Test Week 4 Flashcards
a group of individuals of the same species occupying a particular space at a particular time
The number of organisms per unit area / volume
the reproductive output of a population
the death of organisms in a population
the number of organisms moving into the area occupied by the population
the number of organisms moving out of an area occupied by the population
Morphological species
a group of indivduals that is morphologically, physiologically, or biochemically distinct from other groups
Biological species
a group of individuals that can potentially breed among themselves but not with individuals of other groups
Ecological community
an set of interacting natural species populations in a prescribed area or habitat
Name the 4 characteristics of ecological communities
- Biodiversity
- Relative abundance
- Growth form and structure
- Trophic structure
What is a trophic structure
who eats whom
determines flow of energy/materials from plant to carnivores
What does limiting factors look at
Distribution and abundance
The tendency of an organism to move away from birth or breeding sites
how do you analyse dispersal
Different spatial and temporal scales
- space
- time
Forms of dispersal
Diffusion - SLOW
Jump dispersal - QUICK
secular dispersal - EXTREMELY SLOW
transplant dispersal - MAN-MADE
What is the difference between diffusion and jump dispersal
- Diffusion is a slow process over many generations while jump dispersal is quick
- Diffusion is in hospitable terrain but jump is in inhospitable
What limits transplant experiments distribution
successful - area or time
unsuccessful - other species, physical or chemical factors
Give an example of a transplant experiment
African honey bees
non-natives species distribution rule
At which scale does barriers of dispersal limit the distribution of most animals
Continental scale
At what scale does do many species have good-excellent dispersal mechanisms
Local scale
Any part of the biosphere where a particular species can live, temporarily or permanently