Test Questions Flashcards
Rosenthal Effect
self-fulfilling prophecy
Zeigarnik Effect
tendency for people to return to unfinished activities, striving for closure to obtain a sense of completion
Hawthorne Effect
tendency for people to improve their performance when they are being studied or observed
Halo Effect
bias that occurs when a person generalizes from one aspect of a person (person is attractive) to other aspects (person is smart)
ERG Theory
includes 3 needs (existence, relatedness, and growth), which are not arranged hierarchically
satisfying a need makes it stronger
Vroom’s VIE Theory
asserts that people will behave in ways that are based on their perceived expectancy of success and rewards
Overjustification hypothesis
based on research that found if external rewards or incentives are offered for activities that had previously been intrinsically motivated, there is a decrease of interest in rewarded activities
Gain-loss theory
the people we like most are those who initially didn’t like us and then change their perspective to come to like us; results from feelings that we gained something
regulates many homeostatic functions in addition to the sleep-wake cycle, including temperature, hunger, and aggression
Actor-observer bias
when faced with a negative outcome, people attribute their own actions to situational factors, but attribute the behavior of others to dispositional factors
Self-serving bias
occurs when one attributes one’s own success to dispositional factors, while attributing one’s failures to situational factors
Fundamental attribution error
attribute behavior of others to dispositional factors, while underestimating the role of situational variables
Self-perception theory
about attitudes; people infer their attitudes from watching their own behavior
Sensitivity of a test
test’s ability to detect true positives
depression is caused by a low rate of behavior; other symptoms result from this initial low rate of behavior which is the lack of environment reinforcement; first to develop behavioral activation
Parietal lobes
somatosensory processing
Occipital lobe
Temporal lobe
Frontal lobe
executive functions such as judgment and planning
Equity Theory
looks at the rate of one’s inputs/outcomes vs. others’ inputs/outcomes. Inequity is a motivating state that causes people to adjust their performance until the ratios appear fair
IQ Score Correlations
- siblings reared together: .50
- siblings reared apart= .25
- identical twins= .75
- parent/child= .40 and .45
Rational economic model- classical decision theory
exhaustively compiling all relevant information, investigating all possible solutions, choosing the best one
rarely implemented because of time/information gathering limits
Frame-of-reference (FOR) training
used to improve the accuracy of performance ratings; provides raters with common performance standards to help raters become clear on god and bad behavior.
Tends to improve agreement among raters
Bipolar Medication
Tricyclics NOT good for bipolar- can trigger manic episode
SSRIs and MAOIs can too
Utilization review
focuses on costs and conserving resources
Quality assurance
focuses on availability, adequacy, and appropriateness of services
Explicit/declarative memory
involves conscious recollection of information or knowledge
Implicit memory/procedural memory
describes the recollection of skills and physical operations that can be remembered without conscious effort
Episodic memory
capacity to recall autobiographical events
George Kelly’s Personal Construct Theory
we perceive the world according to what we expect to see; based on past experiences; as experiences change, we revise our expectations
Gestalt Theory
people experience world in whole, not affective or cognitive fragments
Broca’s Aphasia
left frontal lobe; difficulties with speech production and fluency
Wernicke’s Area
located in the temporal lobe; difficulties in speech comprehension
recitation of fabricated or imagined information; occurs when a person attempts to fill in memory gaps
Amnesia common in Korsakoff’s syndrome leads to confabulation
false belief that is firmly held despite evidence to the contrary
feigning of symptoms in order to receive external reward
Retrograde amnesia
involves forgetting info that occurred before a particular event or point in time
Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
Preconventional- morality based on consequences of act
Conventional- moral reasoning is guided by desire to maintain existing social laws, rules, and norms
Post-conventional- morality in terms of self-chosen principles
Extinction burst
temporary increase in the target behavior following the withholding of reinforcement
Spontaneous recovery
occurs in classical conditioning and involves the reappearance of the conditioned response (CR) during extinction trials
Structural Family Therapists
Minuchin; hierarchies; boundaries; subsystems
Systemic Family Therapy
Milan group; circular questioning and hypothesis formation
Backwards conditioning
misnomer; results in no conditioning because the subject loses interest after presentation of US
operant conditinoing term; occurs when a primary reinforcer loses its reinforcing quality from being presented too much; (children and candy)
classical conditioning terms; occurs when a subject gets used to (habituates) to a stimulus and no longer reacts to it
(moving to place with loud traffic)
classical conditioning; occurs when a subject gets used to (habituates) to a stimulus and no longer reacts to it
Response rates (strongest to weakest)
- Variable ratio
- fixed ratio
- variable interval
- fixed interval
Stimulus generalization
responds with a conditioned response not only to the CS but also to stimuli that are similar to the CS
Stimulus discrimination
ability to discriminate because the CS and similar stimuli and only respond to CS with a CR
established through discrimination training- selective reinforcement and extinction
Experimental neurosis
acute neurosis- occurs when asked to make difficult discriminations (Circle vs. ellipsis)
Higher order conditioning
occurs when previously established CS serves as a US to establish CR
Reinforcement- always increases target behavior
Punishment- always decreases behavior
Positive/negative reinforcement
Positive reinforcement- reward- something of value is given- state= desirable
Negative reinforcement- relief- something annoying/aversive is removed- state=desirable
Positive vs. negative punishment
Positive punishment= pain; after target behavior performed; something aversive is added (state= undesirable)
Negative punishment- loss- something valuable is removed- state= undesirable
lack of awareness of a disability
loss of ability to recognize a specific sensory stimulus (e.g. objects, shapes, sounds, smells)
difficulty recognizing familiar faces
Hemispatial neglect
one-sided neglect; results from damage to right hemisphere and results in a lack of awareness of objects on the left side
Contralateral vs. ipsilateral
Contralateral- opposite side
Ipsilateral- same side
Bipolar Disorder Medication
prescribed lithium or anticonvulsant (Tegretol, Neurotonin, Depakote)
Antihypertensive medications
includes diuretics, ACE inhibitors, and calcium channel blockers
Anti-Parkinsonian medication
Anti-alcohol medications
Antabuse; Naltrexone
Pyschotic symptoms- too much dopamine
Parkinson’s Disease- too little dopamine
Expert power
holder has special knowledge or expertise
Reward power
holder’s ability to reward others
Coercive power
holder’s ability to punish others
Legitimate power
holder’s valid authority in given situation
Referent power-
person’s attraction to or desire to be like holder of power
Informational power
person’s possession of specific, desired piece of information
Incremental power
combination of expert and referent power; most common reason for subordinates complying with supervisors requests
Donald Super
career maturity is achieved when a person successfully accomplishes the career-related developmental tasks
John Holland
job satisfaction occurs when there is a good fit between a person’s personality and work environment
John Krumboltz
social learning theory of career development environmental conditions, genetics, learning experience
two incompatible responses cannot be experienced at the same time; stranger response will dominate/inhibit weaker response
weaken maladaptive response by strengthening incompatible response
Assertiveness training
assertive behaviors are incompatible with anxiety
Sensate focus
reduce anxiety aroused by sexual situations
Aversion therapy-
uses responses to aversive stimuli to inhibit a previous conditioned response of pleasure
Escape paradigm
aversive stimulus cannot be avoided, however, one can get the aversive stimulus to stop by emitting desired behavior
Psychoanalytic perspective on phobias
problematic feelings are being displaced from true source onto a neutral object
denying one’s own feelings/thoughts; believing someone else feels them
Reaction formation
feeling or behaving in a manner opposite of how one actually feels
keeping separate the positive + negative attributes of self (good vs. bad mommy)
Beck’s Cognitive Triad of Depression
- Negative view of self as defective/inadequate
- Tendency to experience world as negative, interpret events negatively, expect failure/punishment
- Expectation of continued hardship.negative appraisal of future
Rehm’s Self-Control Model of Depression
depression results from high rates of self-punishment and low rates of self-reinforcement
Gestalt Theory
emphasizes the reintegration of aspects of oneself that have been blocked from awareness
Object Relations Theory
emphasizes the impact of internalized representations of early interpersonal experiences
Phenomenological Approach
understanding subjective experiences
taking things in whole; gullible/compliant; uncritically absorbing info w/o actually understanding or assimilating
person does to self what they want to do to others
avoidance of contact and/or awareness by being vague, indirect, or overly polite
does not experience self as distinct; self is merged into beliefs, attitudes, and feelings of others
Reality Therapy- Glasser
characterized by an emphasis on responsibility, clarification of values, and evaluation of behavior
Bowen’s Family Systems Therapy
Stable coalution
Minuchin- cross generational coalition in which one parent and child unite against other parent
occurs when a child is caught in the middle of the parents’ conflict
spouses reinforce deviant behavior in child because it takes focus off problems they are having with each other