Testicular Disorders Flashcards
Types of testicular tumors
Primary testicular tumors:
Germ cell tumors ( 95 % ) ; seminoma , non seminoma
Stromal tumors ( 5% ) : Leyding cell tumor, Sertoli cell tumor, granulosa cell tumor
Other tumors ( rare ) : gonadoblastoma
Risk factors of testicular tumors
Cryptorchidism = urdesended testis
² HIV infection
² Gonadal dysgenesis autogas genitalia
² Family history
² Personal history of testis cancer of one testis
² Infertility
Testicular tumors presentation
Most tumors present with painless mass ( firm and non-tender mass ). hard
Testicular pain in 10% if hemorrhage or infection occur.
Gynecomastia ( mainly with Sertoli or Leydig cell tumor )
Back or abdominal pain with bulky retroperitoneal metastasis
Testicular tumors work up
History and Physical examination
Scrotal US Test ( the best )
Serum tumor markers ( AFP , B HCG , LDH )
Chest x ray
CT abdomen and pelvis with contrast
Seminoma usaual age of onset ?
30 - 40 years . Rare old age > 50 year
Seminoma tumor markers?
10 % has high B HCG and always normal AFP
Seminoma TTx
Radiosensitive and chemo sensitive = both has 2nd line of management after surgery
On histology it has large uniform cell with clear cytoplasm and the nucleus has 2 nucleoli or eccentric nucleolus.
Types of non seminoma
- Embryonal carcinoma
- Yolk sac tumor
- Choriocarcioma
- Teratoma
Embryonal carcinoma
Usual age of onset 25-35 years
May secret both AFP and β-HCG or maybe normal
Yolksac tumor
Pediatric tumor
Usual age of onset < 10 years
May secret both AFP and β-HCG
Usual age of onset 20 - 30 years
Always secrete B HCG and AFP
Has the worst prognosis of all testers tumors
Usual age of onset 25 - 35 years
Doesn’t secrete AFP or BHCG
Resistance to chemotherapy or radiation
Only ttt is surgery
Treatment of testicular tumors general role
Offer sperm banking prior to cancer treatment
Avoid trans scrotal biopsy and trans scrotal surgey
Radical inguinal orchidectony
Testis sparing is reasonably for
Tumor in solitary testis
Bilateral testes tumors
Seminoma ttt
Surveillance follow up
When patient has no L.N metastasis and compliant for surveillance ,if non compliant he should receive chemotherapy or radiation .
Radistion - In presence of L.N metastasis < 5 cm Retroperitoneal radiation
Chemotherapy - In presence of L.N metastasis > 5 cm or non nodal metastasis , followed by RPLND if L.N does not shrink
Non seminoma ttt
RPLND or chemotherapy
If no L.N metastasis or L.N metastasis <5cm
If L.N metastasis > 5cm or non nodal metastasis. ( note: after chemotherapy if L.N metastasis does not shrink , do my choice RPLND )
Definition of varicocele
Dilatation of veins in the pampiniform plexus of spermatic cord
Found in 15% of men in the general population.
…. of males presenting with primary
infertility and …. of men with secondary
- 20 - 40%
- 45 - 80 %
Left side affected in …%
Etiology of varicocele
Incompetent valves in the internal spermatic
veins lead to retrograde blood flow, vessel
dilatation, and tortuosity of the pampiniform
The left internal spermatic (testicular) vein
enters the left renal vein at right angles and is
under a higher pressure than the right vein which
enters the vena cava obliquely at a lower level.
Patho physiology of varicocele
- Testicular venous drainage is via the pampiniform plexus, a meshwork of veins encircling the testicular arteries
- This arrangement normally provides a countercurrent heat exchange mechanism which cools arterial blood as it reaches the testis.
- Varicoceles adversely affect this mechanism, resulting in elevated scrotal temperatures and consequent deleterious effects on spermatogenesis.
Presentation of varicocele
- The majority are asymptomatic.
- large varicoceles may cause pain or a heavy feeling in the scrotal area.
Examination of varicocele
- Examine, both lying and standing, and ask the patient to perform the Valsalva manoeuvre (strain down)
- Varicocele is identified as a mass of dilated and
tortuous veins above the testicle (‘bag of worms’)
which decompress on lying supine.
Grading of Varicocele
Investigation of varicocele
Indication for Varicocele repair
Management of varicocele
Definition of hydrocele
- Abnormal fluid collection in the tunica vaginalis.
2nd layer - Most acquired hydrocele are idiopathic
- Other causes may include trauma , infection, tumor or
lymphatic obstruction.
Diagnosis of hydrocele
Smooth scrotal swelling
Trans-illuminate during examination
With huge enlargement, testis might not palpable
Because of testicular tumor can be a cause of hydrocele , US assessment is essential tool
Management of hydrocele
- Observation, in case of simple hydrocele in pediatrics ( mostly will resolve within 2 years)
- Inguinal exploration for communicating hydrocele in pediatrics or when associated with hernia
- In adult hydrocelectomy is indicated when it is symptomatic.
Definition Epididymo-Orchitis
Inflammation of Epididymis (Epididymitis)
and inflammation of testicle (Orchitis)
Can lead to:
Testis or epididymal abscess
Chronic epididymo-orchitis
Testicular atrophy
In infectious cause of epididymo-orchitis, in men <36 years, most commonly (….) and usually present with ?
STD (Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis )
In men > 35 years, most common infectious causes of epididmo-orchitis …
Presentation of epididymo orchitis
➢ Testicular pain ( gradually increase)
➢ Urethral discharge ( if STD ) I from ultra
➢ Fever
➢ On examination ( swelling , tenderness and erythema ).
➢ Hydrocele ( reaction to inflammation, can persist for months after treatment.
Work up of Epididymo-Orchitis
➢ Urine culture
➢ Urethral swab and culture of the discharge ( if STD suspected )
➢ Scrotal ultrasound with Doppler
Treatment Epididymo-Orchitis
Types of testicular torsion
Most common age of testicular torsion is …
12 - 18 year
Presentation of testicular torsion
Acute onset of severe pain with or without swelling
Can happen with trauma or during sleep
Examination of testicular torsion
Tender, high riding testis ,horizontal axis ,no pain relief with elevation of the testis (Prehn’s sign) and absent cremasteric reflex.
Diagnosis of testicular torsion
• By clinical suspicion (do not delay surgical treatment for radiological)
- US Doppler: will show decrease blood flow to the affected testis compared to normal one.
Treatment of testicular torsion