TH-67 Chapter 9 - Underlines only Flashcards
- Collective - Adjust as required to maintain rotor RPM (90 - 107%)
- “Pedals - Adjust” Crab or slip as required
- “Throttle - Adjust as necessary” Close as required
- “Airspeed - Adjust” as required
“Emergency Shutdown”
- “Throttle - Closed”
- “Fuel Valve Switch - Off”
- “Batt Switch - OFF as desired” Before turning the battery switch off during an in-flight emergency, the pilot should consider a “MAYDAY” call, selecting emergency on the transponder and the possible effects of a total electrical failure.
“Engine Failure at a hover”
- “Autorotate”
- “Emer Shutdown” - Accomplish after landing.
“Engine Failure - Low Altitude/Airspeed or Cruise.”
- “Autorotate”
- “Emer Shutdown” - Accomplish during descent if time permits.
“Engine Restart”
- “Throttle - Close”
- “Fuel Valve Switch - On”
- “Attempt start”
- “Land as soon as possible”
“Engine Compressor Stall”
- “Collective - Reduce”
- “Engine Anti-ice and Heater switches - OFF”
- “Land as soon as possible”
“Engine Overspeed”
- “Collective - Increase” to load the rotor and sustain engine/rotor RPM below the maximum operating limit.
- “Throttle - Adjust” until normal operating RPM is attained.
- “Land as soon as possible” Perform a power-on approach and landing by controlling the RPM manually with the throttle.
If RPM cannot be controlled by throttle adjustment.
- “Autorotate” when over a safe landing area.
- “Emer Shutdown” - Accomplish during descent if time permits.
“Engine Underspeed if rotor in green”
- “Land as soon as possible” in an area that will permit a run-on landing.
“Engine underspeed below 90%”
- Autorotate
- Emer Shutdown - Accomplish during the descent if time permits.
“Engine Surges”
a. “GOV INCR switch - INCR for maximum RPM”
b. “Throttle - Adjust to 97% N2”
c. “Land as soon as possible”
If engine surges are not controlled in steps a. and b. above proceed as follows:
a. “Autorotate” - When over a safe landing area.
b. “Emer Shutdown” - Accomplish during descent if time permits.
“LOW INLET PRESSURE caution light ON”
- “If caution light remains ON, Land As Soon As Possible.”
- If caution light goes out, Land As Soon As Practicable. Related engine parameters should be monitored frequently until landing.
“Engine Icing”
When anti-ice system is ON, TOT will rise for same power setting.
- “ENGINE ANTI-ICING switch - ON” (if conditions warrant).
- “TURB OUT TEMP - Maintain within limits”
“If the engine oil pressure is below 50 PSI or the temperature is above 107*C”
- “Land as soon as possible”
If engine oil pressure is falling or low and the oil temperature is rising or high, a severe leak may be present.
“Loss of T/R Effectiveness”
This is a situation involving a loss of effective tail rotor thrust without a break in the drive system which cannot be stopped with full left pedal application. If LTE is experienced, simultaneously:
- “Pedal - Full Left”
- “Cyclic - Forward”
- As recovery is affected, adjust controls for normal flight.
- If spinning cannot be stopped and crash is imminent, an autorotaion may be the best course a of action. Maintain full left peddle until spin stops, then adjust to maintain heading.
“Main Drive Shaft Failure”
The engine must remain in operation to provide power to the tail rotor. Failure to maintain engine power will result in loss of aircraft control. Adjust throttle as required to maintain engine RPM within normal limits.
- “Autorotate - Establish a Power On autorotation.”
- “Emergency Shutdown - Accomplish after landing.”
“Clutch failing to disengage”
- “Throttle - Open”
- “Land as soon as possible”
“Mast Bumping”
“Land as soon as possible”
“Hot Start”
During starting and shutdown, if TOT limits are exceeded, or it becomes apparent that TOT limits may be exceeded, proceed as follows.
- “Starter button - Press and hold until TURB OUT TEMP is less than 200°C.”
- “Throttle - Closed.”
- “FUEL VALVE switch - OFF.”
- “Complete shutdown.”
“Engine/fuselage/electrical fire - Ground”
“Emer Shutdown”
“Electrical Fire - Flight”
Prior to shutting off all electrical power, the pilot must consider the equipment that is essential to a particular flight environment that will be encountered. In the event og electrical fire or suspected electrical fire in flight:
- BATT and MAIN GEN switches - OFF
- IFR STDBY GEN switch - OFF
- Land as soon as possible
- Emergency shutdown - Accomplish after landing.
“Landing in trees”
A landing in trees should be made when no other landing area is available. In addition to accomplishing engine malfunction emergency procedures, select a landing area containing the least numer of trees of minimum height. Autorotate with the throttle closed using the following procedures:
- Airspeed - Minimum at treetop level.
- Descend - Vertically into trees
- Collective - Apply remaining collective prior to blades entering trees.
“Ditching - Power off”
If an engine failure occurs over water and ditching is imminent, accomplish engine failure emergency procedures and proceed as follows:
- AUTOROTATE. Decelerate to minimum forward speed as the helicopter nears the water. Apply all remaining collective as the helicopter enters the water. Maintain a level attitude as the helicopter sinks and until it begins to roll, then apply cyclic in the direction of the roll.
- Doors - Open
- Crew and passengers - Exit when the main rotor stops.
“Flight control malfunctions”
Failure of components within the flight control system may be indicated through varying degrees of feedback, binding, resistance, or slopiness. These conditions should not be mistaken for hydraulic power failure. In the event of a flight control malfunction:
- Land as soon as possible.
- Emer Shutdown - Accomplish after landing.
“Un-Commanded flight control input malunction”
- Collective-increse if near the ground to prevent main or tail roto ground contact.
- Pedal-apply in the direction of turn.
- Direct assistance with flight control inputs to level the aircraft.
- Land as soon as possible.
“Lightning strike”
Land as soon as possible.
Emer Shutdown - Accomplish after landing.
Engine/Fuselage Fire - Flight
If a fire is observed during flight, prevailing circumstances such as VMC, IMC, night, altitude, landing area available must be considered in order to determine whether to execute a power-on, or power-off landing.
a. If power-on landing:
- “Land as soon as possible”
- Emer Shutdown - Accomplish after landing.
b. If power-off landing:
- Autorotate
- Emer shutdown - Accomplish during descent if time permits.

Land as soon as possible

Rotor RPM is below normal (approximately 90%). Reduce collective pitch and ensure throttle is full open.

Main transmission pressure is below minimum. Check gauge. Land as soon as possible.

Main transmission oil temperature is above 110 degrees C, check gauge. Reducing power may help alleviate the condition. Check transmission oil pressure. Land as soon as possible.

Land as soon as possible.

Metallic particles in engine oil. Land as soon as possible.

Metallic particles in transmission oil. Land as soon as possible.

Metallic particles in tail rotor gearbox oil. Land as soon as possible.

Unknown malfunction: Land as soon as possible.