test day resources Flashcards
to memorize test day resources!!!1
in insulation, fireproofing
skin irritation and lung cancer
biological aerosols
little bacteria in the air that cause disease
carbon dioxide
motor vehicles, smoking, gas appliances
causes dizziness, headaches, nausea, death!
carbon monoxide
motor vehicles, kerosene appliances, causes dizziness and death
Absorbed through
assimilation, major source of N
is the atmosphere
rocks and minerals is a major source
absorbed through assimilation
acid rain effects
- Reduces photosynthesis
- Leaches toxic Al ions
- Leaches nutrients from soil
- prevents fish egg hatching (pH 5 or lower in water)
- high acid in pond cause fish kills
acid rain causes
SOx, NOx
main heavy metals that lead to heavy metal poisoning
Hg, Pb, As, Cd
mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium
photochemical smog reactions
NO2+UV radiation–>NO+O
basically, nitrous oxides form with VOCs
Brown haze
industrial smog
fossil fuels + VOCs
goes into houses through the radium that decays in rocks
ecological vs. environmental for FRQs
ecological=NO PEOPLE
environmental=PEOPLE IMPACTS
remember because it is ecoLOGICAL that enviRON MENt are people
PLEASE think of a better one than the one above. its all ive got