular nuclei -> vestibulospinal tract
function of cuneocerebellar tract
proprioceptive information from upper limb and upper part of the thorax
What are the interposed nuclei
globose and emboliform
what does PICA supply in the cerebellum?
inferior vermis, cerebellar tonsil, inferior cerebellar peduncle, inferolateral cerebellar hemisphere
output from the cerebellum is transmitted by what cells
Purkinje cells (inhibitory)
fibers of the inferior cerebellar peduncel
- -dorsal spinocerebellar tract
- cuneocerebellar tract
- olivocerebellar tract
- reticulocerebellar tract
- vestibulocerebellar tract
-fastigial nucleus projections
Foramen of Magnendie
median aperture, constitutes an opening in the inferior medullary velum that opens 4th ventricle into cisterna magna
efferent fiber pathway to red nucleus involves what deep cerebellar nuclei?
globose and emboliform
Neurotransmitter for all the cells in the cerebellar cortex
1) Granule cells -> glutamate
2) Purkinje cells -> GABA
3) stellate cells -> GABA
4) Golgi cells -> GABA
5) basket cells -> GABA
input and output of spinocerebellum
input: dorsal and ventral spinocerebellar tracts
- also information from auditory, visual and vestibular systems
output: Purkinje cells (vermis) to fastigial nucleus -> brainstem reticular formation, lateral vestibular nucleus and primary motor cortex
Purkinje cells (intermediate) -> globose and emboliform nuclei -> red nucleus -> rubrospinal tract and lateral corticospinal tract
efferent cerebellar pathway that projects to vestibular nuclei involves what deep cerebellar nucleus?
Medial to lateral: list the deep cerebellar nuclei
fastigial, globose, emboliform, and dentate
components of the spinocerebellum
vermis and intermediate part of the cerebellar hemisphere
How are climbing fibers and mossy fibers modulated?
through stellate, basket and Golgi cells. All of these cells are inhibitory (GABA).
fibers of the middle cerebellar peduncle
-contralateral pontocerebellar fibers
Embryonic cerebellar layer
AKA external granule layer; present during the prenatal and early post-natal periods but is completely gone by 1st year of life
efferent cerebellar pathway to red nucleus
axons from globose and emboliform -> superior cerebellar peduncle -> CROSS MIDLINE -> synapse in contralateral red nucleus -> projects fibers via crossed rubrospinal tract -> therefore crossed twice to remain ispilateral -> influence flexor activity of the extremities
Efferents for each deep cerebellar nuclei
1) fastigial -> exit via the inferior cerebellar peduncle to the brainstem
2) all others -> exit via the superior cerebellar peduncle to cerebral cortex and brainstem
corticoreticulocerebellar pathway
BILATERAL projections to the reticular formation of the pons and medulla -> MOSSY FIBERS enter IPSILATERAL cerebellar hemisphere via inferior and middle cerebellar peduncle