TEST INFO Flashcards
Take blood away from heart
Third Step in Change Model
Shark Skill test
Lower Bod Agility & control
Profit Centers
personal trainers
Prevent hazards
maintaining equiptment
bring blood to the heart
OHS- Arms fall forward - UNDERACTIVE
Mid/lower traps, Rhomboids, Rotator cuff
Altered reciprocal inhibitor
stretch until muscle relaxes
SLQ- Knees move inward- OVERACTIVE
Adductor complex, TFL, Vastus laterals, Bicep femoris
increasing or decreasing weight with each set
OHS-Knees move inward-UNDERACTIVE
Glutei Medius/max , Vastus medialis Oblique
Dysfunctional breathing results in an increase of what secondary respiratory muscle?
What technique uses a co-contracton of global muscles to enhance global trunk stability
PA-Shoulder elevation-OVERACTIVE
Upper traps,sternocleidomastoid, lev scapulae
PA- Head forward-UNDERACTIVE
Deep cervical flexors
what is the term for a force that produces ration
drop set
performing a set till failure then decreasing weight and continuing
40 yard dash
speed and acceleration
horizontal loading
performing all sets of an exercise before moving to next exercise of body part
vertical jump test
lower body power
single set
1 set
super set
performing two exercises in rapidly with minimal rest
multiple set
multip sets each exercise
split routine
trains different body parts on different days
OHS-Low back arch- OVERACTIVE
hip flexor complex, erector spine, lat dorsi
vertical loading
performing exercise on the OPT MOD one after other in Vertical fashion
OHS- Arms fall forward- OVERACTIVE
Lat dorsi, Theres major, Pect major/minor
circuit training
performing multiple exercises one after another with minimal rest
PA- shoulder elevation- UNDERACTIVE
mid/lower traps
peripheral heart action
variation of circuit training using different exercises for each set
process of communication that shows appreciation for clients
OHS- Low back arch- UNDERACTIVE
core stabilizers, glutei max, hamstring complex
large doses of beta-carotene intake can cause an increase risk of
lung cancer in smokers
BMI threshold for obesity-related health problems is
what micronutrients should be absent or low
left test
agility, acceleration, deceleration, and postal control
davis law states
soft tissue molds along the lines of stress
pro shuttle test
speed, body control and ability to change direction
vitamins that have the greatest potential
A&D iron & Zinc
proper lower body position when performing a squat
knee over second toe
davies test
upper body agility and control
two classes of amino acids
essential & non essential
OHS- Feet turn out -UNDERACTIVE
Medial gastrocnemius, medial hamstring, satoris, and gracilis
YMCA 3min step test
assessing cardiorespiratory fitness
low carb diet contributes to
loss of water
OHS- Knees move inward- OVERACTIVE
Adductor compels, bicep femoris, TFL, Vastus lateralis
OHS- Feet turn out- OVERACTIVE
soles, lateral gastrocnemius, bicep femoris
hypertension exercise should be performed
standing to decrease high blood pressure/dizziness
high blood pressure
balance exercise progression
floor- balance beam- half foam roll- foam pad- balance disc
proper progression for two arm dumbbell chest press
alternating arms
dynamic stretches should be
performed at a controlled speed
position on same side of body
function of lipids in the Body
a precursor to hormone production
the process of getting oxygen into tissues
high fiber associated with
lower incidence of heart disease and cancer
Obesity, insulin resistance, and hypertension are a result of
metabolic syndrome
lengthening of muscle
shorting of muscle (curling)
holding pose “static” WALL SQUAT
Cardiac output
how many times the heart beats per minute & much blood is being pumped
awareness of position and movement
one rep max is determined after
3 to 5 reps
Keep financial appointments for how long
4 years
branch of artery ending in capillaries
progression from a single leg squat
two leg squat on dynamite disc
adenosine disphate is…
a high energy compound occurring in cells when APT is formed
APT- adenosine trophsphate
energy storage transfer unit in the cells of the body
max HR for training client who is obese
60%-70% of max
EPOC is….
the elevation of body metabolism after exercise
away from center
a catabolic hormone secreted by adrenal gland and maintains energy. Its the breakdown of fats, carbs and proteins
challenging goals but not extreme
goal of self-myofasical release
an increase in golgi tendon organ to relax the muscle
component of the sliding filament theory
the result of two Z lines moving closer together
a diabetic client should avoid what exercise when they have peripheral neuropathy
foam roll
synergistic dominance
when the helping muscle takes over
use periodization to avoid
strains, joint pain, and emotional fatigue
change body position in all planes of motion from all body positions
smallest blood vessels that exchange chemicals and water