test 9/ miracles Flashcards
What are the three steps of authentic faith?
- embracing the facts
- recognizing the presence of christ
- reason in order to understand
What are the three steps of blindness?
- denying the facts
- rejecting the pressence of christ
- embracing other ideology
Why does Jesus get upset after the multiplication of the loaves?
Jesus gets upset after the multiplication of loaves because they wanted to make him king. He knew they were using him, and that they only praised him because he fed them, not because they followed and trusted him.
How do Andrew and Phillip react in front of the fact they have no food to feed the people?
they offer the little that they have
How do people react to the speech? *
the people think jesus is crazy
Summarize the bread of life speech. *
jesus says you shall eat my flesh and drink my blood for eternal life.
What is the underlying irony of the story of the man born blind?
he was physically blind, he is not blind to god. his friends are blind to god.
What are the Pharisees worried about during the healing of the Paralytic?
what authority jesus is under
In the episode of The Chosen, what does Jesus say to the paralytic’s friends? Why is it important?
that their faith is beautiful and thats the reason he is performing miracle
How does Jesus heal him? Why is it important?
Jesus spits on the ground, creates clay, and puts it on his eyes. this relates to when god created adam and eve through the breathe of life.
What do the disciples ask when they meet the man born blind?
the disciples ask whose fault it is that he is blind, him or his parents. it is neither
Describe the story of the adulterous woman
a woman cheats on her husband. she is condemned. they are about to stone her when Jesus walks by and they try to put him in a trap by asking him to judge her. he says let the one without sin throw the first stone. everyone walks away.
Does Jesus always answer our prayers for miracles? Explain.
no because the philistines were slaughtered after they tried to use the ark of the covenant in battle. also when king herod asked jesus to do miracles but treated him poorly. god will never be used by us. but also yes because of the story of st. monica where she asks but recieves.
What are Jesus’ first words in the Gospel of John? Why are they important?
Jesus’ first words in the Gospel of John are “what are you looking for”. this is important because it is a question rather than a statement. they relate to Genesis because God asks “where are you adam”
What is the Johannine irony in the encounter between John, James, and Jesus?
The Johannine irony in the encounter between John, James, and Jesus is that Jesus asks “what are you looking for”. He is asking what are you spiritually looking for. This is ironic because John and Andrew respond “where are you staying”. they are looking for him but not spirit
What does Nathanael ask Philip?
What is one of the greatest obstacles to encountering Christ?
Nathanael asked Philip “can anything good come from Nazareth”. the greatest obstacle in encountering Christ is familiarity. we know christ so much me don’t even know him anymore.
Describe the story of the young rich man
a young rich man asks jesus how he can get eternal life. Jesus makes him list the commandments and he lists all of them except 4. jesus tells him to give to the poor and he dosent. he blew his chance.
What is Jesus writing on the sand in the episode of the adulterous woman?
he wrote the 10 commandments
What is the trap that the Pharisees prepare for Jesus?
the trap that the Pharisees prepare for Jesus they take him the adulterous women and ask him to judge her. this is a trap because if he says let her go he will be a bad person, but if says she should be condemned then his teachings are a lie.
What does Jesus do after he is confronted by the Pharisees?
he says let the one who is without sin throw the first stone
What does Jesus say to the adulterous woman at the end?
What is the importance of that saying? *
Jesus says to the woman to sin no more.
What is the importance of Jesus encountering people? *
is a place were two freedoms meet. the freedom of the person and the desire for god.
Describe the young rich man before he met Jesus. *
The young rich man before he meets Jesus is rich and has everything. he loves god.
What is the importance of Jesus’ hidden life?
it shows us how we can change the world by taking our daily life seriously
What is the significance of Jesus declaring the beatitudes on a mountain?
The significance of Jesus declaring the beatitudes on a mountain is that it relates back to moses when he declared the 10 commandments on Mt. Sinai. Moses was the mediator between the people and god but Jesus gave the new throught directly to the people because he is god.
Compare the old and the new law.
The old law says if you do or don’t do something you will get closer to or farther from god. The new law is a proclamation. it says blessed are you because. the people being proclaimed are losers
What is the radical inversion contained in the Beatitudes?
The radical inversion in the beatitudes is that the people who are seen as losers in the world are winners in the world of christ.
Why is the Eucharist the greatest of all God’s gifts?
the eucharist is the greatest of god’s gifts because jesus is giving the gift of himself
Describe Carlo Acutis’ life.
Carlo acutis often performed acts of goodness to all and gave everything he had to others. He gave to the poor and thought of them as equals. created the eucharistic miracle exhibition to help his classmates. when he died he said that he did not waste any minute of his life
What is the exhibit Carlo has put together? Why did he do that?
He put together the Eucharistic Miracle exhibit. this was a project that put together all of the eucharistic miracles. he did this to help his classmates
what was jesus first words in john and why was this important
“what are you looking for”
this is important its a question a it relates back to genesis when god says “where are you” to adam.
jesus teaching on the law
jesus will not change any of the old law but put new laws because is a relationship with more love, demands intensify
jesus teaching on anger
“you have heard…but i say…”
this goes beyond the law
jesus teaching on lust
you shall not commit adultery, but in your heart if there is lust for another woman then you have committed adultery
the beatidues
- poor in spirit. theirs is the kingdom of heavens
understanding you need god to be happy - blessed be who mourn
comforted - blessed me the meek
inherir the land. healthy understanding of themselves - Hunger and thirst for righteousness
desire that God’s will be done in my life