Test Out Exam Questions 2 Flashcards
What does the details tab in Task Manager do?
Allows you to change the priority of cpu utilization that a running application will receive
There are two technologies that mobile operating systems use to detect device movement?
Accelerometers Gyroscopes
Accelerometers Gyroscopes
two technologies that mobile operating systems use to detect device movement
determines the location of a mobile device by obtaining its GPS data.
determines the location of a mobile device by obtaining its GPS data.
Encrypting File System (EFS)
a Windows file encryption option, but only encrypts individual files.
(VPN) uses an encryption protocol (such as IPSec, PPTP, or L2TP) to….
establish a secure communication channel between two hosts, or between two sites.
VPN protocol
Moving or copying files to a Non-NTFS partition
removes any permissions that were assigned to those files.
does FAT32 support NTFS permissions
Moving a file to a new folder on the same drive does what to the file?
Preserves the NTFS permissions assigned to the file
Moving or copying files to a different NTFS partition
removes any existing NTFS permissions so that only inherited permissions apply.
When a computer starts in Safe Mode?
only the bare minimum background services that are very important to boot and run the Windows are initialized.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) programs or devices
monitors operations such as file transfers and emailS that could compromise data security
Firewalls are placed between the company network and the internet to filter network traffic at what level
the IP level
How do you configure process priority
Details Tab in Task Manager
When you perform an in place upgrade what happens to user data and installed applications
They are preserved following the upgrade but you should make sure that applications still work
What happens when physical memory (RAM)D is low
The computer must swap data from RAM to hard disk to make space available for other applications
If you hear the hard drive constantly operating as you work
the computer is constantly working moving data into and out of memory(RAM)
If the hard drive light on the front of the system case stays illuminated for long periods of time
the computer is constantly working moving data into and out of memory(RAM)
Your network location must be set to ________ before you can see home groups that have been set up on your network
Home Network
Directional antennae
Can be positioned to point wireless signals toward more desired areas
Decreasing radio power levels
can limit the radius of the effective wireless signal.
System Configuration
launches the initial startup, the boot files, and system services along with other tasks.
Component Services give you access…
to the local Event Viewer so that you can examine Administrative Events and system logs.
Event Viewer maintains logs about?(3)
- program
- security
- system events on Windows
refreshes the local and Active Directory based Group Policy settings, including security settings.
gpudpate command
The Services console
lets you enable or disable Windows services. These are system level programs that typically start when Windows boots up.
program, security, and system events on Windows
Event Viewer maintains logs about ?
Device Manager
View and control the hardware attached to the computer.
creates a log file of what is happening at boot time by selecting the Boot tab and marking Boot log.
MSCONFIG (also known as the System Configuration console)
When a piece of hardware is not working, the offending hardware is highlighted for the user to deal with in which window
Device Manager
What is the only way to add disk space to system volume
create a mount point froma new disk
To create a mount point: (3)
- Create an empty folder on the existing volume.
- Create a partition on the new disk without a drive letter.
- Mount the partition to the empty folder on the existing volume.
Can you extend the system volume if the Disk is dynamic?
You cannot extend the system volume even if it is on a dynamic disk or not.
You want to be able to access your home computer using Remote Desktop while traveling.
Open the firewall port for the Remote Desktop protocol.
Windows Upgrade Advisor
scans your hardware, programs for compatibility issues and gives you guidance on how to resolve them
USMT (User State Migration Tool)
lets advanced users transfer files and settings between PCs.
Windows Easy Transfer
allows users to transfer personal files and settings from a computer running an earlier version of Windows to a computer running a newer version.
proxy server
receives requests from the browser, and either forwards it to the internet or deny access to the site.
MSCONFIG (also known as the System Configuration console) does what a boot time?
creates a log file of everything happening at boot time
You turn this on by selecting the Boot Tab & Checking Boot log.
S.M.A.R.T. errors are generated when
a hard disk is about to fail. It is imperative that you immediately backup the system, replace the hard disk, and then restore the system.
what is this command line executing? attrib +s +r -a myfile.dll
attrib +s +r -a myfile.dll
+s, Adds System file attribute,
+r, Adds the Readonly attribute
-a, removes the Archive attribute
Is Backup and Restore available on Windows 8
What should you do when a “blue screen of death” has been displayed?
-Identify the source of the error by searching for the text of the error message in Microsoft’s knowledge base -or Google/Internet
When to use Driver Rollback
you’ve installed a misbehaving driver and need to revert to an older version of the driver.
How does driver rollback work?
preserves the old driver every time you install a newer driver. Therefore, you could use Driver Rollback to uninstall the current driver and restore the previous version.
S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
is a protocol used to encrypt emails. It allows the sender to digitally sign and encrypt emails.
a Windows file encryption option, but only encrypts individual files.
Encrypting File System (EFS)
controls the initial startup, the boot files, and services loaded along with other tasks.
System Configuration
access the local Event Viewer to examine Administrative Events and system logs.
Component Services
lets you enable or disable Windows services. These are system level programs that typically start when Windows boots up.
The Services console
View and control the hardware attached to the computer.
Device Manager
gpudpate command
refreshes the local and Active Directory Group Policy & Security settings.
displays the Group Policy settings and Resultant Set of Policy (RSOP) for a user or a computer.
gpresult command
restores the previous value of the current directory saved by pushd.
fsutil command
displays or configures the file system properties
displays or configures the file system properties
fsutil command
displays or modifies file extension associations.
assoc command
gpresult command
displays the Group Policy settings and Resultant Set of Policy (RSOP) for a user or a computer.
restores the previous value of the current directory saved by pushd.
assoc command
displays or modifies file extension associations.
scans your hardware, devices, and installed programs for known compatibility issues and will give you guidance on how to resolve any potential issues found.
Windows Upgrade Advisor
a Microsoft command line utility program intended to let advanced users transfer files and settings between PCs.
USMT (User State Migration Tool)
allows users to transfer personal files and settings from a computer running an earlier version of Windows to a computer running a newer version.
Windows Easy Transfer
is a protocol used to encrypt emails. It allows the sender to digitally sign and encrypt emails.
S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
Clean install is the process of
installing Windows over the top of an existing operating system. Cleaning/Erasing all of the existing data.
Recovery partition
restore a corrupt computer back to the same state it was in when it was purchased
TCP/IP session is manipulated by a third party inserting alternate packets into the communication stream.
Spear Phishing
attackers gather specific information about the target, such as which bank they use. Then send phishing emails as if they are that bank
a form of phishing that is targeted to senior executives and high profile victims.
To use multiple disks in a single logical storage unit
upgrade all disks to dynamic disks. Create a spanned volume.
the command line that you can use to create, format, and manage partitions and volumes.
Port forwarding
directs incoming network traffic to a host on the private network.
Port triggering
dynamically opens firewall ports based on applications that initiate contact from the private network
A worm
malware that exploits vulnerabilities in the operating system and often spreads to other computers by replicating itself.
Simple Storage Space
-Adds space from the storage pool to the storage space
Two-Way mirror
- Requires at least two storage devices.
- The data is written to two devices.
- Requires 2x as much space as the amount of storage needed
ThreeWay mirror
- Requires at least five storage devices.
- The data is written to three storage devices.
- Provides redundancy for the data if two storage devices fail at one time
- at least three storage devices
- Requires only 50 percent more redundancy space than storage space.
If you need to move from a 32bit operating system to a 64bit operating system
You must install a clean version of Windows first otherwise not allowed
Unified Threat Management (UTM) appliance
Intrusion prevention\detection
Anomaly logs & Alerts explained
Email & Anti-Spam Filters
restore a corrupt computer back to the same state it was in when it was purchased
Recovery partition
TCP/IP session is manipulated by a third party inserting alternate packets into the communication stream.
attackers gather specific information about the target, such as which bank they use. Then send phishing emails as if they are that bank
Spear Phishing
directs incoming network traffic to a host on the private network.
Port forwarding
dynamically opens firewall ports based on applications that initiate contact from the private network
Port triggering
malware that exploits vulnerabilities in the operating system and often spreads to other computers by replicating itself.
A worm
- Requires at least two storage devices.
- The data is written to two devices.
- Requires 2x as much space as the amount of storage needed
Two-Way mirror
Intrusion prevention\detection
Anomaly logs & Alerts explained
Email & Anti-Spam Filters
Unified Threat Management (UTM) appliance
Copying a file to a new folder on the same drive does what to the file?
Removes any existing NTFS permissions so that only inherited permissions apply