TEST2_Udacity_Unit2 Flashcards
doesn’t address complexity
Assumes the user is expert
Formalize user interaction- measure time and efficiency
Types of GOMS
Vanilla GOMS
KLM GOMS- Key stroke level model
CMN GOMS-Card ,moran newell- Hierarchial GOMS
NGOMSL- structured natural langiuage notation
Tips of GOMS
Focus on small goals NEST goals Diffrentiate descriptive and prescriptive- will do Costs to operators- How long Trim waste-
Cognitive task analysis
Underlying thought process while performing a task
Cognitive task analysis _predictor model
Collecting preliminary knowldege Identify knowledge representation Focused knowldege elicitation Analyse and verify data required Format the results to be applied
Hierarchial task analysis
breaking down to smaller task
Congnitive task analysis strengths
Emphazise mental processes
Formal for interface design
Congnitive task analysis weakness
Time intensive
demphasize context
ill suited for novices
Other tasks analysis -GOMS
KLM - Keystroke Leve Model TLM-Touch level model MHP- Model Human processor CPM-GOMS NGOMSL
Other tasks analysis -Cognitive
Critical Decision Method-CDM Task Knowledge structures-TKS Cognitive Function Model-CFM Applied CTA Skill Based CTA
Cognitive load
Remembering certain things helps cognitive load
Cockpit remembers speed
Sequence of changes to be made for different speeds .
This shoul happen quickly
Booklet - long-term memory
Teh small page is pinned
The speeds are remembered on the pedometer using speed bucks working memory
Deliberation- distributed across the pilots
Distributed cognition
Artifacts share the cognitive load and help in the short term memory
Distributed cognition as a lens
Way of looking at interface design
Not design principal per say
Social cognition
Across individuals
Jira - distributes across teams
Cognitive perception of the social phenomenon
Social media is a major part ,
Situated action
Human as improvisers in a novel situation for the same problem
The context is important
The user’s interaction define the task
Situated action and memory
Easier to recall than remembering from scratch
The context of the task makes the task more remember
Plans are interpretations of actions
We forget the history of the plan of task
Activity theory
- Why is the user performing the task
- Low level operators to accomplish high level actions
- Activity theory moves the action up and down the heirarchy
Study of context situation and practice
Activated. Theory + distributed cognition+ situated action
Activity theory + distributed cognition are diffrenet-belifebin artifacts and human consciousness
Interface and politics
Perosnigy some interest
Some interface are to create change in the world
Design for change
I’d someone doesn’t want the interface to be used then design the interface badly
They dictate need for political structure
Negative change by designe
The bridger for non elite peiple
Positive change by desighn
Dislike was not allowed in the FB
The connotatio.n is positive
A social shifte allowing people to act independently.
Value sensitive design
Is teh job well taken by the values
5 tops for value sensitive design
Start early in the process
Knowing the user’s value supreme and background
Consider both direct and indirect stake holders
Brainstorm the interfaces possibilities
Prescribing values
Reversing the rrelationship
Technoy changes society but society changes technology too
Human as a processor
Interaction between person and interface
Humans as predivtor
Looking at a task and predicting the output
The interface disappears
The way user thinks
Human as participant
Context of the task
Situated actiosocial relationship
HCI principle
The good interface disappears between the user and tasks
Onscreen UI design
Use a grid Use whitespace Know the gestalt principles to group objects Reduce clutter Design in greyscale