Test Out Exam Questions Flashcards
Bitlocker To Go can be used to encrypt?
a USB flash drive.
Single Sign On does what?
permits a user and their programs to use their credentials to automatically log in to other sites and services. It’s not used for encryption
Run as administrator is used to do what ?
Run an application with elevated privileges, not to encrypt data.
Administrative share is used by administrators to do what?
To access system drives. It’s not used for encryption.
What happens when Anti-Malware Software Quarantines a file?
Quarantine moves the infected file to a secure folder where it cannot be opened or run normally.
Ransomware ?
is a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system, often by encrypting files, until a sum of money is paid.
Spyware ?
is malware that monitoring a user’s behavior without their knowledge. Spyware often secretly gathers information about a person or organization and relays this data to other parties.
Social engineering?
is a way of manipulating people so they give up confidential information, such as passwords, bank information, or access to a computer.
A Trojan horse or Trojan?
is a type of malware that is often disguised as legitimate software. Ransomware may be introduced as a Trojan horse, but a Trojan horse does not always install ransomware.
Can you use Telnet or SSH to remotely log on to a server and complete configuration tasks?
Yes, however, SSH provides a secure connection; Telnet does not.
The ICMP protocol is used to?
transmit error messages on an IP network.
Which two situations would be best for restoring from a backup?
Restore Lost files and Restore lost emails. Using a backup allows you to explicitly specify what content you want to restore.
Using a system image would be appropriate when?
To restore a system after a hard disk failure
Using a restore point would be best suited to which situation?
A misbehaving application or driver
The Time Machine application on Mac OS computers and the tar command in Linux are used for what?
Patch management involves?
updating operating systems and applications
md (Make Directory)
will create a directory/folder or subdirectory/subfolder.
removes a directory
cd (Change Directory)
changes which directory you are working in.
The del command (DELete)
deletes files and directories.
The sfc command?
scans the integrity of all protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with correct Microsoft versions
Users who have the Manage documents permission can do what?
manage all documents in the queue (i.e., pause, resume, delete, or rearrange the order).
Users with the Print permission can do what?
print using the printer and manage (delete) their own documents.
Users with the Manage this printer permission can do what?
edit the printer properties and pause the printer, but cannot manage any documents waiting to be printed.
The Manage network printers permission?
does not exist.
When would you use Use the compatibility mode?
In Windows to run older applications as if they were running under a different operating system version
Windows XP Mode (XPM)
a feature of the Windows 7 that allows it to run applications that are only compatible with Windows XP via a virtual machine (VM) on Windows Virtual PC
How to turn off Windows 7 automatic restart feature?
- Press F8 during Startup
- Select Disable automatic restart on system failure option
What does Startup Repair do?
Corrects system boot errors.
Power Fail option?
in the BIOS determines what the system does after power is restored when the power is unexpectedly lost.
The grep command?
is used to search text
The ls command ?
list the contents of a directory.
The sudo command is short for
“superuser do” or “substitute user do”.
The sudo command ?
execute a command as a superuser.
• Lost clusters
are a series of used clusters on the hard disk drive that are not associated with a specific file.
• A crosslinked file
occurs when two files claim the same cluster. Check Disk will identify crosslinked files and correct their cluster associations.
• Orphaned files
are files on the hard drive which are not associated with a directory path in the index. Normally Check Disk can reassociate the file with the correct directory.
• A bad sector
is a portion of the hard disk that cannot be used. Bad sectors are marked so that they are no longer used. Any used bad sectors are redirected to another sector.
What happens after removing a virus from a computer?
- Install latest OS updates
- Scheduled regular virus scans
- Enable system restore
- Create a new restore point
- Educate end users on better practices.
Moving or copying files to a different NTFS partition does what?
It removes any existing NTFS permissions so that only inherited permissions apply.
User data on a Windows 8.1 system can be protected using
File History
What does file History do?
User data like documents, music, and videos are automatically backed up at a regular interval to a second storage device in the system.
An app scanner can test?
a mobile app for security flaw
Malware that can be remote controlled by an attacker are known as?
malware that can be remote controlled by an attacker
A collection of zombies that are controlled by the same attacker are known as a
botnet (robot network)
is an attempt to trick a user into compromising personal information or downloading malware.
botnet (robot network)
A collection of zombies that are controlled by the same attacker are known as a
An attempt to trick a user into compromising personal information or downloading malware.
Phishing Most often it involves an email containing what?
A malicious attachment or hyperlink.
A Man In The Middle (MITM) attack
intercepts communications between two systems, and alters the message before sending it on to the original recipient.
Spoofing ?
An entity using a fake IP address, or fake email address that resembles a real address to trick you
On Windows 2000 and XP, users who were members of the Power Users group could install applications as long as?
they didn’t modify any system files.
On Windows Vista and later, Power Users …
cannot install applications. In fact, the Power Users group is only included in modern versions of Windows for backwards compatibility.
NT loader (NTLDR)
is the boot loader for Windows operating systems
If the NTLDR is damaged or missing, the computer will not be able to boot into which mode?
Safe mode
If the files required for the boot loader are missing or damaged…
the operating system cannot start, and the error will appear
• Hotspot
a physical location where you can obtain wireless Internet access using a (WLAN) with a device connected to an Internet service provider.
• Tethering
Connecting one device without Wi-Fi to another device that has Wi-Fi connectivity through the use of a cable
• Mobile VPN
provides mobile devices with access to network resources and software applications on their home network when they connect using other wireless or wired networks.
a type of connector used to emulate cryptographic smart card functionalities for RFID tags or memory cards.
• Bluetooth
a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances from fixed and mobile devices and for building personal area networks (PANs).
The Mac OS Force Quit functions and the Linux kill command can be used to do what?
to stop a runaway application that does not respond to user input.
What is a mount point?
an empty folder on the existing volume that points to another partition. Data saved to the folder is physically saved on the referenced partition
Extending a volume does what?
adds space to the volume
Extending a volume using space on a different disk creates what ?
A spanned volume
The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
is a connectionless service for downloading files from a remote system. TFTP uses TCP/IP port 69.
The Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
is used to access and download messages from newsgroup servers. NNTP uses TCP/IP port 119.
Trouble Shooting Steps (5)
- Gathering Information
- Identify what has changed
- Form a hypothesis
- Determine the appropriate fix
- Implement the fix and test results.
Anti-Plagiarism Software
helps detect when someone has plagiarized someone else’s material.
Anti-Malware Software
helps protects a computer from software that is intentionally designed to cause harm or damage to
Anti-Spam Software
SPAM email (or junk email) is the unsolicited email users can receive. One of the best ways to prevent receiving this type of email is to use antispam software
Steps to fixing internal computer components (4)
-Disconnect power -Remove jewelry -Place the computer on an ESD mat -Put on safety glasses
Anti-Virus Software
helps protect the infiltration and spread of malicious code that is designed to alter the way a computer operates.
What are three component that if faulty the computer will not boot?
Memory Video card Processor
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy
the protection of corporate data along with corporate control versus individual control of the device
Trusted source
refers to the approved location for obtaining mobile applications, Google Play Store, App Store and Microsoft Store.
Mission Control is a Mac OS tool that
shows every open application in every virtual window (desktop) on a Mac computer.
Remote Disk is a utility that
allows a Mac computer to access another computers optical drive over the network.
When you suspect that a computer may be infected with malware, you should…
-quarantine the computer to prevent the propagation of the malware.
What does enabling System Protection do on Windows 10 computer?
Windows will automatically create restore points when system changes are made
Program and Features
lets you view the programs installed on your computer and, if needed, uninstall, change, or repair an application
lets you configure some advanced settings, such as configuring virtual memory.
Which tabs in Task Manager give you the best overview of computers health?
The Processes and Performance tabs both show the overall performance of the main areas of the computer, including CPU, GPU, Memory, Hard disks & Network.
App history (Task Manager)?
Displays performance and statistics for Microsoft applications.
Details tab in (Task Manager) shows what?
Individual CPU utilization for each program running.
Users tab in (Task Manager) shows what?
The same statistic as Processes & Performance, but they are divided out by each individual user instead of for the entire computer.
What is the advantage of using the exFAT file system over NTFS?
Lower memory and processor resource use
What is the the FASTEST way to transfer a file?
C$ administrative share (\computername\C$)
C$ administrative share (\computername\C$)
Is the the FASTEST way to transfer a file
Principle of least privilege?
The practice of limiting access rights for users to the bare minimum permissions they need to perform their work.
A Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)
is a protection device designed to protect people from electric shock from an electrical system.
Where will you often find A Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) ?
bathrooms and kitchens where the chance of an electrical shock is greater due to water.
The virtual machine completely simulates a physical computer system.
Full virtualization
Operating systems do not need modification to run within virtual machines.
Full virtualization
Only some of the components of a virtual machine are virtualized.
Partial virtualization
The hardware is not virtualized. All of the guest operating systems running on the hypervisor directly access various hardware resources in the physical device
are a series of used clusters on the hard disk drive that are not associated with a specific file.
• Lost clusters
occurs when two files claim the same cluster. Check Disk will identify and correct their cluster associations.
• A crosslinked file
are files that exist on the hard drive but which are not associated with a directory in the index. Normally Check Disk can reassociate the file with the correct directory.
• Orphaned files
is a portion of the hard disk that cannot be used. They are marked so that they are no longer used. Any used bad sectors are redirected elsewhere
• A bad sector
- Install latest OS updates
- Scheduled regular virus scans
- Enable system restore
- Create a new restore point
- Educate end users on better practices.
What happens after removing a virus from a computer?
a malicious software designed to block access to a computer system, often by encrypting files, until a sum of money is paid.
Ransomware ?
is malware that monitoring a user’s behavior without their knowledge. It often secretly gathers information about a person or organization and relays this data to other parties.
Spyware ?
is a way of manipulating people so they give up confidential information, such as passwords, bank information, or access to a computer.
Social engineering?
is a type of malware that is often disguised as legitimate software.
A Trojan horse or Trojan?
manage all documents in the queue (i.e., pause, resume, delete, or rearrange the order).
Manage documents Permission
print using the printer and manage (delete) their own documents.
Print permission
edit the printer properties and pause the printer, but cannot manage any documents waiting to be printed.
Manage this Printer Permission
a physical location where you can obtain wireless Internet access using a (WLAN) with a device connected to an Internet service provider.
• Hotspot
Connecting one device without Wi-Fi to another device that has Wi-Fi connectivity through the use of a cable
• Tethering
provides mobile devices with access to network resources and software applications on their home network when they connect using other wireless or wired networks.
• Mobile VPN
a type of connector used to emulate cryptographic smart card functionalities for RFID tags or memory cards.
an empty folder on the existing volume that points to another partition. Data saved to the folder is physically saved on the referenced partition
What is a mount point?
helps detect when someone has plagiarized someone else’s material.
Anti-Plagiarism Software
helps protects a computer from software that is intentionally designed to cause harm or damage to
Anti-Malware Software
(or junk email) is the unsolicited email users can receive. One of the best ways to prevent receiving this type of email is to use antispam software
Anti-Spam Software
helps protect the infiltration and spread of malicious code that is designed to alter the way a computer operates.
Anti-Virus Software
refers to the approved location for obtaining mobile applications, Google Play Store, App Store and Microsoft Store.
Trusted source
lets you view the programs installed on your computer and, if needed, uninstall, change, or repair an application
Program and Features
adjust settings to use for the appearance and performance of Windows. It also lets you configure some advanced settings, such as configuring virtual memory.
intercepts communications between two systems, and alters the message before sending it on to the original recipient.
A Man In The Middle (MITM) attack
An entity misrepresents itself by using a fake IP address, or more commonly a fake email address that resembles a real address.
Spoofing ?