Testicular Torsion Flashcards
What happens in testicular torsion?
Why is it a urological emergency?
Twisting of spermatic cord with rotation of the testes
Delaying treatment can lead to ischaemia and necrosis of testicle -> can lead to subfertility and infertility
How might someone with testicular torsion present?
Typically a teenage boy
Hx of player sports or doing an activity when it occured
Acute rapid onset of unilateral testicular pain
Abdo pain-> can be only presentation for some
What would you expect to find on examination?
How can you confirm the diagnosis? Would you also do this investigation?
Firm swollen testicle
Elevated/retracted testicle
Absent cremasteric reflex (stroking of inner thigh causing cremaster muscle to contract and retract testes)
Abnormal testicular lie-> might be horizontal
Rotated-> epididymus won’t be posterior
Scrotal USS
-whirlpool sign= spiral appearance to spermatic cord +BV
Only do if not going to delay patient from getting surgery
What is a bell-clapper deformity and why can it cause testicular torsion?
Lack of fixation between the testicle and tunica vaginalis meaning that the testicle hangs in horizontal position rather than verticle
Leads to testicle being able to rotate within the tunica vaginalis and twisting the spermatic cord cutting of the blood supply
How would you manage testicular torsion?
NBM Analgesia Urgent senior review Surgical exploration of scrotum Orchiopexy= corrects the positions of testicles and fixes them in place Orchidectomy of necrosis present