Textboolk LO1-3 Flashcards
Only certain energies are allowed
Principle quantum number (2)
A positive unit less integer
defines the energy of the allowed orbits in the H atom
The energy of the electron in an orbit has a negative value because
the electron in the atom has a lower energy than when it is free.
The 0 of energy occurs when
n= infinity
That is when the election is infinitely separated from the nucleus
Ground state
An atom with its electron in the lowest possible energy levels
The energy of the electron depends on
The larger the value of n, (radius and energy negativity)
The larger the Bohr radius and the less negative the value of the energy
The difference between successive energy levels becomes _________ because
smaller as n becomes larger
Energy is dependent on 1/n^2
what needs to happen when an electron goes From n=1 to n=2 electron state
Energy is absorbed from the surroundings
A consequence or requirement of quantization (2)
A specific and precise amount of energy
No more or no less
When a electron falls down its energy level to a diff one
Since only certain energy levels are possible, only photons with particular energies and wavelengths are emitted
principle quantum number (3)
any integer from 1-infinity
primary factor in determining the energy of an orbital
defines size of an orbital
In atoms having more than 1 electron, two or more electrons may have the same n value. They are said to be
in the same electron shell
orbital example
which quantum number or combination is needed to specify a given subshell in an atom?
n and l
repulsion counteract the nuclear attraction making electrons
easier to remove by helping to push it away
shielding reduces the full nuclear charge to
an effective nuclear charge
the energy difference arises from three factors
nuclear attractions, electron repulsion and orbital shape
puli exclusion principle
requires each electron to have a unique set of four quantum number
repulsion shield electrons from the ______ reducing it to an_____
the full nuclear charge
effective nuclear charge
aufbau principle
we start at the beginning of the periodic table and add one proton to the nucleus and one electron to the lowest energy sub level available.
order for filling energy sub levels
1s, 2s, 2p,3s,3p,4s,3d,4p,5s,4d,5p
Hunds rule
No electrons are paired in a set of orbitals of equal energy until every orbital in the set has one electron.
formula for which orbital filled first
Whichever orbital has the lower n+1 value will fill first
formula for maximum electron possible for nth shell
the energy gaps between sub shells of a given shell becomes______ as n _____
The electrons included in the noble gas notation are often referred to as
core electrons
What are the two exceptions for transition metals and draw it out
Transition metal steps or exceptions for electron configs
Make sure that d orbital is half filled (5) or fully filled (10) by promoting electrons from the 4s
from Scandium and onwards, the 3d orbital of transition metals actually becomes
lower in energy than the 4s, which is why we write 3d before 4s in the configuration.