Textbook Glossary Terms Flashcards
1-2-3 dough
A pastry dough made of one part sugar, two parts fat, and three parts flour, by weight.
The amount of water a flour can take up and hold while being made into a simple dough. Absorption is based on a predetermined standard dough consistency or stiffness; expressed as a percentage of the weight of flour.
Active dry yeast
A dry, granular form of yeast that must normally be rehydrated before using.
Requiring oxygen to live and grow; ex. some bacteria
Air cell
A tiny bubble of air, created by creaming or foaming, that assists in leavening a dough or batter
A substance that triggers an allergic reaction
All-purpose flour
Flour formulated to be slightly weaker than bread flour so it also can be used for some pastries
French for “matchstick”; any puff pastry item made in thin sticks or strips
Almond paste
A mixture of finely ground almonds and sugar
An enzyme in flour that breaks down starches into simple sugars
Requiring an absence of oxygen to live and grow ex. some bacteria
A sudden and severe allergic reaction of the immune system
Angel food cake
A type of cake made of meringue (egg whites and sugar) and flour
Angel food method
A type of cake-mixing method that involves folding a mixture of flour and sugar into a meringue
Apple charlotte
A dessert of apples cut up and baked in a mold lined with bread slices
AP Weight
As purchased; the weight of an item before trimming
Artisan bread
Bread made by a skilled manual worker; usually refers to handmade breads made using traditional methods and with natural ingredients only
The mineral content of flour; expressed as a percentage of the total weight
A resting period early in the mixing procedure of yeast doughs during which the flour fully absorbs the water
A type of yeast bread or cake that is soaked in syrup
A type of sweet yeast bread or coffee cake
A ring-shaped lean yeast dough product made from a very stiff dough
A cookie makeup method in which the dough is shaped and deposited on the pan or sheet using a pastry bag
Baked Alaska
A dessert consisting of ice cream on a sponge cake base, covered with meringue and browned in the oven
Baked custard
A custard that is baked undisturbed so it sets into a solid
Baked meringue
Any meringue mixture that is baked until dry
Baker’s cheese
A soft, unnamed cheese used to make pastry fillings, cheesecake and similar products
Baker’s percentage
A method of expressing ratios of ingredients in a baking formula in which the weight of each ingredient is expressed as a percentage of the weight of the flour.
Baking ammonia
A leavening ingredient that releases ammonia gas and carbon dioxide
Baking chocolate
A chocolate product in which another fat is substituted for part of the cocoa butter
A Greek or Middle Eastern dessert made of nuts and phyllo dough, and soaked with syrup
A cookie makeup method in which the dough is shaped into flattened cylinders, baked, and sliced crosswise into individual cookies; also, a cookie made by this method
A thin or batter-like sourdough starter
A semiliquid mixture containing flour or other starch, used for the production of such products as cakes and breads and for coating products to be deep fried.
A unit of measure indicating the specific gravity of a solution, often used to indicate sugar concentration
A cake made by adding one thin layer of batter at a time to a pan and browning lightly under a broiler after each addition, repeating until the cake is the desired thickness.
Bavarian cream
A light, cold dessert made of gelatine, whipped cream, and custard sauce or fruit
French for Bavarian cream
Beignet souffle
A type of fritter made with eclair paste, which puffs up greatly when fried
An intermediate fermentation and rising period for yeast doughs, after folding and before rounding or preshaping
A baked dessert consisting of layers of fruit and cake crumbs
A yeast pre-ferment made as a stiff dough
Biscuit method
A mixing method in which the fat is mixed with the dry ingredients before the liquid ingredients are added
Black Forest Torte
A chocolate sponge layer cake filled with whipped cream and cherries
1) An English pudding made of milk, sugar, and cornstarch
2) A French dessert made of milk, cream, almonds, and gelatin
Blitz puff pastry
A type of pastry mixed like a very flaky pie dough, then rolled and folded like puff pastry
1) A Whitish coating on chocolate caused by separated cocoa butter
2) To hydrate gelatin
3) The relative strength or gelling power of a grade of gelatin
Blown sugar
Pulled sugar made into thin-walled, hollow shapes by being blown up like a balloon
Boiled icing
Italian meringue used as a cake icing
The process of sifting flour, primarily to separate the bran
A type of frozen dessert made in a dome-shaped mold
Boston cream pie
Not a pie, but a sponge cake or other yellow cake, filled with pastry cream and topped with chocolate fondant or confectioners sugar
The bread baker, who prepares breads and other yeast goods, including breakfast items such as brioche, croissants, and Danish pastry
Boulanger, A.
An eighteenth-century Parisian credited with starting the first restaurant
The hard outer covering of kernels of wheat and other grains
Bran flour
Flour to which bran flakes have been added
Break system
A milling system to produce various grades of flour by repeatedly breaking the grains between rollers, and sifting
Rich yeast dough containing large amounts of eggs and butter; a product made from this dough
A unit of measure indicating the sugar concentration of a solution
Brown sugar
Regular granulated sucrose containing impurities that give it a distinctive flavour and color
An icing made of butter and/or shortening, blended with confectioners’ sugar or sugar syrup and, sometimes, other ingredients
The fat in dairy products. Also called “milk fat”
1) The milky liquid drained off after cream is churned to make butter. Rarely sold.
2) Milk, usually low-fat or fat-free, that has been cultured b bacteria to resemble the original buttermilk of definition #1
Cabinet pudding
A baked custard containing sponge cake and fruit
Cake flour
A fine white flour made from soft wheat
The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1kg of water 1 degree C.
Fried Italian pastries made in tube shapes, generally with a sweet cream or cheese filling (singular form: cannolo)
The browning of sugars caused by heat
To change sugar into caramel by means of heat
Any group of compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms, including starches and sugars, that supply energy to the body
Carême, Mari-Antoine
Important and influential nineteen century cook and pastry chef
An orange-yellow pigment present in many plant products, including unbleached flour; responsible for the creamy color of flour
An Italian-style bombe, usually with 3 layers of different ice creams, plus a filling of Italian meringue
Cast sugar
Sugar boiled to the hard crack stage and then poured into molds to harden. Also called “poured sugar”
Ceilac disease
A reaction to gluten in which the lining of the intestine is damaged
Celsius scale
The metric system of temperature measurement with 0C at the freezing point of water and 100C at the boiling point of water
Prefix in the metric system meaning ‘one-hundredth’.
A rich egg bread, often made as a braided loaf
1) A cold dessert made of Bavarian cream or other cream in a special mold, usually lined with ladyfingers or other sponge products.
2) A hot dessert made of cooked fruit and baked in a special mold lined with strips of bread
Charlotte ring
A metal ring used as a mold for charlottes and other desserts
Chef de cuisine
The head of a kitchen
Chef garde manger
Pantry chef
Chemical leavener
A leavened such as baking soda, baking powder, or baking ammonia, which releasees gases produced by chemical reactions
Chiffon cake
A light cake made by the chiffon method
Chiffon method
A cake-mixing method that involves the folding of whipped egg whites into a batter made of flour, egg yolks, and oil
Chiffon pie
A pie with a light, fluffy filling containing egg whites and, usually, gelatin
Any number of products made form fermented, roasted, ground cocoa (or cacao) beans. Often made with the addition of sugar, flavourings, and other ingredients
Chocolate liquor
Unsweetened chocolate, consisting of cocoa solids and cocoa butter. Also called cocoa mass.
Chocolate truffle
A small ball of chocolate ganache, served as a confection
A fatty substance found in foods derived from animal products and in the human body; a high level of cholesterol has been linked to heart disease
Christmas pudding
A dark, heavy steamed pudding made of dried and candied fruits, spices, beef suet, and crumbs
A type of Italian bread made from a very slack dough deposited on pans with minimal shaping
Cleanup stage
A stage of yeast dough mixing in which the ingredients become fully incorporated into a dough; so-called because the formed dough “cleans up” formerly unmixed ingredients from the mixing bowl
Clear flour
A tan-colored wheat flour made from the outer portion of the endosperm
The process by which proteins become firm, usually when heated
Coating chocolate
A sweetened chocolate similar in appearance to couverture but with other fats substituted for part of the cocoa butter
A fruit dessert similar to a pie, but without a bottom crust
The dry powder that remains after cocoa butter is pressed out of the chocolate liquor
Cocoa bean
Seed of the cacao tree. Fermented, roasted, and ground to make cocoa and chocolate products
Cocoa butter
A white or yellowish fat found in natural chocolate
Cocoa mass
Unsweetened chocolate, consisting of cocoa solids and cocoa butter. Also called chocolate liquor
Cold charlotte
A dessert consisting of Bavarian cream made in a mold lined with a sponge-cake product
Common meringue
Egg whites and sugar whipped to a foam. Also called French Meringue
Complex presentation
A dessert plating style consisting of an arrangement of two or more desserts plus sauces and garnishes
Complex sugar
A large sugar molecule containing at least 12 carbon atoms. Sucrose or table sugar is a complex sugar.
Cooked fruit served in its cooking liquid, usually a sugar syrup
Compressed yeast
Live, moist yeast, made into dense cakes. Also called Fresh Yeast
A step in the manufacturing of chocolate, the purpose of which is to create a fine, smooth texture
Condensed milk
Heavily sweetened milk that has had 60% of the water content removed.
Confectioners’ sugar
Sucroseground into a fine powder and mixed with a little cornstarch to prevent caking
A confectioner, or candy maker
Contact method
A decorating technique in which the tim of a paper cone of icing stays in contact with the decorated surface
Containing a harmful substance not originally present in the food
Cooked fruit method
A method for making pie fillings in which the fruit is cooked and thickened before being placed in the pie crust
Cooked juice method
A method for making pie fillings in which the fruit juices are cooked, thickened, and mixed with the fruit
North American name for a small, flat, baked treat, usually containing fat, flour, eggs, and sugar. Known in England and other English-speaking countries as “biscuit”
Cornstarch pudding
A sweetened liquid, usually milk and flavourings, boiled with cornstarch to thicken it
Corn syrup
A syrup made from corn, consisting mostly of glucose
Corrective action
In the HACCP system, a procedure that must be followed whenever a critical limit is not met.
A sweetened fruit puree, used as a suace
A dessert consisting of one or two scoops of ice cream or sherbet placed in a dish or glass and topped with any of a number of syrups, fruits, toppings, and garnishes; A sundae
Natural, sweet chocolate containing no added fats other than natural cocoa butter; used for dipping, molding, coating, and similar purposes. Also called Confectioners chocolate
Cracked wheat
A type of wheat in which the grains are broken into coarse pieces
Cream cheese
A soft, fresh cheese with a high milk fat content
Cream pie
An unbaked pie containing a pastry cream-type filling
The process of beating fat and sugar together to blend them uniformly and to incorporate air
Creaming method
A mixing method that begins with blending the fat and sugar; used for cakes, cookies, and similar items
Creme anglaise
A light vanilla flavoured custard sauce made of milk, sugar and egg yolks
Creme brulee
French for Burnt Cream - a rich custard with a brittle top crust of caramelized sugar
Creme caramel
A custard baked in a mold lined with caramelized sugar, then unmolded
Creme chantilly
Sweetened whipped cream flavoured with vanilla
Creme Chiboust
A cream filling made of pastry cream, gelatin, meringue, and flavorings
Creme fraiche
A slightly aged, cultured heavy cream with a slightly tangy flavor
A type of cream or pudding consisting of creme anglaise plus one or more thickeners or binders, such as chocolate, gelatin, or butter.
Crepe (krep)
A very thin French pancake, often served rolled around a filling
Crepes Suzette
French Pancakes served in a sweet sauce flavoured with orange
1) A baked fruit dessert with a streusel topping
2) A confection or garnish consisting of a very thin slice of fruit that has been dried
Critical control point (CCP)
An action that can be taken to eliminate or minimize a good safety hazard
A flaky, buttery yeast roll shaped like a crescent and made from a rolled-in dough
The transfer of pathogens to for from another food or from work surfaces or equipment
The interior of a baked item, distinct from the crust
Crumb crust
A piecrust made of cookie crumbs, butter, and sugar
To form crystals, as in the case of dissolved sugar
A cook; the head of a kitchen
A liquid thickened or set by the coagulation of egg protein
Dark chocolate
Sweetened chocolate that consists of chocolate liquor and sugar
Dark couverture
Couverture consisting of chocolate liquor and sugar; contains no milk solids
Prefix in the metric system meaning one-tenth
Small food items whose primary purpose is decoration
A pastry chef who specializes or is skilled in decorative work, such as showpieces, sugar work, and fancy cakes
Degree Celsius
Unit of measure of temperature in the metric system. One degree Celsius is 1/100 of the temperature range between the freezing point and the boiling point of water
Demerara sugar
A type of crystalline brown sucrose
Dessert syrup
A flavoured sugar syrup used to flavour and moisten cakes and other desserts
Devil’s food cake
A chocolate cake made with a high percentage of baking soda, which gives the cake a reddish color
Various enzymes found in flour and in diastatic malt that convert starch into sugar
A complex or double sugar, such as sucrose
Dobos torte
A Hungarian cake made of several thin layers, filled with chocolate buttercream, and topped with caramelized sugar
Piercing or perforating pastry dough before baking in order to allow steam escape and to avoid blistering
Double-acting baking powder
Baking powder that releases some of its gases when it is mixed with water and the remaining gases when it is heated
Placing a baking sheet or pan on or in a second pan to prevent scorching the bottom of the product being baked
Dough conditioner
Any of a variety of ingredients added by the baker during production of yeast products to improve gluten development, aid yeast fermentation, and delay staling. Also called dough improver
Dough relaxation
A period of rest in the production of yeast dough during which gluten strands become adjusted to their new length and become less tight
Dough strength
An indication of the texture and gluten development of a yeast dough; a combination of elasticity, tenacity, and extensibility
Drained weight
The weight of solid canned fruit after draining off the juice
To sprinkle or coat thoroughly with sugar or another dry powder
Dried whole milk
A powdered form of whole milk with the water content removed.
Drop batter
A batter that is too thick to pour but will drop from a spoon in lumps
A cookie makeup method in which portions of dough are measured with a scoop or spoon and dropped onto a baking pan
Drop-string method
A decorating technique in which the tip of a paper cone of icing stays above the decorated surface and the icing drops as a string onto the surface. Also used to suspend strings of icing between two points.
Durum flour
Flour made from durum wheat, a high-gluten wheat, and used primarily to make spaghetti and other dried pasta
Dutch process cocoa or ditched cocoa
Cocoa processed with an alkali to reduce its acidity
A cylindrical piece of baked eclair paste with a pastry cream filling
Eclair paste
A paste or dough made of boiling water or milk, butter, flavour, and eggs; used to make eclairs, cream puffs, and similar products
Egg foam cake
A cake leavened primarily by whipped eggs; it usually has a low percentage of fat
The ability of a dough to spring back when it is stretched
Empty calorie
A food that provides few nutrients per calorie
Emulsified shortening
Shortening containing emulsifiers and used for high-ratio cakes
A uniform mixture of two or more normally unfixable substances
The starchy inner portion of grain kernels
English muffin
A yeast dough product made in the shape of a disk and cooked on a griddle
Enriched flour
Flour to which vitamins and minerals Ade added to compensate for the nutrients lost when the bran and germ are removed
EP weight
Edible portion; the weight of an item after trimming
Escoffier, Georges-August
Most important chef of late nineteenth and early twentieth century; organized cooking principles and kitchen hierarchy
Evaporated milk
Milk, either whole or skim, that has had 60% of the water removed
The ability of a dough to be stretched
A flavoring ingredient consisting of flavourful oils or other substances dissolved in alcohol
The portion of the grain kernel separated into a particular grade of flour. Usually expressed as a percentage
Able to live and grow with or without the presence of oxygen; said of some bacteria
Any of a group of compounds consisting of chains of fatty acids that supply energy to the body in a concentrated form
The process by which yeast changes carbohydrates into carbon dioxide gas and alcohol
A type of complex carbohydrate that is not absorbed by the body but is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system
Final development stage
The stage of yeast dough mixing in which gluten becomes smooth and elastic
Flaky pie crust
A piecrust that has a flaky texture due to layers of fat sandwiched between layers of dough
Flaky pie dough
A pie dough that has a flaky texture when baked.
Flat icing
A simple icing made of confectioners’ sugar and water, usually used for Danish pastries and sweet rolls
Covering a plate, or a portion of a plate, with sauce
Flour-batter method
A cake-mixing method in which the flour is first mixed with the fat
Flow of food
The path food travels in a food service operation, from receiving to serving
The process of whipping eggs, with or without sugar, to incorporate air
A flat Italian bread similar to a thick pizza dough
Type of icing made of boiled sugar syrup that is agitated so it crystallizes into a mass of extremely small white crystals
Food Danger Zone
The temperature range of 40-140F (4.5-60C) in which bacteria grow rapidly
Food intolerance
A nonallergic reaction to a good that may be characterized by any of a variety of undesirable symptoms
A set of ingredients and quantities and, usually, instructions for preparing a bakery product; a baker’s recipe
Fortified nonfat or low-fat milk
Milk that has had all or part of the fat removed and that contains added substances, such as vitamins A and D, that increase its nutritional value
A regional French bread made in the shape of a trellis or ladder
A technique used to increase the numbers of layers in puff pastry or Danish pastry by folding the dough in fourths
A type of almond-flavoured cream
French bread
Any of a variety of crisp-crusted yeast breads usually consisting of only flour, water, yeast, and salt
French doughnut
A fried pastry made of Choux paste
French meringue
Egg whites and sugar whipped to a foam; also called common meringue
French pastry
Any of a variety of small fancy cakes and other pastries, usually in single-portion sizes
French-style ice cream
Ice cream containing egg yolks
Fresh yeast
Compressed yeast
A deep-fried item made of or coated with a batter or dough
Frozen mousse
A still-frozen dessert containing whipped cream
Frozen souffle
A frozen mousse served in a soufflé’s dish or ramekin so that it resembles a baked soufflé
Frozen yogurt
A frozen dessert similar to ice cream but made with yogurt instead of or in addition to milk
Fruit cake
A load cake containing a high percentage of dried and candied fruits and, usually, nuts
Fruit gratin
A dessert consisting of fruit plus a topping, browned under a broiler
Fruit pie
A baked single- or double- crust pie with a fruit filling
Fruit torte
A layer cake topped with a decorative arrangement of fruit
A class of organisms that includes yeasts, molds, and mushrooms
Fusion cuisine
The use of techniques and ingredients from more than one regional cuisine in a single dish
A rich cream made of sweet chocolate and heavy cream
An edible item added to another food as a decoration or accompaniment
French word for ‘cake’
Gateau St-Honore
A pastry consisting of a base made of short pastry and pate a Choux and a cream filling, usually creme Chiboust or creme diplomat
French for ‘waffle’
A water-soluble protein extracted from animal tissue; used as a jelling agent
The process by which starch granules absorb water and swell in size
Italian ice cream
1) A liquid thickened with gelatin
2) Any other kind of jelly, especially one set with pectin
A sponge cake made by whipping whole eggs with sugar and folding in flour and, sometimes, melted butter
The plant embryo portion of a grain kernel
1) Glazed, coated with icing
2) Frozen
A chef whose specialty is ice cream
1) A shiny coating, such as a syrup, applied to a food
2) To make a food shiny or glossy by coating it with a glaze or by browning it under a broiler or in a hot oven
A protein in wheat flour that combines with another protein, glutenin, to form gluten
A simple sugar available in the form of a clear, colourless, tasteless syrup
An elastic substance formed from proteins present in wheat flours that gives structure and strength to baked goods
A protein in wheat flour that combines with another protein, gliadin, to form gluten
Gluten Window
A thin membrane of yeast dough made in order to test gluten development
The basic unit of weight in the metric system; equal to about one-thirtieth of an ounce
Italian equivalent of the French term Granité
A coarse, crystalline frozen dessert made of water, sugar, and fruit juice or another flavoring
Granulated sugar
Sucrose in a fine crystalline form
Gum paste
A type of sugar paste or pastille made with vegetable gum
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points. HACCP is a food safety system of self-inspection designed to highlight hazardous foods and to ensure proper food handling, by identifying, monitoring, and controlling dangers of food contamination
A kind of high-fat milk or low-fat cream containing 10-18% milk fat
Hard meringue
A meringue baked until crisp
Hard sauce
A flavoured mixture of confectioners’ sugar and butter; often served with steamed puddings
Hard wheat
Wheat high in protein
A potentially dangerous food condition caused by contamination, growth of pathogens, survival of pathogens, or presence of toxins
Head baker
The professional in charge of staff and production in a bakery
Hearth bread
A bread baked directly on the bottom of the oven, not in a pan
Heavy pack
A type of canned fruit or vegetable with very little added water or juice
High-fat cake
A cake with a high percentage of fat; distinguished from a sponge or egg-foam cake
1) Term referring to cakes and cake formulas mixed by a special method and containing more sugar than flour
2) The mixing method used for the cakes
3) Term referring to certain specially formulated ingredients used in these cakes, such as shortening
Homogenized milk
Milk processed so the cream does not separate out
Hot milk and butter sponge
A sponge cake batter in which a mixture of warm milk and melted butter is mixed into the batter
The process of absorbing water
A process that converts liquid oils to solid fats (shortenings) by chemically bonding hydrogen to the fat molecules
Ice cream
A churn-frozen mixture of milk, cream, sugar, flavourings, and sometimes eggs
Ice milk
A frozen dessert similar to ice cream, but with a lower fat content
A cookie makeup method in which the dough is shaped into cylinders, refrigerated until firm, and then sliced
A frozen dessert made of water, sugar, and fruit juice
Icing Comb
A plastic triangle with toothed or serrated edges; used for texturing icing
Icing screen
A screen on which cakes are set when iced or glazed, allowing excess to run off
Improved mix
A yeast dough mixing technique that combine a medium mixing period with a medium fermentation period
Initial development stage
The first part of the development stage of mixing yeast doughs, in which the dough still appears rough and undermixed
Instant dry yeast
A dry, granular yeast product that does not require hydration before being added to doughs
Instant starch
A starch that thickens a liquid without cooking it because it has been precooked
Intensive mix
A yeast dough mixing technique that combines a long mixing period with a short fermentation period
A chemical process in which a double sugar splits into two simple sugars
Invert sugar
A mixture of two simple sugars, dextrose and levulose, resulting from the breakdown of sucrose
A compound derived from sucrose, used as a dietary sugar substitute and as an alternative to sugar in decorative sugar work
Italian meringue
A meringue made by whipping a boiling syrup into egg whites
A type of Indian dessert made of deep-fried batter soaked in syrup
A baked meringue flavoured with nuts
Kernel paste
A nut paste, similar to almond paste, made of apricot kernels and sugar
Prefix in the metric system meaning one thousand
A clear alcoholic beverage distilled from cherries
A clear alcoholic beverage distilled from cherries
Kirsch torte
A torte made of genoise, meringue disks, and buttercream, and flavored with kirsch
A type of rich, sweet bread or coffee cake, usually made in a tube-type pan
A group of bacteria primarily responsible for producing the acidity in sourdough starters
A vegetarian diet that allows dairy products and eggs
A form of sugar naturally present in milk
A vegetarian diet that allows diary products and eggs
A small, dry, finger-shaped sponge cake or cookie
Lag phase
A period after bacteria have been introduced to a new environment and before they begin to grow and reproduce
Laminated dough
A dough consisting of many alternating layers of dough and batter or other fat
Langue de chat
A thin, crisp cookie. The French name means “cat’s tongue” referring to the shape of the cookie
Lattice crust
A top crust for a pie made of strips of pastry in a crisscross pattern
Lean dough
A dough low in fat and sugar
The production or incorporation of gases in a baked product to increase volume and to produce shape and texture
An emulsified usually derived from soybeans
Sourdough starter
French for yeast pre-ferment
Commercial yeast
Light cream
Cream with a fat content of 18-30%
A tart made of raspberry jam and a short dough containing nuts and spices
Any of a group of compounds containing fats and cholesterol
Liquid levain
A thin or batter-like sourdough starter
A basic unit of volume in the metric system; equal to slightly more than 1 quart
Long-fermentation dough
A yeast dough that requires a long fermentation period
Low-fat milk
Milk with a fat content of 0.5-2%
French spelling for macaroon, usually referring to a particular style of almond-paste cookies
A cookie made of eggs (usually whites) and almond powder, Lamond paste, or coconut
Maillard reaction
A chemical reaction that causes the browning of proteins and sugars together when subjected to heat
Malt syrup
A type of syrup containing maltose sugar, extraterrestrial from sprouted barley
To partly mix two colours of cake batter or icing so the colours are in decorative swirls
An artificial butter product made of hydrogenated fats and flavorings
French for “chestnut”
A light confection, icing, or filling made of meringue and gelatin (or other stabilizers)
Marshmallow icing
Boiled icing with the addition of gelatin
A paste or confection made of almonds and sugar and often used for decorative work
Mature (dough)
The ideal stage of development for a yeast dough
Mature (fruit)
Fruit that has completed its development and is physiologically capable of continuing the ripening process, even after removal from the plant
An early type of bread; cakes of grain paste baked by the ancient Greeks
Coarsely ground grain
Mealy piecrust
A piecrust in which the fat has been mixed in thoroughly enough so the dough does not have a flaky texture
Mealy pie dough
A pie dough that has a mealy texture when baked
Melba sauce
A sweet sauce made of pureed raspberries and sometimes red currents
A thick, white foam made of whipped egg whites and sugar
Meringue chantilly
Baked meringue filled with whipped cream
Meringue glacée
Baked meringue filled with ice cream
The basic unit of length in the metric system; slightly longer than 1 yard
Metric system
A measurement system based entirely on decimals
A life form, such as bacteria, too small to be seen without a microscope
Milk chocolate
Sweetened chocolate containing milk solids
Milk chocolate couverture
Couverture consisting of chocolate liquor, sugar, and milk solids
Milk fat
The fat content of milk; also called butterfat
French term for Napoleon; literally, ‘thousand leaves’. Also used for various layered desserts
Prefix in the metric system meaning one-thousandth
An inorganic element, such as calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, or zinc, that is essential to nutrition
Mixed fermentation
A type of yeast dough fermentation utilizing both a pre-ferment or sour starter and a commercial yeast
Modeling chocolate
A thick paste made of chocolate and glucose that can be molded by hand into decorative shapes
Modified straight dough method
A mixing method similar to the straight dough method, except the fat and sugar are mixed together first to ensure uniform distribution. Used for rich doughs.
A heavy brown syrup made from sugarcane
A cookie makeup method in which the dough is shaped into cylinders, cut into equal portions, and shaped as desired
A simple or single sugar such as glucose and fructose
Monounsaturated fat
A type of fat, normally liquid at room temperature, that contains one double bond in its carbon chain
A soft or creamy dessert made light by the addition of whipped cream, egg whites, or both
Muffin method
A mixing method in which the mixed dry ingredients are combined with the mixed liquid ingredients
A dessert made of layers of puff pastry filled with pastry cream
Natural sour
Also called a natural starter. Sourdough starter
Net weight
The weight of the total contents of a can or package
Nonfat milk
Milk with all the fat removed
Nonfat dried milk
Milk with all the fat removed
No-time dough
A bread dough made with a large quantity of yeast and given no fermentation time, except for a short rest after mixing
A mixture of caramelized sugar and almonds or other nuts, used in decorative work and as a confection and flavoring
Nouvelle cuisine
Important cooking style of the 1960s and 1970s, known for lighter flavours and elaborate plating styles
A substance essential for the functioning or growth of an organism
Nutrient density
The quantity of nutrients per calorie
Liquid fat
Old dough
A dough that is overfermented
One-stage method
1) A cookie-mixing method in which all ingredients are added to the bowl at once
2) A cake-mixing method in which all the ingredients, including high ratio liquid shortening, are mixed together at once
Opera Cake
A layer cake made of thin sponge layers, coffee-flavored buttercream, and chocolate ganache
In Ancient Greece, any food eaten with bread
Osmotolerant yeast
A type of yeast that can remain active even in a high concentration of sugar. Used for sweet doughs
Drawing shapes on a plate with chocolate or a thick sauce prior to filling in the spaces in those shapes with one or more sauces
Oven spring
The rapid rise of yeast goods in the oven due to the production and expansion of trapped gases caused by the oven heat
The increase in volume of ice cream or frozen desserts caused by the incorporation of air while freezing
Referring to a vegetarian diet that allows eggs
The process that occurs when oxygen reacts with other compounds or elements. In the bakeshop, it usually refers to oxidation of components of flour during mixing
Pain d’épice
French for “spice bread”. A type of gingerbread
Pain de campagne
French country-style bread
A small pastry or petit four sec made of rolled, sugared puff pastry cut into slices and baked
An Italian sweet bread made in a large loaf, generally containing dried and candied fruits
Panna cotta
An Italian pudding made of cream, gelatin, and flavourings; literally “cooked cream”
Paper cone
A tool made of parchment paper formed into a cone and filled with icing, sauce, or other semi-liquid. Used for decorative work
An organism that can survive only by living on, with, or inside another organism
1) A type of sundae served in a tall, thin glass
2) A still-frozen dessert made of egg yolks, syrup, and heavy cream
A dessert consisting of a ring of baked eclair paste filled with cream
To heat-treat substances, such as milk, to kill bacteria that might cause disease or spoilage.
A sugar paste used for decorative work, which becomes very hard when dry
Pastry Cream
A thick custard sauce containing eggs and starch
Pastry Flour
A weak flour used for pastries and cookies
Pastry method
A mixing method in which the fat is mixed with the dry ingredients before the liquid ingredients are added. Also called Biscuit Method
Pâte à choux
Eclair paste
Pâte brisée
A type of rich pastry dough used primarily for tarts
Pâte Fermentée
Fermented dough, sued as a starter for yeast breads
Pâte Feuilleté
French name for puff pastry
Pâte Sablée
A rich, crumbly pastry dough high in fat. Also called short dough
Pâte Sucrée
A type of pastry dough similar to pate braised but higher in sugar
Patent flour
A fine grade of wheat flour milled from the inner portions of the kernel
A disease-causing microorganism
A pastry chef
Peasant tart
A baked tart with a custard filling containing prunes
A soluble plant fibre, used primarily as a jelling agent for fruit preserves and jams
A flat wooden shovel sued to place hearth breads in an oven and to remove them
A category of carbohydrate gums present in wheat flour and having strong water absorption capability
Petit four
A delicate cake, pastry, cookie, or confection small enough to be eaten in one or two bites
Petit four glacé
An iced or cream-filled petit four
Petit four sec
An un-iced or unfilled petit four (sec means dry), such as a small butter cookie or palmier
A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance
Philadelphia-style ice cream
Ice cream containing no eggs
Phyllo dough
A paper thin dough or pastry used to make strudels and various Middle Eastern and Greek desserts. Also spelled filo or fillo.
Pickup stage
The first stage of yeast dough mixing, in which the loose dry ingredients are gradually picked up and incorporated into the developing dough
Piping jelly
A transparent, sweet jelly used for decorating cakes
A cake made of puff pastry filled with almond cream
Plant toxin
Any poison naturally present in plants
The station chef in charge of fish preparation
Polyunsaturated fat
A type of fat, normally liquid at room temperature, that contains more than one double bond in its carbon chain
A thin yeast starter made with equal parts flour and water, plus commercial yeast
Pot de crème
A rich baked custard
Pound cake
1) A cake made of equal weights of flour, butter, sugar, and eggs
2) Any cake resembling this
Pour batter
A batter thin or liquid enough to pour
Poured sugar
Sugar boiled to hard-crack stage and then poured into molds to harden. Also called Cast Sugar
A confection or flavoring made of nuts and caramelized sugar
A fermented dough or batter used to provide leavening for a larger batch of dough
A scaled piece of dough divided into small, equal units in a dough divider
A small puff made of eclair paste. Often filled with ice cream and served with chocolate sauce
Fermenting made-up yeast products to increase their volume and lighten their texture before baking
Any of a group of nutrients essential for growth, building body tissue, and basic body functions, and that can also be used for energy if the diet does not contain enough carbohydrates and fats
Puff pastry
A very light, flaky pastry made from a rolled-in dough and leavened by steam
Pulled sugar
Sugar boiled to the hard-crack stage, allowed to hard n slightly, then pulled or stretched until it develops a pearly sheen
Pullman loaf
Long, rectangular loaf of bread
Pumpernickel flour
A coarse, flaky meal made from whole rye grains
A method of expelling gases from fermented dough
A food made into a smooth pulp, usually by being ground or forced through a sieve
A small oval portion of food
A set of instructions, including ingredients and quantities, for preparing a certain dish
Regular shortening
Any basic shortening without emulsifiers, used for creaming methods and for icings
An automated, timer-controlled combination of retarder/freezer and proofer, used for holding and proofing yeast products
Refrigerating a yeast dough to slow its fermentation
Reversed puff pastry
A type of puff pastry made with the dough enclosed between layers of butter
Ribbon sponge
A thin sponge cake layer with a decorative design made of stencil paste
Rice condé
A thick, molded rice pudding, usually topped with fruit
Rice impératrice
A rich rice pudding containing whipped cream, candied fruits, and gelatin
Rich dough
A dough high in fat, sugar, and/or eggs
Ripe (fruit)
Fruit that is at its peak of texture, flavour, and sweetness, and ready to be consumed
A cookie makeup method in which the dough is rolled out into a sheet and cut into shapes with cookie cutters
Rolled fondant
A dough-like sugar product with the texture of a stiff dough. Rolled into thin sheets and used to cover cakes
Rolled-in dough
Dough in which a fat has been incorporated in many layers using a rolling and folding procedure
Roller milling
A process of milling wheat into flour that involves repeatedly cracking and sifting the grain
Roast cook or meat cook
A method of molding a piece of dough into a round ball with a smooth surface or skin
Royal icing
A form of icing made of confectioners’ sugar and egg whites, used for decorating
Rye blend
A mixture of rye flour and hard wheat flour
Rye flour
Rye grain milled into a flour
Rye meal
Coarse rye flour
A foamy dessert or sauce made of egg yolks whipped with wine or liqueur
Sablage/Sanding method
A pastry- and cookie- mixing methods involving blending the fat with the dry ingredients and then adding in egg
A rich chocolate cake from Vienna
A small pastry made of a twisted strip of puff paste coated with nuts and sugar
Saturated fat
A fat that is normally solid at room temperature
The station chef who prepares sauces and stews and sautés foods to order
A type of yeast bread or caked soaked in syrup
Weighing, usually ingredients, doughs, or batters
A type of biscuit or biscuitlike bread
Scone flour
A mixture of flour and baking powder used when very small quantities of baking powder are needed
A technique for tempering chocolate by adding grated tempered chocolate to melted chocolate to cool it
Self-rising flour
White flour to which baking powder and, sometimes, salt has been added
A southern Italian flaky turnover pastry with a sweet cheese filling
A cookie makeup method in which the dough is baked in sheets and then cut into portions
A frozen dessert made of water, sugar, fruit juice, and, sometimes, milk or cream
Having a high fat content, which makes the product (such as a cookie or pastry) very crumbly and tender
A crisp cookie made of butter, sugar, and flour
Short dough
A pastry dough, similar to a basic cookie dough, made of flour, sugar, and fat
1) Any fat used in baking to tenderize the product by shortening gluten strands
2) A white, tasteless, solid fat formulated for baking or deep frying
Short-fermentation straight dough
A yeast dough, usually with a high percentage of yeast, that is fermented for only a short time before being made up and baked
Short mix
A yeast dough mixing technique combining a short mixing period with long fermentation
Simple fold
One part of the procedure for making Danish and croissant dough, which requires folding the dough in thirds. Also called three-fold
Simple presentation
A style of plating a dessert consisting of a portion of one dessert plus optional sauces and garnishes
Simple sugar
A sugar with the simplest or smallest possible molecule, containing 6 carbon atoms. Glucose is a simple sugar
Simple syrup
A syrup consisting of sucrose and water in varying proportions
Single-acting baking powder
Baking powder that releases gases as soon as it is mixed with water
Skim milk
Milk with all the fat rmeoved
Sodium bicarbonate
Baking soda; a chemical that releases carbon dioxide gas when combined with an acid
Soft meringue
The type of meringue traditionally used for pie toppings; usually with a low percentage of sugar
Soft pie
A single-crust pie with a custard-type filling - that is, a filling that sets or coagulates due to its egg content
Soft wheat
Wheat low in protein
Solid pack
A type of canned fruit or vegetable with no water added
French for “sherbet”
Italian for “sherbet”
1) A baked dish containing whipped egg whites, which cause the dish to rise during baking
2) A still-frozen dessert made in a souffle dish so it resembles a baked souffle
Sourdough starter
Sour cream
A cream, usually with about 18% milk fat, that has been fermented by bacteria until thick
A dough leavened by a sourdough starter
Sourdough starter
A dough or batter that contains wild yeasts and bacteria, has a noticeable acidity as a result of fermentation by these organisms, and is used to leaven other doughs
Sous chef
The station chef who assists the executive chef and is directly in charge of the cooking during production
A batter or dough of yeast, flour, and water that is allowed to ferment and is then mixed with more flour and other ingredients to make a bread dough
Sponge cake
A type of cake made by whipping eggs and sugar to a foam, then folding in flour
Sponge method
A cake- and cookie- mixing method based on whipped eggs and sugar
Sponge roll/Swiss roll
A thin sponge cake layer spread with a filling and rolled up
The tendency of a cookie to expand and flatten out when baked
Spun sugar
Boiled sugar made into long, thin threads, by dipping wires into the sugar syrup and waving them so the sugar falls off in fine streams
The change in texture and aroma of baked goods due to the loss of moisture by the starch granules
Standardized formula
A set of instructions describing the way a particular establishment prepares a certain baked item
Starch retrogradation
A chemical change of starch molecules that is responsible for staling
A pattern or design cut from plastic or cardboard, used for depositing batter for thin cookies made in decorative shapes
Stencil paste
A type of thin cookie or wafer dough used to make cookies in decorative shapes; also used to make decorative patterns in ribbon sponge
1) A dessert made of a ring of cream puffs set on a short dough base and filled with a type of pastry cream
2) The cream used to fill this dessert, made of pastry cream and whipped egg whites
Stirred custard
A custard stirred while it is cooked so it thickens but does not set
A type of sweet yeast bread with fruit
Straight dough method
A mixing method for yeast goods in which all ingredients are mixed together at once
Straight flour
Flour made from the entire wheat kernel minus the bran and germ
The portion of flour that is separated in any one of the stages in the roller-milling of grain
A crumbly topping for baked goods, consisting of fat, sugar, and flour rubbed together
String work
The production of decorative icing designs using a paper cone - drop string method
Strong flour
Flour with a high protein content
A baked item consisting of a filling rolled up in a sheet of strudel dough or phyllo dough
Strudel dough
A type of dough that is stretched until paper thin
A type of synthetic sweetener derived from sucrose
The chemical name for regular granulated sugar and confectioners’ sugar
Sugar cage
A lacy dome of hard caramelized
A dessert consisting of ice cream in a dish, with carious sauces and toppings
Swiss meringue
Egg whites and sugar warmed, usually over hot water, and then whipped to a foam
Swiss roll
A thin sponge cake layer spread with a filling and rolled up
One or more types of sugar dissolved in water, often with small amounts of other compounds or impurities that give the syrup flavor
Syrup pack
A type of canned fruit containing sugar syrup
A technique for tempering chocolate by cooling it on a marble slab
A flat, baked item consisting of a pastry and a sweet or savory topping or filling; similar to a pie but usually thinner
Tarte Tatin
An upside-down apple tart
The process of melting and cooling chocolate to a specific temperature to prepare it for dipping, coating, or molding
The resistance of a dough to being stretched
A technique used to increase the number of layers in puff pastry or Danish pastry by folding the dough in thirds
An Italian dessert made of ladyfinger sponge, flavored with espresso coffee, and a creamy cheese filling
German for various types of cakes, usually layer cakes
Trans fat
A solid fat, usually manufactured by hydrogenation, that limits the body’s ability to rid itself of cholesterol
A thin, crisp cookie molded into a cup shape
A condition of muffin products characterized by large, elongated holes; caused by overmixing
A pedestal with a flat, rotating top, used for holding cakes while they are being decorated
Two-stage method
A cake-mixing method that begins with the blending of flour and high-ratio shortening and is followed by the addition of liquids. Also called the high ratio method
UHT pasteurization/Ultrapasteurized
Ultra Heat Treated / Ultra High Temperature pasteurization. Subjection to a relatively high heat for a defined period in order to kill microorganisms and extend shelf life
Unsaturated fat
A fat that is normally liquid at room temperature
A crisp meringue shell filled with cream, fruits, or other items
A vegetarian diet that excludes all animal products, including dairy products and eggs
An extremely small microorganism, smaller than bacteria, responsible for a variety of diseases
Vital wheat gluten
Wheat gluten in a concentrated form, usually about 75% by weight, added to flour to improve the quality of yeast-raised doughs
Any of a group of compounds that are present in foods in very small quantities and are necessary for regulating body functions
1) noun - A liquid brushed onto the surface of a product, usually before baking
2) verb - To apply such a liquid
Water hardness
The mineral content of water
Water pack
A type of canned fruit or vegetable containing the water used to process the item
Weak flour
Flour with a low protein content
Whipping cream
Cream with a high enough fat content, usually above 30%, to enable it to be whipped into a foam
White couverture
A confection consisting of cocoa butter, milk solids, and sugar. Sometimes erroneously called white chocoalte
Whole milk
Milk with 3.5% fat content
Whole wheat flour
Flour made by grinding the entire wheat kernel, including the bran and germ
Yeast pre-ferment
A dough or batter fermented with commercial yeast and used to provide leavening for a larger batch of dough
Yeast starter
Another name for yeast pre-ferment
Milk cultured with special bacteria until thick
Young dough
A dough that is under fermented
An Italian dessert or sauce made of whipped egg yolks and Marsala wine
The colored outer portion of the peel of citrus fruits