Test Questions Flashcards
Four types of post-eruption wear:
- Tooth-to-tooth
- External physical agents
- Chemical agents
- Tooth flexure
- Attrition
- Abrasion
- Erosion
- Abfraction
What specific effect could “high fever childhood” disease have on tooth development? Effects before 6mo vs. 3yo?
Neonatal rings on teeth; before 6mo, affects deciduous teeth and after 3yo, it will affect permanent dentition
Enamel defects in one permanent tooth due to periapical infection overlying deciduous tooth?
Turner’s tooth
Fluorisis occurs when fluoride is above what ppm in the drinking water?
What is perimolysis?
Erosion of lingual aspect of teeth due to vomiting
Bright yellow fluorescence of teeth under UV light exposure occurs secondary to….
Tetracycline ingestion
The most common impacted posterior teeth are? Anterior teeth?
3rd molars; canines (maxillary then mand)
What are three risks for leaving third molars? Five risks of extracting third molars?
Leaving: crowding dentition, resorption of adjacent teeth, pathological infections/cysts/tumors
Removing: nerve damage, alveolitis, trismus, jaw fracture, TMJ problems, periodontal damage, injury to adjacent teeth
Fusion of a tooth to alveolar bone defines:
Tongue tied:
Two syndromes ass’d w/ hypodontia? Hyperdontia?
Crouzan’s and ectodermal dysplasia
Hyper: Cleidocranial Dysplasia and Apert’s
Most common congenitally missing teeth are?
3rd molars (1,16,17 and 32)
The most commonly supernumerary tooth found is termed the?
The union of two adjacent teeth via their cementum is termed:
Describe the major difference between dens invaginatus and dens evaginatus. Where do they occur most commonly?
DE: the enamel misforms an accessory cusp (mand premolars)
DI: Enamel forms irregularly to create a hole in the tooth (max lateral incisors)
A patient presents w/ unusual translucent grayish discoloration of their teeth, bluish colored sclera and a history of multiple long bone fractures. You suspect they may have
Type I dentinogenesis imperfect (w/ osteogenesis imperfecta)
A tooth has a large carious lesion into the pulp and a unilocular radiolucency at the apex. Until a biopsy is performed, what entities are in your list of differential diagnoses (3)?
Radicular cyst, periapical granuloma, or apical scar
Plantar keratosis and aggressive periodontal disease best describes:
Papillion-Lefevre Syndrome
What tx would you provide a patient suffering from cervicofacial emphysema?
Broad spectrum antibiotics
A dome-shaped lesion of the sinus floor usually consisting of an inflammatory exudate and appearing as a faint radiopacity is called an?
Antral pseydocyst
Chemical injuries to the oral mucosa can be caused my many chemicals including (3)
gold salts, silver nitrate and hydrogen peroxide
Accumulation of lbood within tissue producing a mass is: