test 7/ Job Flashcards
Where is Job from? Why is it important?
the land of uz it makes us realize we have innocent suffering
What is physical evil? What is moral evil?
moral = free choice and mental pain
physhical = physical bodily pain
What are the three parts of the book of Job?
prologe dialouge the friends narrative and the epilogue
What are the three trials of Job?
- he loses his external possessions, his house, animals, children
- he gets sick. he still hasn’t lost his faith yet though. he gets boils and his health is poor
- his wife says “curse god and die” and then she leaves him then he loses his faith
What is Satan’s accusation against Job?
he could make job turn against him bc satan said job is only faithful to god because he gave him so much
What is the council of the sons of God?
the sons of God (angels), God, and the Devil were there. God was bragging to the Devil about Job’s goodness.
Does eliminating God answer the problem of innocent suffering?
elimnating god is ignoring him
What is the friends’ argument vs Job?
They support him, let him have his sadness and be there with him in his time of trial. But finally, they speak. They say it is his fault he has lost so much, because he has sinned.
What is Job’s argument with his friends?
if they should still support him even tho he sinned
What is the first trial of Job?
Job loses material things, animals, crops, property, and children
What is the second trial of Job?
Satan says “Skin for Skin” and makes Job physically ill.
Does eliminating God answer the problem of innocent suffering?
you are just ignoring him not eliminating him
Job says: “Oh, if my words were____” Finish the sentence and explain it.
written in a book it’s irony bc they actually were inscribed in a record. but it means he wants people to understand him
What is the prophecy contained in the book of Job?
that job is jesus?
“Ignoring the question is ______” Finish the sentence and explain.
ignoring god
What is Zophar’s argument against Job?
job stole all the money
What are the two mythological creatures mentioned by God in his reply?
Leviathan and Behemoth
What is the first initial answer that God gives to Job?
we are not wrong to complain. God’s purposes are marvelous beyond our understanding.
What does Job tell God after the cosmic tour? What is the meaning of that statement?
by hearsay i heard of you but now I see your face
relates to jobs suffering
How does God judge the argument between Job and his friends?
he says that jobs friend suck and jiob is a real one
Who is the real Job? Explain.
no time evidence
moses was real job was not
no man is as innocent as job
what are the two parts of God’s reply?
1st part shows positive side of creation
2nd part shows not everything has light and wisdom; shows 2 beats, Levintan and Beechmoth.
what is the third trial of job
This trial of Job was triggered by his wife. His wife asks why Job still believes and prays to God after everything that’s happened and says “curse God and die.” Job loses his faith and his vision of God darkens. His mental health suffers because of this and he gets depression.
the hearsay quote
it’s like job only knew god through hersey meaning he knew god from a distance but he finally got to see god through his own eyes
how does God reply to Job?
he takes him on a cosmic tour of the world to see his suffering from another point of view.
a young man who interrupts the conversation of Job and his three friends to add his own commentary on Job’s situation as well as on the failure of the three friends to provide an adequate explanation. Says to the friends “you might think you’re innocent but you aren’t you could have sinned and not known it and you’re being punished right now.”