Texture/structure/form Flashcards
A form in which the music is made up of two different sections labelled A and B.
This is the same as binary form.
A form in which the music is made up of two different sections labelled A and B.
This is the same as AB form.
A form where the first section (A) keeps returning in between different sections.
This is the same as rondo form.
A form where the first section (A) keeps returning in between different sections.
This is the same as ABACA form.
Alberti bass
Broken chord accompaniment in the bass, often used in keyboard music.
A passage at the end of a piece which finishes it off.
A texture which consists of two or more independent melodic lines. It is similar to polyphonic.
A passage which links two important ideas.
Ground bass
A theme in the bass which is repeated many times while the upper parts are varied.
Texture where you hear a melody with accompaniment, or, where all the parts play a similar rhythm at the same time.
A texture which consists of two or more independent melodic lines. It is similar to contrapuntal.
Each verse of a vocal piece has the same music.
Walking bass
A moving bass line with notes usually of the same value. It is often found in jazz styles.