Test3 Flashcards
Physical Agent Modalities (PAMS)
Applying energy or material to patients to illicit a therapeutic response.
Can be used as a preparatory agent.
Must be used in conjunction with functional treatment.
Decrease pain Promote muscle relaxation Increase circulation Increase soft tissue extensibility Examples: Hot packs, ultrasound (deep heat) paraffin wax.
Decreases pain, inflammation, and edema and control spasticity.
Examples- Cold Packs, Ice Massage, Cold baths
Mechanical Agent
an external force is used to increase/decrease pressure around a tissue.
Examples: traction, compression, hydrotherapy, electromagnetic agents
Hip Joint
Acetabular femoral joint
The most proximal joint of the LE
Primary Functions are weight bearing and locomotion (walking)
Pelvic Bones
The ilium, ischium, and pubis are three different bones at birth. Fuse to become one bone.
Function: weight bearing, protects organs, place of attachment for legs
Joints of the Pelvic Girdle
Lumbosacral Sacroiliac Symphysis Pubis Movement generally involves the entire pelvic girdle and hip joint. Walking, kicking a soccer ball
Neutral Pelvic Tilt
The anterior superior iliac spine and pubis symphysis are in the same vertical plane
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Pelvis tilts forward moving the ASIS anterior to the pubis symphysis ( iliac crest tilt forward)
Posterior Pelvic Tilt
occurs when the pelvis tilts backward moving the ASIS posterior to the pubis symphysis ( iliac crests tilt backward)
Lateral Pelvic Tilt
In neutral the iliac crest should be level with one another. This tilt occurs when one leg leaves the ground. The pelvis on that side becomes unsupported. The pelvis on this side with drop slightly.
Hip Flexors
Iliacus Psoas Muscles Rectus Femoris Sartorius Pectineus
Hip Extension
Posterior - Primarily hip extensors
Gluteus maximum- ( External rotator too)
Biceps femoris, Semitendosis, Semimbranouses (hamstrings)
External rotators (deep muscles – 6)
Hip Adductors
Primarily Hip adduction Adductor Brevis Adductor Longus Adductor magnes Gracilis – most medial
Hip Abductors
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
Tensor fasciae Latae
External rotators
Knee Joint
tibiofemoral joint
Largest synovial joint in the body.
Essentially a hinge joint, however there is a rotational movement
One of the most frequently injured joints in the body
Bones of the Knee Joint
Patella – floating bones
Cartilage that provides cushions between the bones
Attached to the tibia (thicker on outside but tapers inside the border)
Deepens the tibia fossa
Enhances stability
Cruciate Ligaments
These ligaments cross within the knee and between the tibia and fibula
ACL most frequently injured.
Injuries occur when running and making a sharp directional change.
PCL less prone to injury
Collateral Ligaments
Medial Tibial (MCL)–maintains medial alignment Lateral Fibula (LCL) – maintains lateral alignment
Knee Extensors
Anterior muscles 1)Rectus Femoris 2) Vastus Medialis 3) Vastus Intermedialis 4) Vastus Lateralis More commonly known as the quadriceps All innervated by the femoral nerve
Knee Flexors
Posterior Muscles
Biceps Femoris (long head-sciatic nerve(short head – common peroneal nerve)
Innervated by the sciatic nerve.
Note: {Satorius – Femoral nerve}
Gracilis – weak flexor of knee- Obturator nerve
Both the gracilis and the sartorius muscles help provide medial stability of the knee.
The tensor fascia latae muscle (lateral) provides lateral stability of the knee.
Ankle and Foot Joints Functions
support and propulsion
Foot Arches
The arches help to maintain shape of the foot.
Medial longitudinal arch, Lateral longitudinal arch and transverse arch.