Text Types Flashcards
Top part (x5)
Body (x4)
Magazine Name
Column name
Title of article
Date & Time
- One sentence hook (the who, what, when, where, why)
- Photo with caption
- Facts, statistics, quotes,
- Conclusion
Good things to remember (x5)
- Impersonal expressions (il faut, il est necessaire)
- Phrases with si
- Exclamatory, interrogative
- Questions (inversion and est-ce que)
- Logical connectors
How to make it informal (x1)
- remove ne
Film Critique
Top (x5)
Body (x5)
Website name
Name (book, movie), author
Author of critique
1 - 5 stars
State your opinion and feelings
Plotline of the story
Main theme of the story
If should watch the movie
Speech (x7)
Salutation (formal), opening remarks
Speech subject with opinion
Repetition, rhetorical questions
Consideration of the audience
Facts, advice, examples, stats (make audience reflect,
Quotation (motivational conclusion leaves clear impression)
Thanks & goodbye
Is de plus or en plus more formal?
De plus
Formal phrase for end of letter
Veuillez agréer, madame, mes sincères salutations
Personal email/letter
Top conventions (x2)
Body and end (x5)
Include de, date d’envoi, à, object (subject)
- Greeting and salutation
- Explain why you are writing, subject of letter
- Express information, feelings, opinions, wishes, examples, anecdotes
- Emojis
- Conclusion asks for response or wishes
- Signature
I hope this letter finds you well
J’espère que cette lettre vous/te trouvera bien
Personal greeting (x3) and formal greetings (x4)
Coucou, cher/chère, bisous
Monsieur/madame, bonne journée, cordialement, bien à vous
Formal letter or email
Top (x3)
Body (x4)
- Name, address, telephone, and email of sender to the left and name, title adress to right of sendee
- Date and address of sending)
- Greeting and salutation
- Introduce yourself, explain the reason for writing the letter
- Give examples, information and comparisons
- End with key point, what you’re asking for (apology, thanks, depending on letter)
- Full name signature
Top (x3)
Bottom (x5)
- Name of journal
- Title
- Publication date (realisé à)
- Introduce information about person you are interviewing
- Indicate who the interviewer is
- Question response format (with est-ce que or inversion)
- Thank person being interviewed, think towards the future (what they will do)
Top (x2)
Bottom (x6)
- Title/slogan, subtitle little description,
- Goal of brochure, supporting examples
- Numbers and percents (stats)
- Citations, engaging adjective, imperative
- Varied typography (bullet points)
- Images
- Contact details (emial, website, phone number)
- Address the audience
Top (x2)
Body (x4)
Can also be in the form of a letter or email
- Name of author, recipient name
- Title
- Introduction: present yourself and specify what you are asking for
- What motivates your request, justify it (benefits), examples, comparisons, statistics
- Express opinions and suggestions
- Forward looking conclusion that is convincing, reminder of key points and final recommendation, thanks
What is a useful phrase for a proposition (at the bottom)
Proposition formulee par (nom), title, address, phone number
-Title, author date, and hour of publication
- Explain reason for writing the blog post, point of view and provide explanations
- Use je
- Address reader
- Photos
- Hyperlink
- Space for comments
How do you write date and time for french?
12 mai 20:39
What is a lettre de motivation
Cover letter
- Title
- Introduction, goal of instructions (who are they for)
- Bullet points/subtitles
- Infinitive - ne..infinitive, hypothetical sentences, il faut
- Awareness of reader
- Importance of following instructions, conclusion
- Where to find more information