Test revision Flashcards
To what extent did the benefits of Stalin’s Five Year Plans outweigh the costs?
Did outweigh
* increasing output of heavy industry
* sucessfull in rearmerment
Did not outweigh
* compramised quality for quantity
* great terror interrupted the plans
To what extent did the benefits of Stalin’s Five Year Plans outweigh the costs?
heavy industry
* production of steel, coal and electricity increases. Steel production increased by 16 million tons from 1927 40). Goals met
* 1930s war was inevitable and ⅓ of Gov spending was on rearmament, between 1939-41, 9 military aircraft factories built.
compramised quality for quantity
* Targets set for amounts not quality leading to resources being useless or over produced. In some industries up to 40% of products went unused
Great terror
* During great terror purging of industrial managers and economic planners, so many members of the gosplan attack that the third 5 year plan was never finished.
Was the failure of Khrushchev’s policies the main reason for economic problems in the USSR in 1953-82?
Was the main reasons
* faliure of virgin lands scheme
* khurchevs corn campaign
Not the main reasons
* Brezhnevs military investment
Was the failure of Khrushchev’s policies the main reason for economic problems in the USSR in 1953-82?
faluire of virgin lands scheme
* tried to farm arid land like Kazakhstan so attempts expensive, overall production instead fell 15% between 1964 and 1958.
faluire of corn campaign:
* only able to produce 50% of corn per hectare compared to the US as of climate differences + inferior tractors and fertilisers. Growing more corn resulted in less hay and so a 30% decrease in animal feed production between 1958 -64.
Brezhnev military investment:
* Brezhnev aimed to gain military parity with USA ad so military spending was increased to 13%, achieving parity by 1970 but only increased the drain on soviet resources, the military-industrial complex occupied 30 out of the 150 million workers in the ussr and made decisions without the politburo.
To what extent did the Soviet Economy meet the aims of the Soviet Government between the years 1917-41?
Successfully met the aims
* Success of stalins 5 year plans
* Success of the NEP
Failed to meet the aims
* Khruschevs 7 year plans
* Birgin Lands scheme
To what extent did the Soviet Economy meet the aims of the Soviet Government between the years 1917-41?
Sucess of NEP
*solved the vital issue of Cheka grain requisitioning Tambov rebellion led by Aleksandr Antonov against communist grain requisitioning and cheka brutality. Requisitioning replaced with ‘tax in kind’ meaning peasants didn’t face brutality + Lenin regained his public support, helping the regime survive.
Sucess of 5 yrs plans
* production of steel, coal and electricity increasing, steel production increased by 16 million tons from 1927-40. Rearmament achieved with ⅓ of the government’s budget going into military spending, between 1939-41, 9 military aircraft factories were built.
Faliure of 7 yr plans
* aims to increase light industry werent t met by 1964 production lagged behind from other European nations.In USSR there were 5 cars made for every 1000 people in comparison in the UK for every 1000 people there were 200 cars made
Virgin lands scheme
* tried to farm arid land like Kazakhstan so attempts expensive, overall production instead fell 15% between 1964 and 1958.
How accurate is it to say that the main reason for the survival of the Soviet regime in the years 1917-28 was the introduction of the New Economic Policy?
It is accurate to say :
* tax requesitioning
* end of famine
It isnt accurate to say:
* Nepmen
* Scissors crisis
How accurate is it to say that the main reason for the survival of the Soviet regime in the years 1917-28 was the introduction of the New Economic Policy?
Tax requesitioning
*solved the vital issue of Cheka grain requisitioning Tambov rebellion led by Aleksandr Antonov against communist grain requisitioning and cheka brutality. Requisitioning replaced with ‘tax in kind’ meaning peasants didn’t face brutality + Lenin regained his public support, helping the regime survive.
end of famine
* policies leaving agricultural production to the free market so peasants could produce, sell and buy freely. incentive to produce more In 1921 37 million tons of grain were produced which rose to 76 million tons in 1926
* ‘Nepmen’ traders who made money by transporting highly desirable goods from factories to the markets, produced nothing but made money from luxury items keeping industrial workers poor despite hard work. Nepmen acted like a capitalist class so Cheka arrested for profiteering but they continued to operate throughout NEP damaging govt income + gov image in the eyes of peasants.
Scissors crisis
* 1923 theregap between the farmers income and industrial prices which meant farmers couldnt afford industrial goods so lost incentive to produce high quantities of grain. gov forced to subsidise prices which meant they had less funds to spend on economy indicating to the party that the NEP was incapable of industrialising the economy.
How far do you agree that the successes of Soviet economic policy outweighed the failures in the years 1945–64?
Did outweigh the faliures
* the fourth five year plan
DIdnt outweigh the faliures
* Seven year plans
* Virign lands scheme
How far do you agree that the successes of Soviet economic policy outweighed the failures in the years 1945–64?
fourth 5 yr plans
* fourth 5 year plan focused on industry with 88% of investment during the plan being into heavy industry. resulted in 80% output increase from 1945-50, with some factories and mines in Ukraine + Siberia being able to exceed pre-war production rates.
7 yr plans
* aims to increase light industry werent t met by 1964 production lagged behind from other European nations.In USSR there were 5 cars made for every 1000 people in comparison in the UK for every 1000 people there were 200 cars made
virgin lands scheme
* tried to farm arid land like Kazakhstan so attempts expensive, overall production instead fell 15% between 1964 and 1958.