Tests for Carbohydrates Fermentation (F) Flashcards
The action of many spp of microorganisms on a carbohydrate substrates result to what?
It result in the acidification of the medium
What are the components of a basal fermentation medium?
It typically includes:
1) Tryptichydrolysate of casein
2) Na chloride
3) Phenol red
4) Carbohydrate to be tested
What is the purpose of tryptichydrolysate of casein (as component of a basal fermentation medium)?
It is the source of carbon and nitrogen
What is the purpose of NaCl (as component of a basal fermentation medium)?
It serves as osmotic stabilizer
What is the purpose of phenol red (as component of a basal fermentation medium)?
It serves as the indicator
What is the concentration of the carbohydrate to be tested (as a component of a basal fermentation medium)?
0.5 - 1% concentration
What is the procedure (or steps) of sugar fermentation test?
1) Inoculate TSI by stabbing the medium thru the butt or deep and the slant is streaked w/ a back and forth motion
2) Incubate overnight at 35 - 37 DC
3) Observe the color rxns (acid = yellow, alkaline = red)
What are the results of sugar fermentation test?
1) Alkaline slant / alkaline butt: no sugars fermented
2) Alkaline slant, acid butt: only glucose is fermented, lactose and sucrose not fermented
3) Acid slant, acid butt: glucose and lactose (or sucrose in TSI) fermented
- negative carbohydrate fermentation, positive carbohydrate fermentation, fermentation and gas production
What is the meaning of OF test?
Oxidative-Fermentative test
True or False
Certain fermenting gram (-) bacteria metabolize glucose using aerobic respiration
False, because certain non-fermenting gram (-) bacteria metabolize glucose using aerobic respiration
What are the products if certain nonfermenting gram (-) bacteria metabolize glucose using aerobic respiration?
It only produce a small amt of weak acids during Krebs cycle and Entner Doudoroff (glycolysis)
What is the action of the increased concentration of glucose in the medium (in OF test)?
It enhances the production of these weak acids, this medium contains a reduced concentration of peptones
What is the procedure (or steps) of OF test of carbohydrates (Hugh and Leifson’s)?
1) Inoculate 2 tubes of OF based medium w/ sugar by stabbing halfway to the bottom w/ the test organism
2) Overlay 1 tube w/ 1 cm of mineral oil
3) Incubate overnight at 35 - 37 DC
4) Interpret results
What are the results of OF test of carbohydrates (Hugh and Leifson’s)?
1) Fermentation results: culture medium turned yellow from green
2) Oxidative: medium turns yellow near on the top only
3) Negative: no change of color to yellow
What is the interpretation if the bacteria being tested via OF test (Hugh and Leifson’s) are the ff:
1) O- (or oxidative negative)
2) F- (or fermentation / fermentative negative)
Non Saccharolytic
What is the interpretation if the bacteria being tested via OF test (Hugh and Leifson’s) are the ff:
1) O+ (or oxidative positive)
2) F+ (or fermentation / fermentative positive)
What is the interpretation if the bacteria being tested via OF test (Hugh and Leifson’s) are the ff:
1) O+ (or oxidative positive)
2) F- (or fermentation / fermentative negative)
What are the components of the medium used in carbohydrate utilization test (cystine tryptic agar-based)?
The medium contains:
1) Cystine
2) Peptone
What is the purpose of cystine and peptone (as components of the medium for carbohydrate utilization test)?
To supply the nutrients necessary to support the growth of fastidious microorganisms
What is the meaning of CTA?
Cystine Tryptic Agar
CTA media is supplemented w/ what?
It is supplemented w/ a 1% concentration of a sp carbohydrate w/c are used to detect fermentation rxns
How is carbohydrate fermentation detected (in carbohydrate utilization test)?
It is detected by a visible color change of the medium due to the incorporation of the pH indicator dye, phenol red
What happens when the carbohydrate present is metabolized by the organism (in carbohydrate utilization test)?
Organic acids are produced and the medium becomes acidified
What is the action of the acid produced by carbohydrate fermentation (in carbohydrate utilization test)?
It causes a decrease in pH, causing a color shift in the medium from red-pink to yellow
What is the procedure (or steps) of carbohydrate utilization test?
1) Inoculate tubes of CTA based medium w/ sugars by stabbing halfway to the bottom w/ the test organisms that are 18 - 24 hrs old
2) Incubate overnight at 35 - 37 DC
a. If testing for utilization, do not tighten cap
b. If testing for fermentation, tighten cap
3) Interpret results:
a. Yellow: (+), sugar is fermented
b. Orange-red: (-), sugar not fermented
What is the indication of the presence of Neisseria meningitidis via carbohydrate utilization test?
Glucose: yellow
Maltose: yellow
Sucrose: orange-red
What is the indication of the presence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae via carbohydrate utilization test?
Glucose: yellow
Maltose: orange-red
Sucrose: orange-red