Tetanus Flashcards
pathogen type
life cycle of the pathogen
Entry via deep wound; replication in tissue in a deep wound in the absence of oxygen; the neurotoxins travel up inhibitory neurotransmitters in the CNS.
reproductive method of pathogen
mode of transmission of tetanus
Direct contact between soil reservoir and deep puncture wound.
Indirect (mostly)
Usually through injuries + from contaminated objects (ie. Dirt, feaces, spit)
Neonatal infection common in areas with poor birthing facilities
symptoms of pathogen
sustained, server muscle contractions due to blocking of nerve impulses by tetanus toxin
Incubation period usually 3 – 21 days
Quicker symptoms = more severe infection
Affects neurons that release inhibitory neurotransmitters (blocks release)
Muscle spasms, inability to open mouth, swallowing problems, breathing difficulties, painful convulsions, abnormal heart rhythms
tetanus pathogen name
clostridium tetani
method of invasion
Conditions in wound well suited to anaerobic needs
Bacteria grow + ferment, releasing small amounts of TeTx
Toxin mainly released during stationary phase of growth (most not freed until cell lysis)
Distributed to motor neurons via blood stream
Can move within axons to reach CNS
evolutionary adaptations
Have 2 life stages
Vegetative: anaerobic (can’t stand oxygen, but works when in wound)
Sporular: can withstand environmental extremes
Can parasitize host using secretions to degrade organic material for fermentation
Reproduce via binary fission
Factors Affecting Spread
Found frequently in densely populated areas with hot, damp climates
More common in developing nations where there are contaminated medical supplies
Agricultural workers at high risk
Occurrence decreased mainly with introduction of vaccine
maangement stratergies - treatment
Penicillin / antibiotics
Kill bacteria
Cleaning wound + removing dead tissue
Muscle relaxants
To treat muscle spasms
Respiratory system support sometimes required
management stratergies - prevention
Vaccination, followed by boosters every 10 years (especially for expecting mothers)
Immediate + proper wound care
Sterile hospital conditions
Immediate tetanus immunoglobulin for patients without x3 vaccinations and who have a wound after natural disastor