Test Construction Flashcards
chapter 5
What is the purpose of a test?
The purpose of a test is to measure students’ knowledge or skills and provide information on who performs better than others.
How are the form and function of a test related?
Form and function are interrelated but not interdependent. Different forms of items can be used for various test purposes, but the function of the test may impose restrictions on item form (e.g., oral proficiency tests require different item formats).
What are the steps in developing a test?
1.Determine the function and form of the test.
2.Plan the content of the test.
3.Prepare test items based on the specified content.
4.Review the items.
5.Pretest the items to assess their statistical characteristics.
6.Validate the test.
Why are these steps in developing a test significant?
These steps ensure that a test is dependable and valid for decision-making purposes. Skipping any step may compromise the quality of the test.
What factors influence the function of a test?
The characteristics of examinees, the specific purpose of the test, and the scope of the test.
How do examinee characteristics impact test design?
Consider age, language background, and educational system. Adapt content and form accordingly.
Why is determining the specific purpose important?
Different functions (e.g., proficiency, aptitude) require distinct content and form. Achievement tests differ from proficiency tests.
How does the test scope affect development?
Consider whether the test is for a classroom, school, district, or country. Broader scope requires more care and resources.
What is the purpose of testing?
The purpose of testing is to gather quantitative information about the degree of the examinees’ command in a particular area of knowledge.
Why is it important to specify the content of a test?
It is crucial to precisely and carefully specify the content of a test. The test developer should not only clarify the content but also determine the relative importance of the elements to be included in the test.
How does the form of a test influence its content? give examples
The form of a test (e.g., multiple-choice or production type) impacts the content. For instance:
A placement test focuses on materials covered in a specific course.
An aptitude test is unrelated to predetermined instructional materials.
What is the first step in determining the content of a test?
The first step is to examine the instructional objectives. This involves outlining the course content and identifying major structural points covered during instruction.
What is the purpose of a Table of Specifications?
A Table of Specifications ensures that the test includes a representative sample of materials covered in a specific course. It lists specific topics and subtopics according to instructional objectives and specifies the form and number of items for each topic.
Why is specifying the nature of test items important?
Before creating test items, developers must determine the linguistic context within which identified elements should be tested. This step, known as preparing the items, ensures sound test construction and adherence to rules and regulations.
What is essential for constructing reasonably acceptable test items?
Thorough knowledge of the principles of item preparation is essential for constructing reasonably acceptable test items.
Is experience alone sufficient for creating defect-free test items?
No, even experienced teachers need to follow guidelines and principles for preparing various item types to avoid making defective items.
What are true-false form items technically called?
True-false form items are technically called alternative-response items. Examinees are required to read a statement and mark it as true or false (T/F), right or wrong (R/W), correct or incorrect (C/I), yes or no (Y/N), or agree or disagree (A/D).
What is the most common use of true-false items?
True-false items are primarily used to measure the ability of examinees to identify the accuracy of information provided through a statement. They assess simple learning outcomes, with comprehension being the major psychological process involved.
How can true-false items be used in language testing?
Examples of using true-false items include:
*Listening comprehension through visual cues.
*Listening comprehension with aural cues.
*Reading comprehension: Examinees determine whether a given statement is true or false based on information provided in a passage.
What are the limitations of true-false items?
True-false items depend on chance, as examinees have a 50% chance of guessing correctly without knowledge of the points being tested. Additionally, they are limited to measuring simple learning activities in language, making them less suitable for complex tasks.
What are the advantages of using true-false items?
True-false items are easy to construct and score, and they allow test developers to include a large number of items in a given test.
What precautions should test users take regarding true-false items?
*Avoid broad general statements: Statements that tend to be true may lead to guessing.
*Avoid trivial points: True-false items should not measure unimportant information.
*Avoid negative statements: Clearly indicate negative words (e.g., “not”) to prevent oversight.
*Avoid long and complex sentences: Complexity can hinder understanding.
*Balance true and false statements: Make them of similar length and difficulty.