Test 7: Min. PHI Flashcards
If someone asked you about a teenage suicide that has already occurred, how would you respond using SoM Principles?
We believe in the eternality, the immortality and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.
Immortality is a Universal Principle, not a belief or a bargain made with the Universe for good behavior. God knows only life, its eternal continuity, evolution and expansion (Core Principle: We don’t have to earn immortality)
We believe that the Kingdom of heaven is within us and that we experience this Kingdom to the degree that we become conscious of it. (No hell)
There is no place for Divine anger, unforgiveness or punishment. (Core Principle: No punishment.)
If someone asked you about teenage suicide that has not happened yet in the context of someone they love or themselves personally, how would you respond using SoM Principles?
We believe the ultimate goal of life to be a complete freedom from all discord of every nature, and that this goal is sure to be attained by all. (It gets better)
We believe in the healing of the sick through the power of this Mind. We believe in the control of conditions through the power of this Mind. (We can get better. There is hope.)
This is a Universe of Infinite Abundance, spiritual, mental & physical. This Bounty of Spirit, the Allness of Good, is limitless and can never be depleted. (Core Principle: There is so much good. It’s the nature of the Universe and it’s here for you.
Provide an everyday language explanation of core concept 2, the Threefold.
2 – Triune Nature - God expresses Itself in three aspects – Spirit, Soul, and Body. Each human being also has these same three aspects. Thus, there is God as macrocosm, human beings as microcosm.
Provide an everyday language explanation of core concept 3, the Creative.
3 - Creative Nature - God thinks, and the world comes into being. Likewise, all human accomplishments originate in thought. Our human thinking process is a reflection of the Divine Creative Process in microcosm.
Provide an everyday language explanation of core concept 4, Prayer.
4 - Prayer - All Good is eternally available and ready to flow into human experience. We activate this flow by means of prayer. Through affirmative prayer, or spiritual mind treatment, we increase our consciousness of Good eternally flowing to us.
Provide an everyday language explanation of core concept 5, Wholeness.
5 – Wholeness - Spirit is a transcendent, perfect Whole that contains and embraces all seeming opposites. As human beings, we have free will and can choose what we experience, whether it be positive or negative. The same Principle that brings us freedom, prosperity, and joy also allows us to experience bondage, lack, or misery, according to our consciousness.
Provide an everyday language explanation of core concept 6, Abundance.
6 - Abundance - All that anyone will ever need or desire is already provided by Universal Abundance. This applies to everybody, not just some people. Every person is heir to the riches of Creation, without regard to merit.
Provide an everyday language explanation of core concept 7, Forgiveness.
8 - Forgiveness - In the Eternal Now, there can be no place for Divine anger, unforgiveness, or punishment. If we perceive a need for forgiveness, this is a human condition. Human forgiveness is the process that frees us to live in the Eternal Now. It is the essential step before real spiritual growth can flourish. Science of Mind teaches that the ultimate goal of life is complete emancipation from all discord of every nature, and that this goal is sure to be attained by all.
Provide an everyday language explanation of core concept 8, the Reciprocal.
7 - The Reciprocal Universe - For every visible form there is an invisible counterpart. This means that what we receive corresponds to what we imagine and believe we can receive, the Law of Mental Equivalents. This also is the Golden Rule: that what we do to others will be done also to us, the Law of Cause and Effect.
Provide an everyday language explanation of the core concept 9,
9 - Immortality - The Universal Truth about life is that life never ends. What we call death is simply the changing of one form of life for another. Death, the belief and perception that life must come to an end, is a human concept. As in birth the invisible becomes visible, so in dying the visible again becomes invisible. Life continues on another plane when the body has outlived its usefulness.
Provide an everyday language explanation of core concept 10, Christ Consciousness.
10 - The Christ - Christ is not a person, but a Principle, a Universal Presence, the Universal Image of God that is present in all Creation. This is the concept of the Cosmic Christ, which is present within every person. Each human individual partakes of the Christ nature to the degree that he or she recognizes the Cosmic Christ within and lives out of that revelation. Jesus of Nazareth was a human individual who revealed the Christ Nature to the highest degree ever known.
Provide an everyday language explanation of What We Believe concept 1, Oneness.
- We believe in God, the Living Spirit Almighty; one, indestructible, absolute and self-existent Cause. This ONE manifests Itself in and through all creation, but is not absorbed by Its creation. The manifest universe is the body of God; it is the logical and necessary outcome of the infinite self-knowingness of God.
Provide an everyday language explanation of What We Believe concept 2, Individuation.
- We believe in the INDIVIDUALIZATION of the Spirit in us, and that all people are individualizations of the one Spirit.
Provide an everyday language explanation of What We Believe concept 3, the Eternal.
- We believe in the eternality, the immortality and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever expanding.
Provide an everyday language explanation of What We Believe concept 4, Heaven.
- WE BELIEVE that heaven is within us, and that we experience it to the degree that we become conscious of it.
Provide an everyday language explanation of What We Believe concept 5, Freedom
- WE BELIEVE the ultimate goal of life to be a complete freedom from all discord of every nature, and that this goal is sure to be attained by all.
Provide an everyday language explanation of What We Believe concept 6, Unity.
- WE BELIEVE in the unity of all life, and that the highest God and the innermost God is one God. We believe that God is personal to all who feel this indwelling presence.
Provide an everyday language explanation of What We Believe concept 7, Truth
- WE BELIEVE in the direct revelation of truth through our intuitive and spiritual nature, and that anyone may become a revealer of truth who lives in close contact with the indwelling God.
Provide an everyday language explanation of What We Believe concept 8, the Creative.
- WE BELIEVE that the Universal Spirit, which is God, operates through a Universal Mind, which is the Law of God; and that we are surrounded by this Creative Mind which receives the direct impress of our thought and acts upon it.
Provide an everyday language explanation of What We Believe concept 9, Healing.
- WE BELIEVE in the healing of the sick and control of conditions through the power of this Mind.
Provide an everyday language explanation of What We Believe concept 10, Goodness.
- WE BELIEVE in the eternal Goodness, the eternal Loving-kindness and the eternal Givingness of Life to All.
Provide an everyday language explanation of What We Believe concept 11, Destiny.
- WE BELIEVE in our own soul, our own spirit and our own destiny; for we understand that the life of all is God.
List three ways you would use the concepts in this course in your life.
Clarify and deepen in my own personal philosophy.
Clarify my own personal definitions of good, beauty, truth, god.
Explore various wisdom teachings to deepen my personal practice
List three ways you would use the concepts in this course in your ministry.
Teach the origin of ideas that show up in SoM
Compare wisdom teachings for talks, classes, workshops (relate to non-religious thinkers)
Site the ancient part of New Thought/Ancient Wisdom
What are some basic points about the life of EH?
Leland Powers School of Expression, Boston
Omnivorous student
Synthesized eclectic sources of truths
1912 California w/Fenwick
Purchasing agent city of venice
Asked to talk in homes
1925 Ambassador hotel, then Ebell theatre, Wiltern
No desire to start a movement
Institute of Religious Science and School of Philosophy
“God is all here is.”
What’s is a layman’s introduction to SoM?
The thing itself: the consciousness in us is the consciousness that is in all
The way it works: consciousness supports our success through us, as us
What it does: our reality is defined by our thinking.
How to use it: we are complete and perfect to the extent that we know we are already complete and perfect consciousness.
What’s a basic explanation of the split?
International Association of Religious Science Churches (IARSC) formed as church organization
Institute (Institute of Religious Science and School of Philosophy) kept teaching scope
ESH’s permanent trusteeship and board member revocation authority peak of many conflicts
Institute became United Church of Religious Science then United CSL
IARSC became RSI then International CSL
2011 rejoin
Give a summary description of ESH as a person.
Holmes was passionate in his pursuit of truth.
Passionate in his love for people.
Passionate in his desire to know God within.
He was a self taught man
He learned everything in his own way… by reading and thinking
He did not find his best learning in schools
He wasn’t really interested in much of what his teachers taught.
Summarize Emerson’s influence on Holmes’
When Ernest Holmes discovered Ralph Waldo Emerson and more to the point, Emerson’s Essays, life really began to open up for him.
Not only read them but talked with anyone who would listen to these amazing “new” ideas. This amazing “New Thought”
Nothing is more important in understanding Ernest Holmes and the growth of an idea that blossomed into Science of Mind after many years than to look at Emerson’s “Self-Reliance” as Ernest saw it then.
“Be yourself”, Emerson said, “it is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowds keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude” (EHHLAT page 74-75)
How can ESH be said to be a practical person?
TRUTH Holmes believed that we should only believe in something as Truth if it makes a real difference in our lives.
APPLY TRUTH Ernest understood that we should be able to apply the Truth and use it in our daily lives.
LOVED He was a friend and teacher – loved watching his students make their own connections
YOURSELF He was not interested in whether you believed what he believed, but wanted you to find out for yourself what makes sense to you, (what actually makes a difference in your life)
ACCESSIBLE Ernest is inspiring because he is within reach, someone like you or me, not a saint.
Provide an everyday language explanation of the What We Believe concept 1, Oneness.
- We believe in God, the Living Spirit Almighty; one, indestructible, absolute and self-existent Cause. This ONE manifests Itself in and through all creation, but is not absorbed by Its creation. The manifest universe is the body of God; it is the logical and necessary outcome of the infinite self-knowingness of God.
Provide an everyday language explanation of core concept 1, Oneness.
1 - Oneness - God is the Source of all that is, and God is all that is. Everything in the Universe is made of the God-substance and is a unique, individualized expression of God.
What 4 quotes provide a concise statement of what SoM is?
THING This is the Thing Itself. Briefly, let us recapitulate. There is that within every individual which partakes of the nature of the Universal Wholeness and—in so far as it operates—is God.
The Science of Mind, 33.4
WORKS How it works. The Thing, then, works for us by working through us and is us, always. It cannot work for us in any other way. It spreads Itself over the whole universe and shouts at us from every angle, but It can become power to us ONLY WHEN WE RECOGNIZE IT AS POWER. The Science of Mind, 37.2
DOES What it does. Life always becomes to us the particular thing we need when we believe that It becomes to us that particular thing. The Science of Mind, 45.2
USE How to use it. We should learn to control our thought processes and bring them into line with Reality. Thought should tend more and more toward an affirmative attitude of mind that is positive, stable, and –above all else—toward a real unity with Spirit that is already complete and perfect.
The Science of Mind, 53.4
What’s your personal statement of SoM?
Life is a spiritual experience supported by an intentional universe.
We represent consciousness.
We have a personal relationship with consciousness.
Consciousness supports our success.
- Life is a spiritual experience supported by a loving, intelligent spiritual universe.
- Belief that an intelligent loving god is living your life as a spiritual being.
- Belief that your life is a spiritual experience supported by a loving, intelligent universe.
What’s your personal statement of SoM?
Life is a spiritual experience supported by an intentional universe.
We represent consciousness.
We have a personal relationship with consciousness.
Consciousness supports our success.
- Life is a spiritual experience supported by a loving, intelligent spiritual universe.
- Belief that an intelligent loving god is living your life as a spiritual being.
- Belief that your life is a spiritual experience supported by a loving, intelligent universe.