TEST2 _readings_prototype Flashcards
What are prototypes
To think and communicate about design rather than looking for attributes about the prototype.prototype provides the means for examining design and evaluating solutions.
Focus of prototype
New functionality-wht the new Rola and what feature are supported
Existing role novel way for functionality-how the artifact will look and feel
Functionality based on new technique-how to implement design
Audience of prototype
Intended users
Design teams- show prototype to users for fedback
Other orgs
Key aspect of prototype
What aspect of prototype correspond to eventual artifact and what dont
Types of prototype
Industrial designer- foam model
Interaction designer-simulation
Programmers-test program
User studies - story board
Finish of a prototype
Resolution - amount of detail
Fidelity- closeness to eventual design
System being designed
Representation of a design idea
Who created prototype to design
Role -questions about the function
Look and feel- the sensory experience
Implementation-techniques and components through which an artifact performs it’s function
Role prototyoe
Primarily built to investigate Q’s about the artifacts role for user functionality
Look and feel prototype
Econcrere experience of an artifact
Does not investigate functionality as much
Implementation prototype
Answer technical question how the artifact will be made to work
Integration prototypes
Complete user experience of an artifact Amma’s role look and feel and implementation
Relevance of details with respect to the purpose of the prototype
Participatory design
Actively involved users in all phases
Techniques for design alternativres
Heuristic evaluation
Real world alter actives
Prototyping strategies
Horrizanotal prototypes entire level of design simultaneously addresses consistency
Vertical protitypes- higher precision they are created early in the project
Task oriented -identify the individual tasks
Scenario based-follow a realistic scenario rather than tasks
rapid prototyping
Off line-
Paper and pencil sketches
Mockups - made of cardboar foam codrd
Wizard of Oz-user intercats with an illusion controlled form else where
Video prototyping- shoot video how a new inyerface will look
Non interactive simulation: Computer generated animation what a user will see by observing over teh shoukder
Interactive simulation:Switching card s using Hypercard
Scripting Language:
Iteractive prototypes
prototypes eveolve to final product
Software Tools: Graphical Libraries,UI toolkits,app frameworks,UI builders ,Modle base dtools
Evolutionary prototype
Software arch
Design Patterns