test 6/ Exoudus Flashcards
How did Moses grow up?
He felt put of place like an outcast
What are the marks of a totalitarian regime?
- eugenics
- object fixation
- denying god
What is eugenics? How does Pharaoh try to apply the teachings of eugenics at the beginning of Exodus?
filtering out race sex and or religion he beli eves that all the sons are out for him
How does God reveal himself to Moses?
burning bush
What is the name God revealed to Moses?
What are the three meanings of God’s name?
- metaphysical/ I am
- apophatic/transcends our understanding
- the promise of eternal relationship/ I am the one that will be with you at all times
What is the deeper meaning of the ten plagues?
each god was deeply lined and connected with an Egyptian god
What is God’s name as it was revealed to Moses?
What is the original Passover?
the Jewish festival celebrating the exodus of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery in 1200s BC. they would cut up the lamb and put the blood on door frames
Why is the bread we use at mass unleavened? What does the bread become after consecration?
because it is the body of christ and therefore Is scared
What are the ways in which the Passover lamb foreshadows the true Lamb, Jesus?
it foreshadows jesu’s sacrifice by the lamb being
- unblemished
- slaughtered
- public death
- unleavened bond
What is the original Passover?
the celebration of the isrealies being free from slavery
What does the first part of Exodus accomplish, what is missing to achieve true freedom?
In the first part of exodus, God achieves freedom from slavery, and escape from the pharoeh.
freedom for freedom from
How do the Israelites feel when they are camping close to the Red Sea?
When the Israelites reached the Red Sea Moses stretched out his hand and the waters divided, allowing his followers safe passage.
they said they would rather stay slaved then seek forgiveness of god
What do we learn from Pharaoh’s stubbornness?
that we have the power to turn down god
How do the Israelites feel just before crossing the Red Sea?
When the Israelites reached the Red Sea Moses stretched out his hand and the waters divided, allowing his followers safe passage. But they said they would rather be slaved then seek god or Moses
What do the ten plagues represent?
moral law
What is acedia?
lack of care
Why didn’t God allow the Israelites to get on top of Mt Sinai?
They were not ready to see him yet
How is Mt Sinai different from all the other visions of God in previous stories
Mt. Sinai is different from other visions because here god revealed himself to all people rather than just one.
What is the meaning of the third commandment?
honor your mother and father
What are the first three commandments?
i am your god put me first
don’t worship false gods
don’t take the lords name in vain
What is the reason for the ten commandments? What is the parallelism between the “boyfriend commandments” and the ten commandments?
They prepare to have a deeper relationship with God.
What is the sixth commandment? What are some of the Modern issues that have to do with the V commandment?
You shoukd not kill human life
What is the purity of the heart?
when you submit all your desires towards god, and choose God over all material objects. this relates to this 9th and 10th commandment.
What is the VIII commandments about? How does it apply to our Modern life
rules to apply to have a stronger and more personal relationship with god
What is the seventh commandment about? What is the value of private property?
You should not steal
property is a reflection of self and have a social taak
What is the ark of the covenant? What does it contain?
a gold-plated wooden chest that, in Jewish and Christian tradition, houses the two tablets bearing the Ten Commandments that were given to Moses by God
What is a covenant? How do the Israelites enter the covenant?
A covenant is where you swear yourself to another person. They Israelites enter the covenant when Moses takes the blood of the lamb and sprinkles it on them. In the covenant, God dosen’t eat with us but becomes the body and blood.
What is the ultimate goal of the ten commandments?
to have a stronger relationship with god
How does Passover compare with the last supper?
What is the ark of the covenant?
How does God react to the building fo the golden calf?
Why do the Israelites build a golden calf