Textbook Flashcards
When does HIV spread quickly
women have no say in the use of protective measures during intercourse, such as the use of condoms
there is age-mixing in sexual relationships, for example when a man of 45 has arelationship with a girl of 15
there is more than one partner
there is transactional sex
Rape occurs
Benefits of flexibility
increases your range of motion
prevents and reduces muscle soreness
increases your speed
improves athletic performance
improves your body awareness, posture and balance
believing, unfairly, that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same
What are the bill of rights based on
Impact of xenophobia on the community
causes poverty and hardship
disrupts communities; people are displaced; they lose their homes, possessions and shops
harms communities; neighbours lose their trust in each other
leads to poverty and insecurity
leads to unemployment
Impact of xenophobia on people’s emotion
hurts people’s feelings
makes people feel sad, lonely and afraid
promotes fear and hatred in people
makes us all feel ashamed of ourselves
Impact of xenophobia on our country
gives our country a bad image
has a negative economic impact
stops tourists from visiting South Africa.
Impact of discrimination in people living with HIV with Aids
People living with HIV and AIDS may be scared to go for treatment and to tell others about their illness.
This can lead to HIV and AIDS and secondary infections such as TB spreading much more, because people are not getting proper treatment.
Many people have died unnecessarily because of discrimination and stigma or the fear of stigma
How to be leader
Stand up for what’s right. Stand up to corruption. Don’t bribe.
Stand up for morality. Report crime.
Stand up for your community. Get to know your neighbours.
Stand up for free speech. Listen to the other side.
Things to do to improve your memory
First understand what you need to remember.
Make summaries and learn them. Practise repeating the summaries to
yourself when you are walking, standing in queues or while bathing.
Close your eyes and make a picture of what you are trying to remember
How to organise and plan your time
Write down dates for tests, sports events, and task deadlines.
Balance study time with rest and fun.
Take regular short breaks.
Spend more time on weaker subjects.
Study difficult subjects when you have the most energy.
Keep study tools in one place.Avoid distractions like TV, phones, and noise.
Review your schedule weekly, especially for projects or exams.
A mind map helps you
understand the topic
make notes, summarise and present information
remember facts; it is a useful mnemonic or memory aid
see the whole topic clearly
Creative thinking
Creative thinking means you generate, produce or make many new ideas. You offer new and unusual suggestions and solutions
process of gathering evidence of
When does environmental injustice occur
People with fewer choices, such as the poor and disadvantaged, suffer the most from pollution, dangerous work conditions, and lack of access to resources.
There is resource depletion, which includes the loss and reduction of fishing stocks, trees, and firewood.
Poor people also have unequal access to basic resources such as water and electricity.
When does social injustice occur
people with fewer choices, such as the poor and disadvantaged, suffer the most from discrimination based on, for example, ability, age, culture, gender, race and religious belief
people with fewer choices lack acknowledgement of their human rights and access to services such as health services, a good education, and housing
What does crime and violence lead to
fear, anxiety and worry
obesity due to overeating or comfort eating
loneliness due to staying away from others
physical injury, permanent body disgurement or scarring
Poverty is linked to
• poor health
• lack of food
• lack of basic resources and services
• lack of access to a healthy and safe environment
• fewer educational opportunities
happens when you don’t get enough of the nutrients you need to
grow properly and stay healthy.
A condition that develops when you do not get the right amount of vitamins, minerals and other
nutrients you need for healthy tissues and organ function.
What can you do about food security
•Plant food at school in a food garden, or at home, even if the space is
• Plant different things so you are sure of having at least one kind of
vegetable or fruit for every season.
• Join your school feeding scheme so that you get a good meal once a day.
What can you do to save water
• Shower quickly instead of bathing.
• Never leave a tap running while you brush your teeth.
• Always close all taps after use.
• Fix leaking taps immediately.
• Volunteer to run water-wise programmes at school and in the